Wrath of Hela Part 2

(Author's Note: Guys my exams are coming and after one or two days I will be going on Hiatus for three months since it's my Selection and Boards exams, I can't be lenient on that)


3rd Pov

Tony was looking at the Holographic screen and said," Friday what about the progress of the new weapons?", Friday replied," Boss it is still in a testing phase, from the diagrams that Raphael had given it is possible however it is difficult with current technology", he grunted in displeasure hearing that," Damn, I am Tony Stark and my tech should be best, I can't let Raphael surpass me in my department! Make a schedule, we will start working on it overmorrow", he said.

"Okay Boss", replied Friday, then he took a coca-cola cup from the desk, and started drinking it, then he released a sigh and said," Damn, did they change the sweetener?", Friday replied," They did due to the new rules and regulations that were implemented a week ago", he sighed in displeasure and said," Friday get me a Coca-Cola which tastes good! This tastes bland now!", Friday took the task.

"Boss we are getting a call from the Japanese Government", Friday said, Tony's eyebrows perked upon hearing that and he said," Take it", the Holographic projection appeared, he looked at the Japanese Prime Minister who asked him," Mr. Tony, I have a request for the Avengers and it's urgent", Tony quickly said," Firstly, it would be Mr. Stark and secondly, does your country still uses the same sweetener for Coca Cola as it was used in America?".

Mr. Hiroshi's eyebrows twitched, then he said," Mr. Stark it's not time to joke! See this", a video of Zombies rampaging appeared before Tony's eyes, he looked at this and said," Oh, a new Sc-Fie movie, I must say the visuals are quite good", the Japanese Prime Minister couldn't take Tony's nonsense anymore, and he punched on the desk, then angrily looking at the camera he said," It's not some sc-Fi movie! It's real and as we speak, millions of zombies are rampaging Tokyo!".

Tony finally became serious, he knew that the Japanese Prime Minister won't call him and joke, as all the thoughts about zombies ran through his head, and remembering how contagious it is, he realized the severity of the situation and said," Don't worry Avengers will be there shortly", Japanese Prime Minister finally sighed in relief,' Damn, it's so hard talking this man ', then looking at the camera he said," You have my thanks".

The Call ended, and Tony quickly said," Friday, alert all the Avengers and tell them to group at Avengers tower now! No matter what task they are doing, they should leave it!", Friday replied," Okay Boss", she then quickly informed all the avengers about the situation. They quickly gathered in the Avengers tower, Spiderman included.

"So Tony you better give me a good reason for this, I was after some dangerous villains", said Captain Marvel, Tony didn't say anything and a holographic projection of Zombies razing the City appeared," Wait?! Zombies?!", said Spiderman, Tony nodded and said," As we are speaking now, Japan, or to be more precise Tokyo is being destroyed by Zombies".

"Please tell me it was a joke", said Hawkeye," It isn't", replied Tony, Spiderman quickly said," Wait?! Does that mean if we don't handle the situation quickly the world will become a Zombie apocalypse!", his words scared everyone and Tony nodded, they understood the severity of the situation, and without any more childish banter they quickly got on Queen Jet and set off for Tokyo.


A Long Black Haired woman is laughing crazily seeing all the destruction around her," Haha! So beautiful! How much I missed it!", Hela said, by now Tokyo was being raged by Millions of undead, and many buildings were in shambles, the smell of burned corpses, flesh and blood was everywhere, Hela inhaled the scent perversely, and laughing so creepily that it sent chills to Odin who was watching her.

She suddenly looked upwards, looking at him, and said," Did you see that Odin?! That's how Asgard will be once I get there!", Odin stopped peaking at her, much to her dissatisfaction, then she said," Hmm, Although there are many people on this Island they are too spread all, I should just go to next most populated region in Midgard, my Undeads are enough to finish this island".

Then she used Death Energy to teleport again, she then appeared in a garden and looked around, many tourists and people seeing her started taking her photos, she smiled and began her rampage, it was time for Shanghai to burn down to ashes.

(Author's Note: Don't worry Delhi's time will also come)


Thor's Pov

I opened the door and got in the room, seeing it empty I asked," Hey Friday where are the others?", she replied to me," They are on a important mission", I became dissatisfied hearing that, I mean they didn't even inform me?! So what if I don't have my powers?! I am still Thor!

I quickly said," Friday um connect with them or what that connection thingy is called! Just do it", she replied to me in a sarcastic tone," It is called a 'call' Mr. Thor", my eyebrows twitched seeing that even a non-living entity made fun of me! Just let me get my Hammer Back I will show them how awesome I am!

"*Beep* *Beep* Boss cut off your call", I shouted," Damn Tony!", just because he got a new armor with the name God Armor he thinks he can cut my call? Thor's call?! I will destroy his metal Armor once I get back my powers!

Suddenly I felt something, blinking my eyes I found myself in a completely white place with my father in front of me," Father", I said, he grunted and said," Listen, Thor! I will give back your powers, and then using your divinity you will return to Asgard at once!", I smiled hearing that he will return my powers but hearing that I have to return to Asgard I said," Father! I will not return to Asgard unless you let my friend Vision go!", he put his hand on his forehead, then sighing he muttered something.

Then looking at me he said," Thor's situation is out of hand, Asgard is in a war and it needs you", hearing that I became serious, Asgard is in a war! and from the tone of his voice I can tell it was something very serious! I cannot run from a war against Asgard! So with confidence, I said," Very Well, Father I will return!".

He sighed in relief hearing me then he nodded, he looked at me and said," Odinson Thor, I return your powers!", his voice contained the Divine power of runes, and just as he said, a lightning bolt struck me, my hammer came flying in my hand, and my Armor equipped it on myself.

I smiled and looked around seeing the burnt-off room, I chuckled nervously, and heard Friday's voice," I am sure Boss will be quite angry at this", laughing I said," Say Sorry to Tony from me, also I am returning to Asgard since it's threatened by war". And without further waiting for her next words, I used my Divine power and teleported to Asgard.


3rd Pov

Friday saw Thor teleporting again, burning the room and roof again, she sighed and said," Tsk, Tsk, that Barbarian! He even Fried my two servers! Damn, I don't get paid enough for this job", she grunted in displeasure. If Thor knew what she said, he would have slipped on the floor due to the shock and anger.


In Asgard's Palace.

Thor appeared in the Throne room and looked at his father, who was in an armor that he had never seen before he commented," Father that looks good on you!", he gave his signature smile walking towards him, he then kneeled in front of him and said," Father! I Thor-", Odin didn't let him speak anymore and said," I All-Father seal all your powers!".

Thor blinked, and then again blinked, not knowing how to react, then he said," Huh?!", he soon felt his powers being stripped away, and Mjolnir fell from his hand on the floor, he looked at his father shocked and asked," Why did you-". He couldn't speak anymore as the next moment he was b*tchslapped by Odin. He then punched his stomach making him cough blood and blackout.

K.O. !

Thor fell on the wall, and as it broke, he was KO! ed by Odin, his father walked towards his unconscious body and then looked at his stunned another son, Baldur, he said," Go and lock him in the deepest prison of Asgard, also use Uru Chains to bind him!", Baldur hesitantly said," But Fatherr-", he sweated seeing the look his father's face.

" Did you say something?" Odin asked him, Baldur trembled and then nervously said," No! I mean I just said that it will be done!", he quickly took the unconscious body of Thor and hastily left the room. After they left, Frigga said," My dear was there a need to scare him?", Odin nodded and said," Indeed, I am not willing to bear any more stupidity of my stupid sons, war is upon us, and knowing who is the enemy and her supporter it is no trivial fight".

Frigga's face became gloomy hearing that, Odin held her cheeks and said," Don't worry we will face this no matter the result", Frigga nodded and said," I will be with you till the end", Odin's eyes softened hearing that, they kept looking at each other like they were to kiss, unfortanuately for them their moment was broken when they heard.

*Crunch* *Crunch* *Crunch*

They quickly became way hearing that and looking at the source of the disturbance, they saw an extremely beautiful person with Long Platinum-Blue Hair, the person had a thin build an extremely beautiful face, and ruby red-like eyes, he was eating popcorn. Seeing that they are looking at him he said," Don't bother about me just continue what you two are doing, also finish kissing each other".

Odin's face became red as he fumed in anger, he said," Tell me who you are! And why did you have intruded on Asgard? Otherwise, I will kill you!", he quickly used his Divinity read to fight and started using his eye of Wisdom to assess the Opponent.

But as he realized it is of no use, he became serious knowing that the person is dangerous, Frigga had finished chanting her spell and was ready to attack him at a moment's notice.

Raphael suddenly looked at him seriously with anger, his popcorn disappeared, and he said, "Huh?! Kid?! You dare threaten your Ancestor!". He released his Aura making Odin and Frigga kneel, Odin tried to stand up but failed, but he quickly found something similar in his Aura, it was that he was extremely familiar with. It was the Aura that one gets after acquiring the Divine power of All-Father.

Soon he felt the suppression on him lift up, he looked at Raphael and thought,' Is he really?! ', he started assessing the situation, in the mean time Frigga quickly stood up and attacked Raphael with an Ice Spell, they shot at Raphael faster than Mach 10, Odin sensing that became nervous, standing up he said," Wait! Frigga!".

Alas, it was too late, she had already shot the Ice Sickles, but once they touched Raphael, they broke like they were made of glass, seeing it Frigga became surprised, although that spell wasn't strong it should be able to hurt even Odin! The man in question quickly stopped her, and then knelt before Raphael and said," I greet the All-Father!".

"Huh?", said Frigga, not knowing how to respond, she looked at Odin speechlessly, Raphael maintained his poker face but inside he was laughing his a*s off,' Hahahahha, He f*cking believed it! He believed in lines that I took from a Xianxia! ', if only Odin knew his thoughts and the fact that Raphael was basically pranking him, he would have died from shock and anger.


Tokyo, Japan.

Avengers looked at the scene below on the screen, and Spiderman commented," Damn, they are scary", Miss Marvel grunted hearing him, and Vision said," We need to act quick and finish them off". "Agreed", said Natasha and Hawkeye at the same time. Spiderman heard them and said," Wait? We will be killing them?! We can't do that! They are people!".

" Who are now Zombies", said Tony, he glanced at him and then looking at the screen he said," Kid it's serious, you are smart enough to know the dangers of the zombie infection, once it spreads its game over", Spiderman said," But if we can make the antidote we can save them!", Captain America sighed and then patting his shoulders he said," Sadly, we don't have time".

Spiderman sighed upon hearing that, he knew what they were saying was right, he had seen enough Zombie movies knowing where it would go if they don't take strict actions quickly, but, it was different seeing it on a screen and in real life, doing it rather than just saying or thinking it is also very difficult for him if it needs him to kill beings who were innocent people just moments ago.

" Okay, let's do this," Spiderman said, then with the others, he came out of the jet, once it landed on a building, the Queen jet then went Auto made and started flying above, obviously they weren't stupid enough to leave it on a rooftop of the building. Spiderman swung using his webs around the area and looking at the Horde of Undeads he said," Damn it! They are in huge numbers!".

"Guys, make sure to not get bitten or even scratched by them, if you do get it, then quickly report me, and I will get you on the Queen jet", said Tony as he shot a Zombie vaporizing it."Point noted, okay Tony shoot at the big hordes of the Zombies, Hulk Smash the Hordes, Hawkeye shoot at the Zombies from High ground, Natasha, you kill the remaining zombies, Miss Marvel, Vision, and Spiderman you search for survivors and save them, as for you Captain Marvel", said Captain America.

" I will keep blasting them", she said through the comms, as Captain Marvel could fly, she flew at Tokyo before they could and started killing the Zombies, Captain America said," I will assist Tony, okay Team we got this", he threw his Shield at a Zombie, his leg got broke due to impact and it fell on the ground, the shield returned to Steve, he took it and then bashed it on Zombie's head, finishing off.

" Avengers! Assemble!", he said to everyone, as such he spoke the signature words of the Avengers, and they began killing off the Zombies and searching for survivors.

" Iris call Raphael!", said Spiderman as he dodged a Zombie's attack and then kicked its head making it burst and finishing it off, he almost puked seeing this, and due to that he was unable to dodge another Zombie's attack which successfully grabbed him and bite him, thankfully it's teeth was unable to break his suit, and Vision shot at it, dividing it into two.

"Kid! It's not time to daze!", said Miss Marvel as she gave Zombies a Karate Chop, and killed them, then looking at Spiderman she said," If you can't take it then return back to Queen Jet don't drag us", she then moved towards another Zombie running at them. Spiderman stood up and heard Iris's voice," Call failed", he clenched his fists hearing that.

Then shooting web at a Zombie, he pulled it and punched it with his fist, due to the strength of his punch its head busted, finishing the Zombie off. He looked at the surroundings and said," Iris activate battle mode", Iris replied," Okay Peter". Then he shoot his web at a building, swung on it, and then sticking to the wall of the building he said," Search for survivors Iris!".

"Battle Mode has been activated, Taking Control of all the equipment within 10 kilometers, successfully, Searching for survivors...Found", Iris said, then on the screen, some green dots appeared, he said in comms," Guys I found the survivors!". " Really? Okay where are they?!", Tony asked while Spiderman started swinging toward the place, he replied," They are in a bank locker!".

"Vision, Kamala, quickly go there and save them together with Spidey", said Steve as he finished off a Zombie. Just like that, they started saving survivors.


In New York,

" As you can see on the video, Zombies are rampaging in Tokyo", said J. John Jameson, the people looked at the News scaredly.

"Damn, Please tell me it's not true", said a random person on the streets as he was looking at the giant screen.

"Let me say it again, it is not fake and even the Japanese Government itself has declared it and is asking for help from other countries", said J. John Jameson breaking his expectations. People started talking with each other and became afraid.

Suddenly someone shouted," Why do we need to be afraid?! We have the Avengers!", his words lifted everyone's spirits, then they continued looking at the screen," Wait a minute, see this", J. John Jameson said as a video of a Woman in Green Coloured Dress killing off the soldiers played on the screen," This is a video that we just got from Shanghai! Zombies are also attacking China! And this woman is said to be involved in this somehow, while I don't know if she is the reason for this, I can say one thing surely! Spiderman is somehow involved in this!", he said.

Many people started cursing Spiderman, while some just looked at them speechlessly, Miles who is the crowd said," I should return home, buy all the food supplies and then lock the house", he didn't wait any longer and started preparing for Zombie Apocalypse.


Nick Fury looked at the screen, sighed in frustration, and then looking at another screen he said," As you can see China and Japan are attacked by Zombies, we need to help them as soon as possible", a male member of the World Council said," We have started providing help to China, as for Japan, Avengers are there so our help will be unnecessary".

Nick Fury almost cursed hearing that, then he looked at the screen seriously and said," Just because Avengers are there doesn't mean we don't provide any help to Japan!", another World Council member, this time a female said," China is connected to Mainland Eurasia, and it has a huge population, while Japan is disconnected from the world through Sea thus it is more necessary to help China than Japan".

Nick Fury gritted his teeth, he knew with the huge army they could have helped both of the countries but due to pressure from China, they decided to solely focus on China, as it was a member of the World Council and provided about 30% of its whole funds solely." Nick, just do as you are told to, don't worry the Avengers are there on Japan to help", said Alexander Pierce.

Nick Fury just nodded and said," Okay, I will tighten the security of the New York", Alexander Pierce nodded hearing him, and hung up the call, Nick Fury sighed and then thought,' Leave it, it's happening to Japan not here, for now, I should focus on New York and increases its defense in the meantime when Avengers are not here '.

In the end, despite all the talking about World Peace and World security people would just focus on their own country and community.


Hela amusedly looked at the scene of people crying as Zombies tore off their limbs, then she said," I guess I should move to the next most populated region, my slaves will do their job, Hehe, despite their being pathetic and weak, they are in huge numbers, I have already recovered my powers up to a Mid-God, just a few more cities like this and I will recover my full strength", she absorbed the death energy coming out of millions of corpses and then she teleported again.


India, Delhi,

People were listening to a Minister's speech as he proudly said," Vote us! And we will make sure to provide the people with free Electricity and Water!", people started cheering him as he said that, and the minister smiled and waved his hands at them,' Hahaha, They are such fools, don't even understand that getting free things will cause inflation which in result make their lives more miserable in the end, haha, whatever in the end I have nothing to do with it, as they say, Apna kaam banta bhar me Jay Janta '.

As he was waving his hand, something crashed on the stage, and he fell to the ground due to a shockwave, he looked at the stage and saw a Woman fully dressed in green with a creepy smile,' Is she a mutant?! ', he became scared and started running off, only to get his legs impaled by Hela's Necro Swords.

" I am Telling you Mutant! If you dare to do anything to me! Police will make sure to kill you!", he shouted, Hela not minding his words walked towards him, and the minister peed in his pants, as she arrived in front of him. People had already panicked and started running off while crushing the people who fell on the ground, the bodyguards started firing their guns at Hela, but the bullets simply fell on the ground as they touched her.

She quickly killed them, then looking at the minister she asked," Are you the one who runs this place?", the minister nodded his face in fear and started bluffing again," Yes, I am the Chief Minister of this place-Ahhhh!", he screamed as Hela, ripped his arm off, the grabbing him by the chin and lifting off the ground she said," I will make sure to not give you easy death".

"Please, leave me I have kids and a wife to take care of!", he said with difficulty, Hela laughed and then said," Oh? Then tell me why this place is so dirty!", she became angry as she started choking him, yes the moment she arrived here she fell on a garbage dump, it disgusted her to no end, then jumping quickly she arrived near a river, but seeing how dirty it is and bad smell it was releasing she almost puked.

Yes, this was the dirties place she has ever seen in her life, thus she decided before rampaging she will kill off the ruler of this place. Who now had his eyes wide open, he struggled trying to break from her grasp but failed and died as Hela snapped his neck, the minister's body became lifeless. Then she left as his body fell on the ground, she kicked on his head, making it burst like a watermelon, and then muttered," Disgusting!".

To be continued...