The reverse flash

-Lucas pov -

I stared at who only could be Harrison wells or better known as the reverse flash. He vibrated his face so I shouldn't be able to tell who he was but, with my eyesight and speed it's less blurry.

"The flash? Hardly, I'm the reverse flash," he said in a low vibrating voice sounding less human and more demonic in a way

"The reverse flash? It's weird you named yourself after someone," I chuckled and stepped to my left as he did to his left

We were circling each other, both of us waiting for the other to mess up. To make the simplest mistake.

*drip* the rain continued to fall

*drip* the winds began to pick up

*drip* wells shifted slightly to the left and then to the right as if he was swaying his body

*drip* *swoosh!* we both ran at each other

Prepared to fight till one of us stood victorious.

-narrator pov -

*swoosh!* Lucas and wells ran at each other. Wells was faster but Lucas was no slouch in his agility.

*bang!* Lucas caught Wells's fist the pure speed and force made the rain blowback around them it was like a dome of perfect serenity was around the two rapidly moving beings.

Lucas attempted a throw but Wells attacked his lower body, they separated, and Wells's right hand vibrated at unprecedented speeds arcs of red lightning gathered around his arm as his threw his right arm forward.

*szzzzzapp* an arc of lighting launched at Lucas and he simply dodged out of the way. The heat from the lightning licked Lucas's suit.

"You are fast," Wells said starring at Lucas intently

After all, Wells was only a distraction he couldn't be bothered to go all out and bring in time clones.

Lucas laughed slightly, "you are the fastest person I have fought,"

Wells didn't show it but he was pleased with that answer, his ego was big but, compliments during battle were always a good extra boost.

Wells prepared to start the battle again when Lucas laughed loudly, to Wells it seemed as if he has gone mad as nothing should be funny.

Lucas thought the whole situation was funny, Slade really thought he could distract Lucas?

Lucas only originally planned to interfere between Oliver and Slade when one of their lives were in danger but, using his echolocation ability he saw the fight was almost over.

Lucas flourished his hand and two glasses appeared, doing the same with his other a bottle of wine appeared.

He then took a seat on the ledge of the roof and said, "sit let's enjoy the rain,"

Wells a genius in his own right, the reverse flash, a speedster that can process thoughts faster than anyone but Barry Allen was truly and utterly stumped.

Azreal, the man he was supposed to hold off. The man he is supposed to stop from attacking death stroke was just calmly sitting down with his back facing Wells.

It was something Wells couldn't understand. The confidence and power that was radiating from such an indifferent state that Lucas oozed was something he couldn't understand.

Weren't they just fighting? Did his enemy take him for a fool?

Wells stepped forward to begin his attack.

His body froze.

His limbs wouldn't move.

A chill ran up his spine.

A hand petted him on the head as his legs crumbled to the floor.

His mind halted.

The lone indifferent figure sitting on the edge was gone.

And a demon now took his place, its cold hands gripped Wells's own, prying his fingers open and setting a glass in his grip.

Lucas controlled the reverse flashed hand that now held a glass, moving it to Wells's lips Lucas said in a calm, cold and truly frightening tone.

"Drink up Dr. Wells,"

-Oliver pov -




Slade and I traded blow after blow. His attacks were as brutal as I remembered but, I wasn't any kinder.

"You've gotten stronger," he said while I dodged one of his sword strikes

"Of course, it's been a while since we last saw each other," I replied while trying to sweep his legs

He jumped and pulled out a gun, *bang!*

*bang!* I leaped to the side dodging the bullets, knocking an arrow I launched it at him.

It flew perfectly straight, Slade easily dodged it and replied, "you're inhumanly strong now,"

I smirked, "something like that,"

*shickkk* the arrow he dodged was now protruding from stomach

"Argh! How?" he yelled breaking it off and falling back

He doesn't know I can control my arrows now, that's good.

As we stood apart from each other I couldn't help but let out a small sigh, this man was once a great friend.

A mentor even.

And now we are enemies.

"Slade stop this," I said hoping he would listen

Or even talk.

"Stop? I will never stop Oliver for as long as I breathe. You have taken everything from me and I will you," he said before crushing a smoke bomb on the ground

*shhhwooo* the smoke filled the roof and I couldn't see

*swishh* I heard something glide through the smoke my body moved to dodge, and I jumped away from pure instinct but, my trajectory was right in the path of a throwing knife.

*shickk* the blade plunged into my skin, "grah," I ground as I pulled out the barbed blade

Slade was as crafty and deadly as ever.

-end -

I know another short chapter 😭 sorry I'm just so busy.

So what do you think Lucas did to win? And It wasn't just for a show of strength I wanted him to win in that way for a reason! Oliver and Slade will still be enemies, and Oliver is getting the hang of his new abilities.