Wrath of Hela part 3(BONUS CHAPTER)

(Author's Note: Guys here is the thing, I don't know a sh*t about X-men, I have never watched the X-men movies in proper order, and the only X-men movie I ever watched properly is the dark phoenix, as for the rest of them, I have just seen the famous scenes of those movies, I have never read manga and other than fanfics I don't know a damn about their personality, anyway since X-men in all universes aren't identical in character or members depending on the timeline, I guess you can take them the unique version of this Universe)



"Professor they are again badmouthing us!", said Scott looking at the screen, the reporter talked about a recent mutant accident in which, a boy accidentally awakened his X-gene, and destroyed the building killing off tens of people," No matter how hard we try it is the same, they always blame us and now they are blaming this incident on us too", said Jean Grey.

Charles Xavier, who was silent sighed and said," How many times I have told you, humans are afraid of the unknown and they-", " Wait a minute? Unknown?! Professor Don't tell me that even after tens of press conferences in which we explained X-gene in front of the whole world they are still ignorant about the fact that we are humans too!!", anger was visible on her face.

The room became silent, Charles sighed and looking at her he said," Unfortunately for them, we aren't humans and that is why we are trying to make a better future for humanity and Mutants", Jean wanted to punch his face, although she respected professor a lot his repeated talks about Human and Mutant co-existence with his bullsh*t sagely look had started annoying her.

(Author's Note: Yay, Yay, I know, I have f*cked up their personalities, go and fire your barrage now, My defense is already at 10decillion and it is still increasing, so yup I am ready for all the mockings)

Snorting she decided to leave the room," Wait, Jean! Don't be that angry!", said Scott as he chased after her, Wolverine grumbled and said," Teenagers nowadays, they don't have any respect for the elders", Beast laughed and said," You awake old man? I thought after drinking 12 bottles you would be out".

Storm said," So we are just gonna ignore an angry Jean and her simp Scott?", Mystique sighed and said," She needs some time alone to calm down, even I am frustrated by Media's continuous badmouthing of us, also are you gonna remain silent Charles", she didn't receive an answer causing her to frown, she was ready to ask him again when he said," X-men we have got a situation here".

"What situation Professor?", asked Storm, he clicked on a button on his wheelchair, changing the video playing on the TV, it showed different scenes of Zombie attacks," What the hell I am seeing?", said Beast as he stood up, Charles said," Zombies are rampaging in Delhi, Mumbai, Shanghai, Tokyo and well in São Paulo".

Wolverine grumbled, he sat up took a bottle of wine, and gulping it a bit he said," So what now? We are gonna save sorry ass*s of humans as always?", Mystique gave him a small glare, shutting him up, as he clicked his tongue, Charles said," Mystique get ready the X-men we will be leaving for Sao Paulo".

They nodded and started preparing to go to the heart of Brazil.

(Author's Note: So ya, I know with this whole personality of X-men is f*cked up, but then again didn't I say it was Au? Praise the Marvel Multiverse for being fricking big!)


Fantastic Four building

"With this, I can create a Dimensional Portal that I wanted!", Reed said smiling as the equipment started beeping wildly, then he was about to switch it on when the roof collapsed and Debris fell on the equipment destroying it.

"Huh", he blinked, he again blinked, then he looked around not knowing what is happening," Hey Reed!", said Ben who was on top of the debris," There is a Zombie Apocalypse! We need to quickly go and help the people!", Reed Richards, aka Mister Fantastic, looked at the equipment which he had been building for last few weeks, giving his all, sleeping just four hours, and eating food only when necessary for the thing which was reduced to a pile of scarp below Ben who slowly stood up.

While Reed was having an existential crisis, Human Torch and Invisible girl arrived and Susan seeing the broken Roof said, "I told you after the last fight with Doctor Doom there are many cracks in our building we should have repaired them despite the shortage of money", then looking at froze Reed she said," Reed there is a situation we have to go", Human Torch excitedly said," It is time to do what superheroes do!".

Susan frowned seeing Reed not replying, she came near him and grabbing his shoulder she said," Reed? Are you listening?", he moved towards her, and then with a sad smile, he pointed towards the debris and said," Su-Susan that's the thing I have been working for weeks", they looked at the pile of debris, and became silent.

Ben awkwardly rubbed his head and said," Sorry Reed just as I was coming and while running the floor broke and this happened", they waited for Reed to reply and he let out a laugh," Hahhahaha! All the work! My all the hard work! Weeks of work, research, it results in all got drained! And at the exact moment when I was gonna test it! Hilarious isn't it?! Hahahha!".

Seeing him acting strange the rest of the Fantastic Four got a chill, Susan hugged him and soothing his back said," Reed don't worry we will make it again, you have the information in your brain already right? All we need is money and you will be able to make it again", "Yes Chill out bro!", said Johnny.

"Haha! Chill Out?! Hahaha-", he became unconscious," Reed!", all shouted.

Unfortunately for them, Reed.mp4 will be unavailable for quite a while.

(Author's Note: Poor Reed! And yes I didn't watch Fantastic Four too, just some famous scenes)


While the whole Earth was on alert, and all the superhero teams were starting to act up plus the Supervillains making evil plans like always, Raphael was sitting on Asgard's throne and looking over the reports of Asgard.

Odin was sweating while kneeling in front of him obediently, Frigga didn't know what to make out of the scene in front of her, the All-Father, Odin the Usurper was kneeling in front of an unknown entity, well Frigga did have some guesses about the Entity's identities and so Odin who was kneeling in front of him.

Frigga stood a bit away from them not sure whether she should kneel or not, given the situation she should have but unlike Odin, she was still apprehensive about the situation, what if the entity is simply fooling them and had some hidden agendas? Though the probability was small it still existed, as the Unkown entity just demanded some reports about Asgard's current Affairs and its army, which could be very well used against them.

Raphael finished reading everything, he looked at Odin and said," A mess, a complete mess! The current affairs of Asgard are not too good, people are arrogant about being an Asgardian but don't have anything to support the fact! Power?! The only advantage Asgradian has is being physically stronger than any other average race in the Universe, their skills and experience lack due to the thousands of years of peace!

If that wasn't enough, our technology is too lacking! Except for Brifost, we Asgardians don't have any technological advantages over other Galactic Empires, fields such as Magic which is an innate advantage our species have been weakened beyond any measures! In the past, there were Spells to Stop Time, Rewind Time, Change Destiny, Resurrect Dead perfectly, manipulate celestial objects, and create Divine Barriers yet none can be found now!".

Frigga had her mouth wide open hearing the type of spells and their uses which she can guess just by their name, as a Goddess of Magic she does know that in the Past Magic was much more powerful and stronger though she didn't know it was this level! Obviously, she didn't know Raphael was exaggerating things, while Asgardian Magic System did have those levels of spells once the price for using them wasn't small.

Unlike Raphael's created Magic System where the price at most was only Magicules and Mana, obviously, it was also due to Raphael acting as a ruler of Asgard which he is in reality and is disappointed by its weakness, from this world's Asgard he expected a lot due to the fact it held one of the versions of Infinity stones closest to Original and contained a pathway to the Ultra-verse.

Odin hearing Raphael's words can't help but clench his fists, he knew Raphael was right, current Asgard was too weak! Compared to the past Asgard where each normal Asgardian was at the level of the elite of now! He was also sad as he disappointed his ancestor! Yes after using his nonexistent brain for some time he concluded the person in front of him was his ancestor.

How? While most of the records before his Father's rule are destroyed r lost he did know that Asgard is one of the oldest civilizations, and there have been hundreds of Rulers before Bor and him, adding on the fact that there are some magics which let people from Valhalla their own Death Dimension, come to live for a short period of time, he concluded Raphael is one of the past rulers of Asgard.

As for why he came? He did have a guess for it as well. " The majority of Asgard's current strength is you, your wife, idiot sons, and your daughter, if we add some of the elite soldiers then except for you and them, the rest are just weak chickens", Raphael said and Odin felt embarrassed, being scolded by our ancestor especially when she is a Hot Cold woman made him embarrassed.

"Also take your mind out of the gutter I am a man", Raphael quickly said shocking Odin and Frigga, Odin coughed in embarrassment and Frigga glared at him, he can't avoid his wife nagging now. Raphael sighed and stood up," Ancestor", Odin called him hesitating a bit," I know what you want to say, Hela right? Your daughter and firstborn I will take care of her you don't have to worry!".

Odin and Frigga sighed in relief," Also", Raphael said making them focus on him, he gave them a smirk," It was fun fooling you two! I am not your ancestor you old Idiot! Haha, have fun!", he said shocking them and then teleported, Odin and Frigga where too stunned to react, Frigga was the first one to get back her senses.

She came beside Odin and touched his shoulder," Dear that-", she couldn't finish her sentence as Odin started laughing, then looking at her weirdly he looked above and shouted with all his strength," You Motherf*cker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".

He was f*cking fooled! He Odin! The God of Wisdom! Was fooled by an unknown person claiming to be his ancestor! He even knelt in front of him believing his words! He lowered his stature before a person who was making fun of them! He was extremely angry! Never in his life he had been this angry!

To be continued...

(Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed the Bonus chapter, also I think it is enough with the comedy, I am going to or at least try to make this Fanfic a bit more serious, it lacks that and before I had realized I made this a lot more comedic than I intended to do, which ruined some of the situations and plot I guess, though I will try this is only Volume 2, Tell me about your opinions!)