Package acquired

The auction continued for some time, and whilst they continued I turned to Dembe, "what books do we have in the car?" I asked

Dembe thought for a moment, "only the one you came with," he eventually replied an uneasy expression crossing his face

I frowned behind my mask, I forgot to put some books into the car we brought today, unfortunately, I didn't plan to need any. Especially the one I really wanted to have right now.

A mistake I will rectify in the future.

As the auction continued I kept my senses locked on Lex, I didn't want to lose sight of him for even a moment.

"That will conclude our auction, thank you for attending ladies and gentlemen," the man said before stepping off the podium

I stood up calmly, Dembe was next to me we both headed to the private rooms on the right, that was where we would gather our spoils.

It didn't take long for someone to enter the room, "sir, here are the items you won,"

I nodded and gestured to Dembe, he stepped forward and opened a briefcase containing the funds we brought today.

Dembe counted the money as I collected the two items I bought, both I will have a need for in the near future.

Putting them away I gestured to Dembe, "let us depart," I said as I walked out of the room

We left the building, once outside I focused my senses on trying to smell the vehicle Lex rode here.

It took me a matter of seconds to sift through the different scents, finally, I found the vehicle Lex drove, it was a black car surrounded by identical black cars.

I could see guards around the armada of cars, I smiled lightly under my mask.

I got into my car and then cracked open the window, I turned into a bat and flew into the sky, right above Lex's car.

I saw as Lex walked out from the building, an army of guards were around him. Like he was some type of king or member of a royal family.

He got into a car that wasn't the one where his smell was heaviest.




All of the cars began to drive away, I flew dutifully above the car Lex was in, Dembe was already a ways ahead of them.

I dived down speedily, transforming into smoke mid-drop in entered the car through the gaps, "what the-"

One guard tried to speak but I was too fast, quickly I extended my claws and slashed his throat, planting my hand on a seat of the car I side-kicked Mercy his personal bodyguard.

Lex sat still as ever, his composure was calm and the car kept driving, "can't say I didn't expect this," he said in a cold tone

I didn't say anything, I just stared into his eyes reading his more than feeble mind, "you won't be able to escape," Lex said lightly as he tapped his watch

Instantly the whole car stopped along with every other car, men raced out surrounding us with futuristic guns.

"I got what I came for," I replied my voice altered from my mask

Lex raised an eyebrow at that, *BOOOOM!* one of the cars accompanying Lex exploded throwing some of his men to the ground, I launched forward and pinned Lex to his seat, my hand slipped into his breast pocket and found the book.

I then turned into mist, I was like a wraith drifting across the battlefield, gunshots riveted throughout the air. Dembe contributed heavily to this.

Not wanting to stay any longer I slashed the tires of every vehicle in sight, then I sped over to Dembe who was now speeding away, I opened the door and hopped in.

"That was fun," I remarked dryly

"Only you would find this fun," Dembe replied with a sigh, not bothering to hide his smile

-Lex Pov-

I stared blankly at the wreckage in front of me, I almost couldn't believe what just happened, what just went wrong.

I just got robbed like I was a child.

Have I gotten too confident?

No, how was I to know someone with density-shifting abilities would appear, that stuff just didn't happen often.

It was annoying beyond anything else, I was planning to use the book as I test, I wanted to see if Mercy could read it, that is if the rumors were true.

Now here I am sitting in my car having to appear like this was all according to my calculations lest I lose some of my reputation.

It is ironic, that the one time I don't bring my suit I get robbed, the way the man who stole from me looked into my eyes unnerved me, it was like he was looking at trash.

I am Lex Luthor, the farthest thing from trash.

"Sir, I'm sorry for my incompetence," Mercy said with an ashamed look on her face

Despite my attempts to stay calm in front of my employees, I ground my teeth, " I want you to find out who that was, what he was, and how to kill him. I will not tolerate failure twice Mercy,"

"Yes sir," she replied firmly

I nodded and said, "someone get me a ride,"

-Lucas pov-

I was laughed to myself when I got home, that was way easier than expected.

I placed the two books from the auction on my desk and then took out the vial of blood, before opening it I went over to my bookshelf and looked for a specific piece of literature.

Finally, I found it, a folk tale called, 'why the cat and dog are enemies' the story is rather straightforward, it is about a cat and dog fighting over a jug of wine. They dropped it into the river, they fought some more but then learned the box they got the wine from was a duplication charm.

I opened to the page and began to read the words, I visualized in my head of what the box looked like, smelled like, and felt like.

Opening my palm I then felt something in my palm, opening my eyes I saw a box, taking the vial of blood I put it inside the box.

Then I opened the lid, inside instead of one vial there were two.

I did it!

Taking both vials I opened one, smelling it I smiled in anticipation, and I dropped one drop into my mouth, the blood tasted good, like seafood almost. But at the same time chicken, it was weird.

Opening the next vial, the copied one I did the same thing, the taste was exactly the same.

This is the most useful thing I have ever gotten, the possibilities are endless.

Before I could explore more my phone rang, it was one of my lead coders for the social media app, of which is going along nicely a lot nicer than expected. Faster too, I'm not sure when but the app is almost done, I think he is contacting me to let me know we are ready for some beta testers.

I'm not going to lie in pretty excited, I have never released something like this, and the chaos that social media will bring to the Dc universe is also what makes me so giddy in excitement.

I wonder for a brief moment what would it would be like for supervillains, civilians, heroes, and more, had the same space to post.

I can already imagine it now, the joker himself messing with Batman online, unable to ban him because that decision is all up to me.




Pulling me from my thoughts was the phone still ringing, I just wanted to read but I understand this is about business.

"Tim what can I do for you," I asked lightly

"Sir, I have something to tell you," Tim replied

"Well..?" I prompted

"DCO is now online,"


A/N: Lex, is too used to superman, he went down easy but will he let that slide? Meta humans aren't common yet so he hasn't prepared for any weird abilities.