Marvel's Spiderman, A new Beautiful Male Tenant?! Part 1

(Author's Note: I don't get why you guys are getting over enthuastic? Didn't I said Marvel's Universe comes first before any other universe? Also this is Au of the show so expect a lot changes)


Peter Parker Pov

Hello I am Peter Parker, and I am Spiderman, you know I can do everything a spider can do maybe except webs which I had to make myself.

Anyway that's not the point, the main thing is I am fighting a weird guy in green suit who calls himself Scorpion, well he was stealing and as any good hero do, I tried stopping him but well please focus on the word 'trying', cause right now he is swinging me like ragdoll.

*Swish* *Swish*

Going round and round like a merigo round made my head started spinning," Is this a tail or a bouldozer?".

Scorpion laughed and said," Haha, Obviously for a insect like you it's a bouldozer!".

I quickly re-collected myself, webbed him and jumped away from him," Isn't it like third time I am saying that spiders are not insects but Archanids".

I stole*Ahem* took the piece of ruby or whatever it is from him and said," You know, small scorpions are more dangerous than the bigger ones, prove me If I am wrong".

He glared and ran after me, I quickly jumped in subway entrance, jumping from wall to wall, I came to the platform while Scorpion ran after me like a bulldozer.

I quickly came to the card reader and siped my card, but like luck has abadoned me, the machine didn't worked.

I siped a few times more before it worked," Finally!, uh..!".

Scorpion threw me on the metro rail tracks, my webshooters became faulty and one of my shooters bursted with all the web binding me to the powergrid, the jewel or whatever it is fell on the tracks and scorpion stopped near it.

Scorpion laughed and said," Muhaha; It seems your own equipment has abandoned you".

I heard the noise of the metro train coming and said," It seems, my cartridge becmae faulty, thankfully I have two web shooters".

I quickly shot web at the Metro Railroad switch, and avoided from being squashed like a insect*ahem* archanid.

I broked through the web, once the train had passed and heard scorpion's echo like voice," Goodbye Spider Hhaha".

Hearing his villain like laugh and seeing him getting away while sitting on top of metro train I shouted," In this city no one is allowed to travel without a ticket!".

Saying that I quickly ran out after him, I used my webs and used it like a bow string to throw myself at the train. I broke the window and saw scorpion laughing and I quickly punched him, and the moment he fell on the floor of the train, I webbed him.

I jumped near a old lady and to assure their safety I said," Do not worry Guys, Spiderman is here to make sure you all are safe!".

Unfortanutely for me, like good luck has abandoned and bad luck has became my girlfirend the orl lady used her purse to beat me.

She shouted," Get away from me! You weird man!".

I quickly opened the door letting them go next apartment while the old lady said how weird I am.

Scorpion came near me and smelled something," Ughh, What is this bad smell?"

I replied jokingly," I could have said it subway's fault but we all know that it is necessary to regularly wash my costume which I am unable to do due to villains like you!".

He swinged his tail on me and I dodged and we repeated our dance like this for a few seconds before I shoot my webs on emergeny breaks.

Scorpion laughed and said," Haha, there are insect heroes like you who cannot even aim properly".

I raised my brow not that he can see and said," You know I was aiming the emergency breaks".

I pulled the emergency brakes and the whole metro train stopped sharply causing scorpion's focus to shift, using the advantage of the situation I punched his face and quickly webbed him.

After a few seconds

Train returned back to platform and as the door opened I said," Hello NewYork".

Everyone started coughing and put hand on their nose, knowing the cause of the phenomenon I said," I know this guys hasn't took a bath today, and this guys is for you and this gem for you".

Saying that I handed the gem over to the female police officer as a gentleman and shifted the blame for bad smell to Scorpion. I wlaked out of the door when I heard the poilceman saying," Hey! It's our duty to arrest the criminals!".

I joked and said," For that I salute you", after that I quickly ran away and used my webs to come out of the subways quickly.

I need to go to school fast!


Running inside the horizon high, I saw a fat guy and said," Hey Buddy, can you tell me where Doctor Otto Ocatvious is?".

He looked at me and said," Follow me".

I followed him and said," Thank you so much, I just hope he doesn't know I am late, Ughh I don't what he will do if he know that I am late that I heard from several students that he is an agressive person, but don't get me wrong I admire him, I know he won the City Science award last year ".

I stopped near a Image ," See here it is, wait a minute why Mayor is giving the prize to you?".

I let my mind process the image and said meekly," You are Doctor Otto Ocatavius?".

He looked at me with a angry face and said," You are late mister Parker, not only that it seems you don't even know me properly".

I knew that it this moment I fucked up, I quickly apologised him and heard his grunt." Whatever, I am letting this slide for once, now come in the classroom, we have something important work".

I breathed in relief and followed after him, entered the class and sat at an emty chair near Miles who said," Late on the first day Pete?".

I laughed akwardly and replied," I forgot something at home". Miles just sighed and said," No need to tell those lies, also give more believable lies next time". I nodded at him and then shifted my focus to Doctor Otto Octavius.

He quickly shouted," Silence! Also If you are curious about what Important work we have".

He looked at Door and said," You may enter".

Then a person with Long Blue Hair and Black Eyes entered the classroom and seeing her*ahem* him I felt deja vu.

He is wearing a Black Jersey and Blue jeans, her*ahem* his face is extremely beautiful, he stood in front of us and said," Nice to meet you, I am Raphael Mazda and I will be learning with you all".

Everyone as his or her mouth opened on seeing his beautful face. Miles who is sitting beside me muttered," Is she is an Angel?".

Doctor Otto Octavius grinned and I knew why he grinned, he said," Well meet your new classmate and also do remember he is a boy".

Hearing that everyone had a face of shock expressing their disbelief. Anya stood up and said," Professor you are joking right? I mean she is even more beautiful than Gwen!".

Doctor Otto Octavius smirked and replied," Haha, I find it quite funny to see all your looks, anyway, Raphael is indeed a male, and I don't think all of your biology is that weak to not know it is just a genetic occurence.

Someone shouted," Wait a minute?! Does that mean he is a real life femboy?!".

Raphael who was silent till now said," I request you all to shutup your mouths and sit down on yur chair like good children before I do something that might cause you to scream".

Hearing his cold Andrygnyous voice the whole class quietly sat on their chairs while DOctor otto Octavius started laughing his ass off," This! This is hilarious! Hahhahah,".

Raphael glanced at him which made him shut up, he coughed in order to hide his embarrasment and said," Ahem, anyway, Raphael will be your new Classmate, I hope you all get along with him".

Due to my keen senses I heard Gwen mutterning," How Doctor Otto Octavius changed so much in a day?".

Well, I guess seeing the most aggressive teached laughing his ass off like he saw the best comedy of his life is indeed surprising.

Gwen raised her hand, and after taking permission from Doctor Otto Octavius she asked," Um, Doctor can I ask why we all are gathered here just because of a single student, If I believe then nothing this sort is done when a new student joins".

He smiled and said," Indeed, that is the case for average students but he is a genius, I mean he is a genius among genius, also take note that by the term genius I mean someone like Harry".

After hearing everyone's questioning look he continued," Do not compare yourself to him, not only he got full marks in all the subjects but also he answered all my questions correctly, if I have to say he is someone at Tony Stark's level or even better than him!".

Seeing Doctor otto Octavius praising someone like he is bootlicking many students got a look of disbelief again.

*Cliff-Kun strikes*( Muhaha feel despair!)

To be continued...