Avengers V/S Hela Part 2

(Author's Note: Before you start cursing me, just one thing I wanna say, I love you guys)


3rd Pov

X-men started rescuing the people around Horizon High, even all the teachers and the students staying inside the building came out to get to the security under the protection of X-men who helped them and insured their safety from the flying Debris falling from Kilometers away, such a scene has already scared a lot of people.

Gwen ran outside with a laptop and looked at how some debris fell on the Horizon High building, calculating the speed, direction, and size of the debris in mere seconds she realized the debris fell near her Lab and couldn't help but despair," No! My research!", she cried, Anna ran towards her and said," Let's go, Gwen, we will have a lot of time to continue with our research if we are alive", Gwen nodded and quickly followed her.

All the students and teachers were evacuated under the protection of the X-men, suddenly debris flew towards Max, who became stunned and closed his eyes embracing for impact in despair, only to hear the sound of debris falling nearby, he looked to see some part of debris melted and quickly realized what happened, glancing at Cyclops aka Scott who saved his lives he nodded gratefully and then quickly left.

A person swinging in the air landed on the ground and looking at Horizon High whose 1/8th of buildings were broken he felt invisible pain, looking around he found X-men saving people, and thus started people from falling Debris as well, "What the f*ck with this Meteor shower?!", grunted Logan as he got smashed by a piece of debris, he tried to move the debris away but wasn't able to do it.

"Let me help you!", said Spiderman as he grabbed the debris and taking it threw it a bit away, he looked at Wolverine surprised," Wait! You are Wolverine?! You are my favorite X-men member!", Wolverine patted his clothes as he felt his injuries healing up and looking at the fan-boy Spiderman speechlessly he said," Thanks Kid for lifting that sh*t up", Spiderman felt like a fan who was answered by his ideal.

"Anyway who are you?", he asked making Spiderman stunned, his third-most favorite hero didn't even know him! He replied a bit depressed," I am Spiderman, an Avenger", Wolverine nodded a bit surprised that the kid in front of him was an Avenger, the world's most famous group of heroes. He grumbled seeing tens of debris moving towards their area.

"That f*cking Goddess of Death and that idiot Hulk", he said as he escaped being smashed by debris again and said," Hey kid, give me a ride", Spiderman nodded, and webbing Wolverine he started to swing avoiding falling debris and quickly reached near other X-men. Both of them landed near Scarlet witch.

Wolverine introduced spiderman," This fellow is Man or Spider something, anyway, how's the evacuation going", he asked, Pietro stopped near them and said," Clear, everyone here is safe", he nodded to find Spiderman looking at Wanda in a daze, he hit his head breaking his stupor and then said," Kid we need to save people, so stop ogling".

Spiderman felt extremely embarrassed but then again, why Scarlet Witch aka Wanda was wearing such revealing clothes, and they showed her curves perfectly as well, Spiderman quickly shook his head remembering the face of Raphael whose Angelic face calmed himself down, he looked to find Pietro glaring at him," Um, Hi", Spidey said embarrassedly, Wanda rolled her eyes and said," Spare him, brother, he is just 16".

Spidey became shocked hearing Wanda saying her correct age but thinking it's not the time to ask questions he went with them and started helping them, Raphael who was secretly observing him became speechless but then shook his head,' He is a teenager after all ', he thought and then shifted his focus to the battle between KLUH and Hela.

Although a bit surprised that KLUH will appear, he wanted to see if he can defeat Hela which will be good for him as he won't have to expose himself, and call him a coward he always chooses the safest choice, then again, he would go all out if he finds he can't stop from Death discovering him. It is the real world, no plot armor is gonna save him, not even his father since he gave him that existential resurrection skill for that reason in the first place.


Iron Man equipped his Hulk-Buster Hulk trying to get closer to the fight, when he reached near what he saw shocked him, a Huge 20 Metres Brownish-Black color Hulk was punching at Hela crazily who parried them easily with her thin hands like it was a play, their blows created tremendous shockwave, so strong that it blew debris in the air hundreds of meters above, and kilometers away.

He struggled to maintain his position and quickly shouted at the loudspeaker," Hulk! Stop! Your attacks are destroying building and killing people!", his voice fell on deaf ears as Hulk grew even bigger and continued exchanging blows with Hela, seeing that he quickly fired several missiles at them, only for them to blow up before hitting them due to shockwave.

He decided to release his Uni-Beam which hit KLUH throwing him a few meters away, but soon he regretted it, KLUH just in mere seconds returned and punched him destroying his entire suit, Hulk Buster busted which was quite ironic, thankfully Tony survived as he was in his God Slayer Armor. The Orichalcum absorbed all the force and it didn't even have a dent.

Tony's breathing became haggard as he realized he wasn't very far from dying moments ago, "F*ck", he said as he quickly used his repulsor to get away from there, thankfully KLUH after punching him shifted his focus back to Hela who now was getting bored, sure KLUH was extremely helpful in recovering her power but by now her recovery had considerably slowed down.

She was already thinking of going back to Asgard, doing so her power will directly increase above God-King level, and once she has recovered her whole power destroying an entire galaxy would be nothing but mere play, even now she can destroy the entire solar system if she were to go all out an use her true strength.

But she wasn't going to destroy her XP farm and one of the places she was going to rule, otherwise, Earth would already have been busted like watermelon, Raphael, on the other hand, seeing KLUH, one of the strongest versions of Hulk being unable to do much to Hela, to be honest, he can see that KLUH's strength is increasing rapidly it won't be long before he would be able to destroy continents with his mere punches, but alas, it would only lead to destruction.

Tony who by now was considerably far away sighed in relief, he felt scared and pathetically weak being unable to do anything, his new sonic weapons aren't going to help him much he knew, maybe his new Lasers but going even near them was suicide, and even if his suit won't break his body was still of an average human, just a bit more force if somehow trespasses the shock absorption he would die.

"Damn it", he said, things were out of hand, New York city was being destroyed, the shockwaves of the battle was felt kilometers away, many buildings were falling down, their foundation is completely broken, Avengers, X-men, and Brotherhood tried their best to save people, unfortunately saving everyone wasn't possible, and thousands of people had died.

He tried thinking of a solution, and he did have a few ideas but creating them would take time, and he needed help to complete it quickly, he decided to do it, there was nothing else he could do anyway, and creating a weapon which could stop this was the best method in his mind, he quickly said in comms," Guys, I have decided to make something to stop them".

"Then Tony go ahead, we will handle the situation here", Steve said in comms, Tony replied," Guys I need other geniuses to fasten the progress, preferably Reed, Raphael, Spidey, and whoever can help me", Spidey hearing that Tony needed his help he became excited," I am ready to help!", Tony quickly flew towards a safer place, reaching there he found Tony and Reed with red eyes, he had been unconscious for a while.

But thankfully he regained consciousness after hearing some alarms and when he knew the situation of the other members, he quickly came to help, thankfully Susan was alive and about another member's death, there was no time to grief and hearing Tony needed help he quickly came to the place Tony asked them to.

Tony looked around to see Max, Doctor Otto, Anna, Gwen, and Harry as well, but he wasn't able to find Raphael, landing on the ground he asked," Where is Raphael?", Anna and Gwen shook their head, Spidey said," Our communication was broken when the debris fell on the Horizon High thankfully he informed me that he was leaving that are before, currently I have no idea".

He sighed in relief hearing that knowing that his friend is safe at least he said," Anyway, I need your help to create a weapon to stop that Goddess of Death", he then quickly ordered Friday to control some of his suits to get the necessary item, meanwhile, Harry worriedly asked Spiderman," Do you know where Pete is?!", Spidey became a bit surprised hearing that and embarrassed knowing he was Peter Parker himself.

"Don't worry I saved that guy and sent him to safety earlier", Spidey replied making Harry relieved, Peter also felt good knowing Harry, his best friend cared very much about him and know that his relationship with him as his Spiderman persona has gotten good as well. Tony explained," We are going to build a weapon capable of making Beams hotter than Plasma, Super Plasma to be exact".

Freed pondered and then replied," Super Plasma is a very volatile and dangerous state of matter, it can be very lethal to us if we make a simple mistake", Tony nodded and replied, "That's why we need to make sure to make no mistakes", Gwen raised her hand, Tony said," Yes?", she said," Something that hot will need a container that can withstand that, and there is no element that is capable of that".

Harry nodded and said," Indeed we are talking about a state of matter where even Quarks will melt", Anna replied," Maybe Vibranium can withstand it", Tony shook his head and said," Adamantium or Vibranium, they can't withstand its heat, but Vibranium can for a short period, and I have a better metal for use!".

He said as he unequipped a part of his armor, Spider asked," Admantanium?", Tony gave him a look and said," Nope, Orichalcum", Harry got a weird expression hearing that and asked," Isn't that just a fantasy metal?", everyone looked at him and he said," What? You guys have never read Manga?".

Next moment they felt a huge bright light passing through them, everything became silent and Tony quickly asked, "What just happened?", Nick replied," You aren't going to believe this", a holographic screen projected from Tony's suit-making them see the situation, Spidey asked confused," Wait?! What he is doing there?!".

They looked to see a familiar person on the screen, It was Raphael in White dressed clothes, Tony became surprised a bit, yes only a bit, after all having Superpowers is no big surprise for him he just felt bitter that Raphael didn't tell him that.


A few minutes ago,

Hela yawned as she parried Hulk's attacks, by now she was getting bored of KLUH, whose strength while increasing was nowhere near her, that just shows how big of a difference a God and Mortal have, she finally decided to end this and mobilized a huge amount of Death Energy, she used it on KLUH who stopped and fell on the ground in pain.

He roared loudly as Hela approached him and put a leg on his limp body," Sorry Dear but the game has finished", she said ready to kill him, but then she sensed something turning back she saw a woman or A man, duh doesn't matters, she smiled and said," Finally Odin sent someone, I was wondering when he will make a move".

She could feel Asgard's power from his Aura, Raphael looked at her and said," Unfortunately he didn't but well, it's the time I stop caring about that b*tch", a white scepter appeared on his hand, then he chanted a bit loudly, "Cleanse all the filth! Ruberion!", a white light shot on the atmosphere and then like a bomb it blew.

Sounds of Bell ringing filled the area, as Holy Magic reached every corner of the earth and cleansed the Death Energy, and killed all the Undeads, meanwhile, Hela felt danger from Raphael's move and quickly decided to teleport to Asgard.

Mobilizing a huge amount of Death energy she broke the barrier of Space and teleported outside Asgard, then quickly vaporizing Asgard's Magical Shield she stepped on it feeling a huge amount of energy rushing in her veins.

While on Earth feeling the last bit of Death energy vanishing, Raphael stopped and sighed seeing the dilapidated state of New York, Hundreds of Millions of People had died worldwide, and quickly made a decision," Since I am going to go against her, then I would go all out", he said getting ready to perform a Miracle that would shock the entire world.

To be continued...