When it rains it pours

-Narrator pov -

When it rains it truly pours, the invasion happened just weeks ago, and now a big storm was hitting starling city as well as some other cities nearby. But, by far the worst affected was starling city.

*fwoosh* the speedy winds picked up chilling the air, the people in the streets, the shelters, and just out and about tried their best to cover themselves.

Alas, it was for naught you see the wind was truly unforgiving and paired with the heavy rain starling city turned into a place of suffering.

In the glades, people could be seen helping each other stay warm, others were providing raincoats, windbreakers, and food.

Say what you want about the glades but the people really did help each other.

If one had good eyesight, superhuman eyesight they could see a red streak running toward an old warehouse.

*swoosh* a homeless man gripped himself tighter as suddenly the wind picked up around him

He never saw the yellow man.

"Slade," the modulated voice of the yellow-dressed speedster riveted throughout the warehouse

"Reverse flash," Slade's voice came from behind

The reverse flash turned around to see Slade Wilson looking at him indifferently.

"Why did you call our objectives might be similar but I thought we had a deal," the reverse flash asked lightly but his aura was menacing

"Ah yes, our deal. I help you with some flash-related problems and you with mine," Slade replied blandly

You see once Harrison wells aka the reverse flash realized the timeline he once knew was destroyed he decided to collect an ally and who better than Slade Wilson aka death stroke a feared assassin and combat master?

Barry because he constantly was fighting and pushing himself during the invasion had progressed far beyond what he should have in this amount of time.

It was a good and bad thing for the infamous reverse flash to realize. Good because he wants Barry to get stronger and bad because Barry is a lot more guarded.

Wells felt like kicking himself for watching Barry's progress throughout the invasion if barry had stayed closer then Wells could have been the one to progress barry, he could have been the one to guide him.

Then there was this weird disconnect, no matter how supportive and kind Wells was Barry for some reason seemed distant.

It angered him to no end.

"Yes, that agreement. Why have you called me unless you want to act now? It is unreasonable to strike at this moment seeing as no one knows where 'he' is," Wells said with a slight smirk

Slade just laughed, the 'he' wells was talking about was in fact Lucas but, he wouldn't reveal that to Wells. No matter what happens between Slade and Lucas they will not betray the trust of each other.

Even if they fought.

"He's in the city which is why I need you to fight him while I deal with the Arrow," Slade replied

"How do you know he will show up?" wells asked

"He will," Slade replied confidently

Wells stayed silent, the rain continued to assault the building they were in. He looked down at his hands and clenched his fist.

Wells looked up and said, "I will help, but I need you to take care of someone for me afterward,"

Slade smiled, "of course partner,"

-oliver Pov -

A weird couple of weeks have passed and I couldn't believe what was happening right now, arrows flew fluidly from my quiver bending through the air in a beautiful graceful arc.

The arrow bent in the air perfectly hitting the target that would usually be impossible to hit. I smiled softly at the scene.

Ever since I picked up the skill of the bow and arrow I have never felt better, the stress relief and the pure feelings of accomplishment I get once I hit my target will always secretly warm my heart.

But, this was different I could now somehow control the arrows with my mind. Not only that my physical and mental state of mind has never been better. I feel as if I have hit a new peak.

I could easily pinpoint the reason somehow when I ingested the blood of that alien and when Lucas healed me I changed.

Evolved in a way.

As I left to do some light patrols I stopped on top one of the rooftops. I could feel someone watching me.

My eyes scanned the nearby buildings waiting for someone to show themselves. I was ready to fire an arrow at any moment.

Suddenly I felt like a dangerous object was approaching my right shoulder, and quickly I rolled out of the way.

*fuaw!* a bullet embedded itself into the rooftop floor, I quickly knocked an arrow and let it fly *fwoosh!* the arrow flew from my bow toward the area I judged the bullet to be fired from.

A figure jumped from the building I fired out and then launched a grappling hook at the building above me. The first figure soared through the air.

I quickly fired another arrow, *fwiipp* the wire broke and the figure fell down landing on top of the rooftop I was on.

He performed a perfect roll and I fired another, *shiinng!* he drew a sword and deflected it. Instantly I could tell who it was.


-Lucas pov -

It was a rainy night so I decided to suit up and hang around the rooftops of the city. Something only my brother knows about me is simply the fact that I love the rain.

It calms me.

I was relaxing on top of one of the rooftops when I started to use my powers to see what was happening in the city.

I saw the homeless helping each other stay dry and warm, I saw people preparing for bed. Families eating, people laughing, and the night began to die down.

Suddenly I saw my brother engage in combat with the one and only Slade Wilson. I got up to get closer to the fight and watch when a red blur rushed toward me.

*swiishhh* I dodged the speedster's punch and grabbed his arm, quickly I followed up with a knee.

He blocked it and counter-attacked even faster, I blocked it and released some ice. *sizzz* the fizzling of rapidly thawed ice emitted through the air.

I turned into mist and went behind him, turning back into my solid state I went to pierce his back.

*swissh* he dodged and backed off

His yellow suit was practically glowing in the night sky, I chuckled.

"You're not the flash,"


Okay, late as hell chapter but I got it done today lol.