Wrath of Hela Part 1

(Author's Note: Guys the action comes!)


3rd Pov

The Whole world is haywire, Raphael's technology can literary be said as Game-changing or world-changing, USA, Russia, China, Britain, and other world powers are trying to pre-order it, and the news and scientists are continuously talking about it and its world-changing Uses.

Raphael has become a celebrity, and when people saw his looks they became dumb, finding out it someone like his face is a Boy! Males started questioning their sexuality and Lesbians were wondering if they even are Lesbians.

Overall, the world has a cheerful aura, with the darker part of the society hidden, majority of people lived a good life and despite Super Villains doing their evil things which by Raphael's standards are not even evil, they seem to him as Jokes.

What the world didn't know was a Real Super Villain was going to show Earth where it stands and give them a reality check, as they have gone quite proudful with Avengers and other Superheroes running around, they even take superheroes for granted by now, and criticize them saying how should they do better.

But it's all going to change, with Hela's interference.


In a Dark World, Hel,

Hela smiled as she broke off the barrier, and feeling the freedom she smiled and looked above," Hahaha! Just wait for me Odin! I will show you despair and death!", a creepy smile came on her face, but then with a frown, she thought,' I am free, but right now I have no means to travel, hmm, I can use my Death Energy for that, but teleporting to Argard with its barriers will be difficult '.

Pondering for a bit, a smile came on her face,' I will go to one of the other Nine Realms and then kill all the people there, it will give me enough death energy to go to Asgard, and once I am there my whole Power will return making me unstoppable, I have to do it quickly as I still have to Kill Trillions to win the competition, I should choose a weaker world to get it done quickly ', she thought and then remembering about Midgard, she quickly used her Death Energy to teleport there.

Thus traveling through the World Tree, she arrived at Migard's one of the largest cities, which is none than other Tokyo. She came out of a Dark Portal in the middle of the Road, and stunning people, many seeing her beauty and style, took out their smartphones to take her photos. She looked at them and then surroundings," It seems they have developed a bit from the last time I saw them", she said.

Then seeing a car that was coming near her, none other than Police, they stopped and coming out they aimed their guns at her and one guy on the speaker said," Miss Please verify yourself! Please put your hands up and come with us otherwise we will be forced to shoot".

Due to Asgardian All-Speak she was able to understand them, she sneered and walked towards them slowly, they aimed at her and again warned which she turned deaf ears too, seeing she isn't stopping one of two policemen shot at her, which touched her skin, then fell off the ground not even leaving a single scratch.

Seeing this Hela smiled and said," It seems the apes that I saw a long time ago are still apes, just a bit more stylish now", she said and summoning her crown and sword she shot at them killing them, people screamed seeing that and while some started running, most of them continued taking her video.

Hela laughed at their stupidity,' Whatever it just makes my job much easier ', she started running and jumping a bit high which made the roads below her crack and produce a sonic boom of sound, she jumped between the stopped cars, and summoning hundreds of Death Swords she started killing them reaping their lives.

She looked at the scene with happiness, and then looking at a Dead body of a boy below her she stepped on his head, and smashed it making the brain matter spill all over and some came near her lips, she licked it as it was the most delicious thing and started laughing, "HA HAH HAH! How long it has been since I missed this feeling?! The feeling of killing innocent people, stepping over them! Seeing their misery! I love it! I want every piece of it!".

She released her Death energy, killing hundreds of people nearby in seconds, plantlife, animals, and insects nearby perished as well. Then with a creepy smile plastered on her face, she moved her hands a bit, making all the dead bodies rise," Although they are pitifully weak, they will make my job easier and faster, now go my slaves! Let there be Despair!"

While she was enjoying massacring people, Odin in Asgard was having a heart attack.


Odin Pov

I sat on my chair a bit weakly, I sighed reading the reports, and seeing my beaten up children Baldur and Angela came inside the room, as they kept their heads low in shame, there were warrior three as well, but I glanced at them for a bit and then shifted my focus to my Children.

My Wife, Frigga nervously stood beside me, looking at me for my next actions, I looked at Baldur and Angela with anger and said," Tell me Baldur and Angela, how does it feel to drain Asgard's name in mud after losing to Midgardians?", my sarcastic words made them clench their fists and then kneeling they looked at me and Baldur said," But father there was Thor with them!".

I lost my calm, I am done with their nonsense and Stupidity, what do they think life is? Back on My Prime, the world was so cruel that Parents ate their children due to a shortage of food, Children, Men, and women were sold as slaves, and during that time it was normal and Women and girls were r*pped every day! After getting the peace I wanted, after all those wars, after all those sacrifices I did making Nine Realms a better place. Is this what I get?!

"Shut up! Auck-", in the middle of my sentence, I puked a bit of blood, from my mouth, startling everyone present, blood started leaking out from my ears and nose as I lay weak on the Throne.

"Dear!", Frigga.

"Father", Angela and Baldur.

"All-Father!", others.

I tried to find out the cause and soon my eyes widened in shock, in the meantime others gathered near me and Frigga quickly used her healing spells on me, I gasped in horror as I saw Hela breaking my imprisonment and then teleporting to Midgard.

"No", I said weakly, confusing and making others more worried, Frigga shouted," Let's take him to Sleep Chamber!", Heimdall came forward to carry me, but I stopped him with my hand and stood weakly, others looked at me worried, I summoned Gungir and tapped on the floor.


A huge ray of energy stuck me, I regained my Vitality as the pieces of the strongest Destroyer Armor, which I haven't used for thousands of years, assembled at equipped themselves on me. Gungir started shining brightly, and I released my Divinity without any restraint.

Others looked at me shocked, especially my children as they never saw me in this Armor before, ignoring them, I released all the seals on my Divinity, and as soon as I did, my Divinity of Runes, War, and Stars came back to me, putting huge pressure on my body, I used Runes on myself lessening the burden and sharing it with my Armor.

I looked at Heimdall and ordered," Heimdall close the Bifrost! From now onwards as long as I say, even an ounce of energy shouldn't reach Bifrost!", he nodded and looking at the warrior three and my children I said," Go and prepare the Armies, Maximise the defense of Asgard and that's an order!".

While still stunned they nodded and obeyed me, my wife Frigga came beside me, and looking nervous she asked," Dear What happened".

Looking at her face I sighed, and said," Hela is free", her face became horrified and she shouted, "What?! How can that be possible?!". I understood her words, and due to my Divinity of Wisdom I already knew the answer, I replied," Death", a single word that came out of my mouth stunned her.

Her breath became faster, and looking at her I said," Don't lose your calm Frigga!", my words made her regain her calm, she looked at me and then worriedly asked," Where she is now?!", I replied," On Midgard". She gasped and said," Oh no! Thor is still on-!". I slapped her.

With anger, I said," Shut up!", she weakly held her cheek, seeing her expression I felt guilty, I lost my cool, holding her cheek I said," Forgive me for losing my calm", she shook her head and said," I don't mind it dear, I can understand what you are feeling".

Hearing her words I became emotional, I feel lucky to have her as my wife, I looked at Midgard seeing Hela's mad expression, and said," I will try to get Thor back, but if he doesn't then I can't help him". She nodded and said," No matter what decision you make I will support you".

Finally, after thousands of years, I shed a tear.


Raphael Pov

I sensed Hela teleporting on Midgard and tsked,' It seems no matter which universe, or even Multiverse, the Earth is always the center of all trouble the greatest trouble magnet in all of the Omniverse ', I thought and sighed.

I knew what to do, interfere when needed, I have refrained from killing even the copies of Death till now, but since that bitch wants that much, I will give her, I will show her who the real master of Death is-Wait!

I frowned and checked my mind, but found no one's influence and thought,' Was it father's doing or ', I closed my mind, then opened it seeing my soul, and looked at the area darker than even what darkness is supposed to be, the place where my Origin Skill Void God Azathoth is, I came near it and touched it feeling a powerful bond, but I noticed it was getting stronger for some reason.

Like it wasn't just a part of my soul but my whole existence,' I was right my father is hiding something from me, *Sigh* I will give him a talk when I meet him next time ', I thought and returned.


3rd Pov

In an extremely bright place where there was just a white Void, a being opened his, he was none other than Ahura Mazda, he smiled and muttered," He already found something was wrong with him, As I thought choosing him was the right decision", remembering how he had to act as he killed him by mistake, he blushed," F*ck couldn't I have thought of a better reason, now it feels embarrassing, I have decided that I will keep my Omniscience on when I am with him, at least I won't get embarrassed again", he said to himself.

He then looked at Raphael, through his Omnipresence, and said," I hope you will become the next %^& &* ()% @*#)!&$*#"

(Author's Note: If you can't read the name then it does mean you aren't qualified to know it😝😝😜)


In a room, an old man sweated seeing the video and said," Send all the troops or tank but stop her!", he was none other than the Japanese Prime Minister. The Minister of Defense stood up and said," Mr. Hiroshi, our weapons are useless, even our latest sonic cannons and artery shells can't make a scratch on her skin".

The Prime Minister shouted," Why are you not able to do anything?! What I have made you minister for then?! Useless!", the minister with dissatisfaction said," Mr. Hiroshi, we were unprepared for an attack from a Superpowered individual like her, after all, it's not like Japan has ever faced such thing, leave about Japan, even other countries don't face this type of situation ever, except for the mutants who are easy to capture, almost all Supervillains and disasters tend to happen in USA in New York!".

The Prime Minister gritted his teeth and asked," What about Emperor and his family that were in Japan for a reward ceremony?", another minister stood up and said," Although It's unfortunate, they are dead". The Prime Minister became silent, sighed, and said," Leave it, it's not like they hold any political power whatsoever, though it will damage the morale of the people, anyway contact with the USA more precisely with Avengers for help, they should be able to help us!".

The ministers nodded and quickly started trying to reach out to Avengers.


On a street colored in blood, a little girl cried, "Uwuuuu! Mama! Mama!", she kept crying until she saw a woman in a scary green suit covered with blood, she became frightened and quickly hid behind a car, Hela saw this smiled and said," Listen, little girl, I am here to help you, don't you want to go to your momma? I will help you", listening to her the little girl meekly came out and looked at her.

Then she asked," Really? You will take me to Mama?", Hela gave a not-so-creepy smile, and then with a bit of reluctance the little girl walked towards her, Hela was about to touch her when she heard a voice," Hands Up! Don't even try to hurt that Girl!", said a soldier.

Behind him there were many soldiers equipped with futuristic guns, the man came a bit forward despite his fear and said to the little girl," Don't go near her! She is a bad woman and is lying!", the little girl then looked at Hela and said while pouting," Are you lying to me?", Hela shook her head and then the next moment she took her by the neck.

" I am not a liar! I am just sending you to your mother! Where she is! That is to Death!", she said, the soldier shouted," No!", but she turned deaf ears towards him and snapped the neck of the girl, the soldier seeing this started shooting his gun and other soldiers followed his actions and started shooting at Hela too.

Hela put the girl's little body in front of her, and as the plasma beams from guns melted her body, the soldiers stopped seeing this, they felt chill seeing the scene, and then Hela said," Your toys are interesting, you all will make fine Undead", the soldiers again started shooting at her, she dodged them and then started killing them.

Raphael who was looking at the scene through his Universal Omni-sense sighed wondering if he should go now,' Leave it, it will act as a Reality Check for all the Heroes and all powerful forces, making them focus more on development rather than quarreling together ', he thought seeing the scenes of several people dying by hunger or thirst at the same time as he is looking at the Hela's massacre.

' People are still dying of Hunger and thirst, Pathetic ', he thought.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: Guys! Finally, this novel has crossed 100K words!)