Harry getting a lesson

(Author: Guys I have no idea for the chapter title, please give suggestions)


3rd Pov

Peter looked at the Microbots shocked and asked," Raphael what is that?".

Raphael instructed the microbots to take the shape of a human, after that he said," They are microbots, the project I am working on, if it suceeds then you will see a new human revolution".

Peter's eyes sparkled seeing the Microbots and hearing his words, he quickly went in his scientitst mode and started asking," Woah, how are you controlling these things?".

Raphael answered," By Neurotransmitter Band, another invention of mine, it can change brain waves into a special frequency that only this microbots can understand, it acts as the sole controller for them".

Peter was surprised hearing that, since even Neurotransmitter Band is already a technology that surpasses current time! There are almost infinite uses of Neurotransmitter Band! So he was curious what Microbots can do and asked," So what these mircobots can do?".

Raphael didn't replied and simply demonstarted it, he used microbots to take some metal scarp and used it to build a miniature building within a few seconds! Seeing that Peter was more shocked and Raphael said," Their main purpose is to build, using them one can build anything if he have the sufficient materials for it, so tell me are you intrested in this project?".

Peter nodded and said," Haha! I will be a fool if I leave my chance of being part in this? And it is not like I have any other choice", he said the last words akwardly.

Raphael nodded and took the Neurotransmitter Band from his head and then putted it into a metal box, which automatically got closed once he kept it inside it.

Peter looked at this with a confused face, and Raphael commented," I will be a fool to let the controller of my project in open". Hearing that Peter akwardly nodded.

Raphael sighed seeing his stupidity and thought,' I get it now why there are so many supervillains with high-tech running rampant in this city, bruh the superheroes of are too stupid '.

He then said," Peter it's your first day in the Horizon High right?". Peter said," Ya, it's my first day".

Raphael said," Normally, you will be given a private lab of your own, but since you are my assistant, the things are a bit complicated, my lab is several times bigger than what is provided to students so it has no problem accomadating both of us and I doubt you will have time to work on your own ideas".

Peter thought about it for a bit and said," Um, I will still like to have a bit privacy", obviously he wanted a private lab so he can make tech related to his spiderman identity without anyone knowing it.

Raphael nodded and said," I understand, so follow me".

Peter followed after him, and four minutes later they reached in front of a lab, at the side of the door there is a nameplate with the words Harry Osborn written on it.

Raphael took out the Nameplate, took out a marker and wrote Peter Parker on the Backside of the of the Nameplate and put it back.

Peter looked at this speechlessly, he was speechless not because the fact that he will be using Harry's lab, but because Raphael instead of putting a new nameplate, reused the Harry's one,

Raphael looked at his expression and said," I am too lazy to get a new nameplate, so this should do the job".

Peter became more speechless hearing that, he recollected himself and asked," Raphael why I am getting Harry's lab as mine?".

Raphael replied," Harry doesn't studies in Horizon High any more, so this vacant lab is from now yours onwards.".

Peter hearing that said," But why? Harry is gone only temporarily".

Raphael looked at him annoyed and said," Then this lab is yours albeit temporarily, and permanent if Harry doesn't returns, no more questions also you have to clean the lab yourself".

He clicked on the touchscreen near the door, and it opened, Peter saw lot of things lying in the room. Seeing that he grunted in displeasure and Raphael hearing that said," Anyway follow me now, I will give you a short tour of the Horizon High and then help you with this stuff".

Peter's eyes brightened hearing that and he asked," Really?*ahem* I mean thankyou".

Raphael said," Mention not, you are my assistant this is atleast I can do for you".

Raphael then gave him a short tour of Horizon High, and later on helped him transfer all the Harry's objects to an another room.

Peter rubbed off sweat from his head and thanked Raphael, Raphael told him that he will meet him the next day and left.

Peter tired sat on the chair and sighed," Ah, It's been a hectic day, from beating Scorpion, to getting late for school and then becoming Raphael's assistant, now what should I do?".

Thinking that he took out his Spiderman suit out of the bag and seeing a big hole in he sighed" I guess I should make a new suit and with the new lab and all equipments I will be able to make a good one".

Like that he started making his classic Spiderman Suit, then the event played out like the show and Spiderslayer attacked the Horizon High and after fighting with Peter it escaped.


Next Day

Peter said," Harry I don't know if what I am doing is right, taking your lab and that, it's like I am taking your things".

Harry hearing his words said," Pete, don't worry about it, as I said I am happy that you are the one who took my lab, also did you get what I asked for?".

Peter nodded and took out the Pumpkin Bomb and asked," Harry what is this thing, the robot that invaded last night was after this".

Harry took it and said," Thankyou Pete, also this is an invention I am working on it".

Peter said," You see spiderman was there last night and also he said this thing was working like a bomb".

Harry retorted," Peter it isn't a bomb, also don't believe in the spiderman, that guy seems very suspicious".

Hearing that Peter sighed, suddenly both of them heard a voice.

"So this is what you are doing Peter Parker?".

Both of them became surprised and turning back they saw Raphael who is looking at them. Peter panicked seeing him while Harry Osborn's heart started beating faster.

Harry looked at the beauty in front of him in daze, while Peter stood up and panickedly said," This isn't what it looks like".

Harry ignored Peter and stood up, his face is red by now and he said," He..Hello I am Harxy, I mean Harry! Harry Hasbo... Harry Osborn, nice to meet you".

Peter hearing Harry stuttering looked and his face which is covered in blush and frowned, knowing what is happening he quickly said," Harry, he is Raphael my senior I was talking about".

Harry hearing that said," Raphael, such a beautiful name, wait a minute", stopping his sentences he looked at Raphael carefully and then his face turned pale," You are the femboy?!".

Raphael said," I will let it slide it once and ignore the fact you called me a femboy".

Harry's face became paler hearing that and he became unconscious.

"Harry!", peter shouted and quickly grabbed his falling body.

Poor Harry, his first love is a Femboy!

Raphael quickly came beside him and said Peter assuringly," Do not worry, people tend to become unconscious once they know I am a male, it is normal experience for me".

Peter became speechless hearing that, he quickly checked Harry and once making sure that he is just unconscious he relaxed in relief and meekly said," Um Raphael about the thing I gave Harry".

"I will ignore it, I guess Harry was worried about his inventions and it is normal for him to ask you for your help",said Raphael.

Peter felt relieved, stood up from the chair and said," I need water to wake him up".

"Not needed", Raphael said and Peter hearing that became confused he looked at Raphael.

*Slap* *Slap* *Slap*

Raphael slapped Harry thrice, making Peter bewildered, Harry woke up due to pain and shouted,"NOOO!!!".

Harry stood up and looked around, seeing Peter who came by his side and asked," Harry are you feeling fine?".

Harry took a deep breathe and replied," Yes I am fine", saying that he looked at Raphael and his face became pale again.

Peter quickly said," Do not worry Harry, he won't tell anything to Max".

Harry felt relieved on hearing that but still said akwardly," Thankyou Mister Raphael, also it is time I should be going now".

He quickly said peter Bye and left the Cafe. Peter saw this speechlessly, Raphael came his side and said," Anyway Peter we should leave for Horizon High now".

Peter nodded and after Raphael paid the bill, they left the cafe.


Horizon High,

Peter was working on his computer when Max came inside his lab.

Peter noticed this and said," Hello Max".

Max nodded and said," Hello Peter".

Peter then asked," So Max anything you want from me?". Max replied," Peter, we will be going to Midtown high to investigate Harry's case, I thought it is good idea to bring you since you are Harry's bestfriend".

Peter gave him a understanding look and said," Okay, I will tag on"

50 minutes later...

Harry and Alistair were fighting when Max stopped their fight.

Harry seeing Max became surprised and said," Max, what you guys are doing here?". He saw Anya, Peter and Raphael with him. Seeing Raphael unkowingly to him his face became pale.

Max frowned seeing that and said," We are here investagating about you".

Harry said," Pete you too?".

Before peter can retort they felt a earthquake and the next moment the Spider slayer broke through the wall causing everyone to fell on the floor.

Harry quickly ran away from it, while the Spider Slayer chased after him, seeing that the machine is chasing Harry, peter and Anya and Raphael made run after it.

Peter running towards the girl's bathroom repeatedly chanted in his heart,' Please be empty!','Please be empty!'.

Unfortanuately for him it wasn't empty, but thankfully Raphael knew that and created a illusion for both Peter and the girls, saving Peter's dignity and preventing him from being labelled as Pervert.

The SpiderSlayer came on the road breaking through the walls, with Harry, It stopped and then sensing something it looked upward.

Spiderman joked," Tin box!, first it was Horizon High and then Midtown tell me do you want to want take admission in a school?". He shot his web at the hand of the Machine and jumped.

Like that he fought with with the machine freeing Harry but in the process he himself got captured.

" Are you angry because I said you a Tin box?", Spiderman said and tried to break out from the robot's grasp but failed to do so. Just as the robot was to shoot at him it switched off.

"Huh?", consfused, Spiderman broke from the Robot's grasp which fell on the floor.

"What did just happened?", Peter said confused when he heard a voice.

"Thankyou Spiderman for keeping the Robot busy, thankfully due to that I was able to find the Culprit".

He turned back and saw Raphael holding a bruised Spencer Smythe.

He became more confused and then shocked," Wait a minute?!".

"Spiderman!", shouted Anya and ran there with a sonic gun equipped at her hand," It got over so soon? I wanted to atleast try this thing".

Harry quickly ran there and seeing Spencer beating up frowned, the scene was surprising for him.

Anya also saw that and asked," Raphael why are you holding him like that and why is he beaten up?".

"Let Max come then I will explain", answered Raphael.

Soon Max came and seeing beaten up Spencer he asked," Raphael, why is he like that".

Raphael replied," Max, he is the one who was controlling that Robot".

"Wait what?!", shouted everyone.

Raphael took a Remote and clicked a button, the Spider Slayer became atcive again and after deomstarting it, he switched off.

Seeing Everyone's shock he continued," If I have to guess he wanted Harry's invention also he is the one who framed Harry".

Harry became surpised hearing that," So he is the one who framed me", he came near him.

Anya stopped him and said," Harry calm down".

Harry didn't listened to her and shouted," No! Spiderman is too a culprit, both of them must be working together! The fact both of them appeared at the same time can't be a co-incidence".

Spiderman panicked hearing that and said," No Harry, I just wanted to save you".

Harry shouted again," You are lying Spiderman, from the moment you came in my life, you ruined it!".

"Harry!", Max shouted stopping Harry and said," Let Spencher wake up, we will investigate him and ask the reason for framing you".

Harry became silent but didn't stopped glaring Spiderman.

Max sighed seeing this, but remained silent and then said," Wake him up".

Raphael nodding slapped Spencher. Seeing that everyone became speechless.

Spencher woke up and shouted," You Bastard!", he tried to break up from raphael's grip but failed to do and got kicked by Raphael on the leg and cried.

Seeing the bruatilty everyone else started feeling uncomfortable, Raphael ignored it and asked," Spencher spill the truth unless you want to experience what your son did".

Hearing that he felt a chill on his back and trembled in fear, he looked at Raphael like a Demon and said," It's me! I am the one who framed Harry and attacked him!".

Max gave him a look of dissapointment and asked," Spencher why did you did that?".

Spencher didn't answered that,' If I tell the truth, then the Norman will definetly kill me', thinking that he came up with a lie," I wanted to prove my son is better than Harry!, also I wanted Harry's inventions for my purposes".

Hearing that Max became more disappointed with him while Harry asked," Is spiderman with you?!". Spencher shook his head and said," That insect isn't with me, I should say because of him my plan spoiled!". Obviously he didn't wanted to spit out Raphael's name and get kicked in the crotch like his son, so he blamed Spiderman for his defeat.

Hearing that Max and Anya relaxed knowing Spiderman isn't Culprit, Harry couldn't accept that and said," You are lying! Spiderman somehow is involved in all of this! He is hiding something".

Hearing that Max and Anya frowned, Peter became more panicked, Harry wanted to continue before they heard someone else's shout.

"Can you shut up brat?!", shouted Raphael.

Harry became quiet hearing that, and everyone became surprised, they saw Raphael glaring at Harry.

"Spiderman did this, spiderman did that, you have the balls to insult the person who saved your life?!".

Harry wanted to retort but shut up seeing Rapahel's cold face and felt fear, spiderman seeing Harry trembling said," No Raphael, he has just misunderstood me".

Raphael didn't stopped said," See? He is stopping me despite the fact you insulted and blamed him?! You ungrateful bastard! If he haven't stopped your life then who know what would have happened to you!".

His words stinged Harry's heart, even Anya and Max knew that what Raphael is saying is right. While they wanted to stop him, Raphael released a bit of killing intent scaring everyone.

Raphael left Spencher who quietly stood at his place, not daring to run away. Raphael came near scared Harry and said," To be ungrateful who saved you life, you are a disgusting piece of shit, I get it what kind of person you are, a delusional brat who always blames someone else for his misery, and mistakes, hurting someone else just to satisfy your ego, and to do that to your saviour makes you an utter garbage".

Spiderman wanted to stop Raphael, but right now his senses were going haywire, his SpiderSense is ringing the loudest it ever have been, his body is paralyzed unable to move and his spidersense are literally screaming,' Don't go against him ', 'Run away'.

Harry trembled and tried to retort but seeing his scary face, he gulped his words and fell on the road tremblingly.

Raphael grabbed Harry's hair, moved his face towards him and said," Let me say you piece of shit, if you ever do that again in front of me, I won't care that you are son of Norman Osborn and throw you in the pile of shit where you belong".

Harry was too scared by now, thankfully he didn't peed since he didn't drank anything during last few hours, otherwise his reputation would have hit rock bottom.

Raphael left Harry and said,"Spiderman?", hearing that Spiderman trembled and scaredly said,"Yes?". Raphael stopped releasing his killing intent and said," Spiderman you better leave now, it must be painful to help and save someone only to be balmed and insulted in the end".

Spiderman nodded and quickly left, he then went back of the building to take off his costume. After taking off he returned and saw the scene, and acted like he didn't knew.

Soon police came to arrest Spencher, and also arrested his son, who while wasn't completely guilty but was still under susupicion.

After that it came time for them to leave, Harry was silent all the time and Peter seeing that said," Harry, cheer up, forget about what Raphael said, I think he was too harsh on you".

Max nodded and said," Yes Harry, now all suspicions from you are cleared so you can attend Horizon High again, also about Raphael's behaviour I will talk about it with him and ask him to give you a apology".

Harry said," It's not needed", making everyone surprised, and Harry continued," What Raphael said is indeed Right, I insulted and blamed Spiderman repeatedly despite the fact he saved my life and I acted like a brat".

Hearing that everyone became surprised, Harry walked near Raphael who was investigaed by Policeman, bowed and said," Mister Raphael! I am sorry, I know it was dissapointing for me to blame spiderman, I hope you forgive me!".

Raphael looked him without an expression and said," If you want someone's forgiveness then don't ask mine, you should apologize to Spiderman instead".

Harry said," I understand", he remained in bowing posistion and only when Raphael left did he moved.

Peter moved near him and asked,"Harry?", Harry turned to him and said," Pete, it was indeed pathetic of me to blame spiderman, and if not for Raphael I would have remained an ungrateful bastard".

Peter sighed, while Max said," So i guess an apology will be unrequired, anyway Harry will you rejoin Horizon High?".

Harry nodded and said," Yes Max, I will be rejoining Horizon High", Max smiled hearing that and just like that the day ended.


Parker's House

Peter walked the stairs and was about to enter his room when Raphael said,"Peter", causing his foots to stop, he turned to him and asked," Yes?".

Raphael said," Peter next time use a voice changer while wearing suit otherwise it will be easy to know your identity".

Peter replied,"Um, Okay", nodding Raphael closed the door of his room. Peter a bit confused, suddenly became pale as he realized the meaning of his words and shouted,"Wait what?!".

To be continued...