
A cold front hit my small town, the temperature was below freezing and my power went out. That was one day ago, now I am being frozen to death on the cold snowy road.

When my power went out I went to my friend's house to stay the night but he quickly lost power too. Fortunately for him, he could go to his parent's place. He offered to let me stay with them but I refused and decided to go to my mom's place.

Halfway through the drive, my tires got caught on the smooth ice, my car went out of control, and I veered off the road and into a tree. That was the start of the most painful hours of my life.

My whole body felt numb, I couldn't move my body. I felt tired but I knew if I went to sleep I might never wake up.

So numb, I felt so so numb, I couldn't even tell where I was anymore my body didn't want to think. My brain was shutting off, my body was failing.

I was dying.

Slowly I drifted into sleep knowing I will never wake again.


I felt warm? It was nice I felt at peace in harmony with the world. Being dead isn't too bad.


Oh wow, the afterlife even had a nice storm as background noise.

"Wake up Lucas!" A loud voice reached my ears

Wait ears? I shot up now fully alert and awake. I noticed a man that looked exactly like the guy who played Oliver Queen's dad in the show Arrow, has seemed to be the origin of the shout.

Where am I?

I looked around and noticed I was on a boat no it was too big to be a boat more like a Yacht, it was stormy outside, lightning was striking down mercilessly and loud thunderclaps riveted throughout the sky.

"Come on Lucas! We need to get to a safe point!" The man yelled again bringing me out of my trance

I didn't reply I just followed after him, we were close so close to a safe area, but everything turned to shit. The yacht collapsed.


Before I knew it my head was plunged underwater, I couldn't breathe I couldn't scream I was helpless. As I sunk to the depths of the ocean I saw visions no more like memories of 'Lucas's' life.

He is the twin of Oliver Queen, Not as much as much of a playboy as him though. I saw Lucas grow up, he was smart and an athletic guy but he had no ambition, no drive to do anything.

Before I knew it my body was moving on its own, I was pushing myself to make it to the surface, to live to survive that is my ambition! No one can stop me, I won't let them.

My legs were moving rapidly, I could feel the muscle strain, the pain, and the feeling of slowly losing Oxygon.

I could see how close I was to breaching the surface, I could see how close I was to surviving I need to push.

So close!

So close!

*pushh* my head breached the surface of the water

"AHhhh haaaa ahhh haaa I made it!" I croaked out gasping for air

"Dad! Ollie!" I screamed desperately hoping they could hear my cries for help

"Help!" I screamed again

"Lucas!" I heard Dad's voice over the defining noise of the thunderstorm

Calling him dad seemed so natural, but at the same time so weird. It was a reflex from Lucas I'm sure.

"LUCAS!" I heard him scream again

"DAD!" I screamed back I couldn't swim I was too tired

Seeing a floating piece of the now-destroyed yacht I quickly latched onto holding on as hard I could.

""Lucas!"" This time it was three voices screaming my name

"I'M OVER HERE!" I yelled back my voice becoming hoarse

"LUCAS WE ARE ON OUR WAY!" I heard dad yell over the ongoing storm, this time the yell was closer

I gazed off into the distance and saw them! I actually saw them!

"I'M RIGHT HERE!" I yelled again my voice slightly breaking

"Cuhcuhcuh!" I was wheezing and coughing like a maniac I don't think I can yell again

By the time my family got to me I was a mess, we all were.

"Grab my hand son!" Dad asserted

I clasped his hand and shuffled my way onto the raft.

"I'm so glad your safe son." dad told me with as good of a smile as he could muster

[ day's later]

Hank was the first one to go, dad shot him right through the skull, I have never seen someone die before it was unnerving.

It was just Oliver, Dad, and I left. I could tell the food supply is dwindling faster than expected.

Dad looked crestfallen, but I could see the determination burning in his eyes.

"You both can make it, you both can survive right the wrongs I have committed on our city. Look after each other." dad said pulling out a gun he looked so tired but so determined

"Dad?" Ollie said in confusion

"What are you doing!" I yelled, I lunged forward to stop him we can do this together

It was too late dad was too fast putting the gun to his temple, he uttered his last words "survive"


I watched as my new father dropped dead on the raft, I saw the proverbial spark leave his pupils.

"NOO!" I yelled out my eyes red with tears

"DAD!" Ollie cried out next to me we hurried over to his body

it had now been hours since dad left us, Ollie and I both gazed back at each other determination in our eyes in our souls.

We will survive.


A/N: He got all memories of his predecessor so mc felt attached to 'his' father. Mc will be doing different stuff than Oliver, it's hard to stick together on the island. I will be doing it in flashback style like in the arrow. And my update schedule will not be once a day like my hp one.