
A/N: memories will always be in the narrator's pov unless I say otherwise


-narrator pov -

Lucas and Oliver Queen are the twin siblings of the Queen family, thought to be dead five years ago.

{Breaking News! Oliver Queen and Lucas Queen have been found! Both brothers were thought to have died when the Queen's Gambit crashed now it has been revealed that both brothers have survived but unfortunately, Robert Queen has been confirmed dead.}

The news played throughout Starling city attracting the attention of everyone who even turned on their TVs or opened their phones. The news of both Lucas and Oliver's survival brought joy to some and bitter feelings to others.

Moira Queen, the mother of Oliver and Lucas, hastily made her way to the hospital.

In the hospital room, Oliver and Lucas were left alone for a while as the doctor had to go check on some things.

"Lucas where did you go after we left the island?" Oliver asked bluntly his expression calm

Lucas looked back at Oliver his deep black eyes seemed to bore into Oliver's soul, he replied equally as blunt, "none of your business."

"How is it none of my business I am your brother," Oliver stated his eyebrows creased in irritation

"A brother that left me, a brother that said you would come back," Lucas said with a scowl

"I tried to! It's more complicated than that!" Oliver replied harshly his tone rising in anger

Lucas didn't respond memories assaulted his mind.

'A group of people surrounded Oliver and Lucas they were massively outnumbered. The fight started Oliver rushed three men while Lucas rushed the others, they were quick and concise every time they fought an enemy one would fall into eternal rest. Alas, there were too many and soon Lucas got shot in the leg, "ahh!" Oliver seeing this tried to help but he couldn't. "I will come back for you Lucas!" Oliver shouted running into the woods.'

"You. Made. Me. A. Monster." Lucas replied his voice became heavier and his eyes glowed red with fury, small fangs protruded out of his mouth luckily Oliver didn't see them as Lucas's head was down with his hair covering most of his face

Before Oliver could respond they both heard their doctor make his way back another set of footprints following him.

Outside the door, Moira Queen was talking with the doctor,

"Twenty percent of Oliver's body is covered in scar tissue. Second-degree burns on his back and arms. X-rays show at least 12 fractures that never properly healed." The doctor said solemnly pity shone in his eyes

Moria's breath hitched and she asked anxiously, "and Lucas?"

"Lucas is an odd case, thirty percent of his body is covered in scar tissue a good percent of that was caused by severe burns. He has no fractures that haven't healed properly, he is a healthy young man Moira." the doctor replied while looking at the two brothers

"Have they said what happened to them?" she asked carefully, her eyes already were building up a flood gate of tears

"No, they have barely said anything. Moira, I'd like you to prepare yourself The Oliver and Lucas you lost might not be the one they found." The doctor replied solemnly

Moira took a deep breath to steady herself, her body shook with guilt and grief, she prepared to meet her sons who will never be the same again.

She pushed open the door and stepped inside cautiously, Lucas looked up from the Hospital bed he was sitting on and Oliver turned around from where he was standing.

Oliver stepped forward and met Moira with a hug, and Lucas got up from his seated position to join them. All three of the Queens present joined together for a family hug.

"my beautiful boys, I missed you so much!" Moira sobbed her eyes glistened from the tears cascading down her eyes

Both brothers stayed silent and just hugged her back.

--Lucas pov --

I looked out of the car window, the sun illuminated the path we were on.

Memories of this city reminded me of Lucas's past, he was said to be the quiet brother, he was smart and fit but had no drive to accomplish anything.

I believe the Chinese idiom for someone like him would be a salted fish.

The island wasn't forgiving, I went through hell and back, I have slaughtered many humans.

The island took everything from me even my humanity.

Pulling me out of my thoughts was the halting of the car, it seems we have pulled into the driveway.

Getting out of the car with Oliver and Moira we walked inside, standing there waiting for us was a tall man of African American descent, I think his name is Walter.

"Oliver, Lucas do you remember Walter? He used to work for your dad he has been helping out recently." Moira said nervously

I didn't respond and just stepped past her, small footsteps could be heard upstairs, glancing to the top of the stairs I saw my sister.

"Lucas!" she cried running down the steps and bringing me into a hug

"I missed you, Thea," I said softly my hand patting her back

Thea let go of me and looked at Oliver he was brought into a hug as well.

I looked at Moira and said softly, "I will be in my room until dinner. I trust it is still my room?"

She looked surprised for a second then said, "yes it is honey I haven't changed a thing,"

I nodded and walked upstairs into my room. I took off my shirt, scars riddled my body along with some tattoos.

When I turned into a vampire the scars never left, I don't know why. They should have left but they didn't.

My mind began to wander off into my memories,

'Lucas was stuck in a cage trapped, Oliver left him and now he was captured. He knew he won't survive, he knew he was fucked. But still a smile, a crazy wide smile graced his lips. Soon a man came and opened his cage,

"You're wanted," the man said pointing his rifle at Lucas's head

Lucas shuffled outside of the cage, his hands, and feet bound by chains. His head hung low in mock defeat making the guard unable to see his smile. The guard moved to push him forward Lucas twisted his body then lunged forward and bit onto the guard's throat, jerking his head to the side the guard's throat tore from his body.

*shiink* "guglglge," The guard tried to talk but he couldn't blood continued to pour endlessly from his neck

Lucas quickly took the rifle and shot at the chains binding his feet,

*bang* *chink* the chains fell apart and Lucas took off running

The chase was on.

He ran and ran until his legs felt like they were about to collapse, he saw a cave and with the last of his energy, he ran toward it, right before he got to the entrance the ground beneath him collapsed.

Lucas awoke to darkness, the hole he fell in was crawling with bugs, out of the corner of his eye he saw a red gem, knowing the universe he was in Lucas didn't dare to go towards it.

But reality was cruel the gem started to shine a bright crimson red, it melted into what looked like blood, and the now liquid form turned into a spike and launched at Lucas's heart.

He couldn't move, Lucas tried and tried to will his body to just move but he couldn't. The spike pierced his heart killing him. As Lucas's eyes turned dull the spike turned back into a liquid and slowly seeped into Lucas's body.

Lucas awoke with the sun beating down on him, but instead of wark comfort he felt the worst pain he has ever been assaulted with,

"Arghhh!" he screamed rolling to the side just outside the sun. Once in the shadows, the pain stopped'

I was pulled from my memories by Thea calling Me for dinner. As I walked down the stairs I thought about how awkward this dinner is going to be. If I remember correctly Oliver brings up the faster Walter is sleeping with Moira then leaves.

Sitting at the long table, large amounts of amazing-looking food was presented to us, Tommy Merlin was also present at the dinner. He was always a friend of Oliver's and mine. I hope I can save him he was a cool character and so was his dad.

We sat in silence until Tommy started talking, "you two missed a lot so let me catch you up, we have a black president that's new for sure, the Super Bowl winners were the Giants, Steelers, Saints, Packers, and Giants again."

Before he could continue Thea cut him off, "what was it like there?" she asked curiosity shining brightly in her blue eyes

Her question brought silence Into the room, all eyes were on me and Oliver.

"Cold," Oliver said calmly

I looked up from my food and said, "the cold was bad but, the hunger was the worst,"

Tommy noticing the awkward situation quickly intervened and said, "Tomorrow I'm taking you guys out on the town."

"Good I was also planning to swing by the company," Oliver said with a small smile

"I'm good, I think I'll stay inside," I said calmly

"Why Lucas? You need to get out there!" Tommy said bewildered at the very thought that I wouldn't want to hang around town

Before I could answer the maid bumped into Oliver.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Oliver," she apologized

"It's no worry," Oliver said in Russian stunning everyone but me

"Dude, you speak Russian?" Tommy said in amazement

"I didn't realize you took Russian at college, Oliver," Walter said trying to start a conversation

"I didn't realize you wanted to sleep with my mother, Walter," Oliver said stunning the room

Everyone was silent.

"Hahaha, Oliver you got them all stunned silent," I chirped in from the side

Moira looks at me then Thea. Thea looks almost insulted and said, "I didn't say anything,"

"She didn't have to, you two are acting like a married couple," I added before Oliver could speak

"Oliver, Lucas...Walter and I are married, and I don't want you to think that either one of us did anything to disrespect your father." Moira said assertively

Walter chimed in saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, "We both believed that Robert, like you two, was, uh, well, gone."

"It's fine, may I be excused," Oliver said lightly I could see the pain in his eyes as he turned and walked away

"Don't forget about tomorrow!" Tommy yelled after him

Looking at the remaining members of the table I said, "I will be leaving as well," I got up and left my silent family members plus Tommy

--End --

I know it looks like Oliver is mainly focused right now it's because I liked this dialogue, Mc will be much more prevalent going forward. Also, note I did say he is an anti-hero but he won't be good, he is opportunistic, ruthless, and selfish, the island changed him mentally. He might help the heroes defeat some bad guy and in the next second stab them in the back.