Returning to the Earth

(Author's Note: Enjoy the Chapter!)


Raphael Pov

I returned to Earth, after having the lavishing meal in the Asgard. Upon returning I went back to Aunt May's house, after all despite being my identity exposed in front of superpowers I will be still living in her house, firstly it's comfy and secondly I have no mood to shift to another place, I mean my mentality has almost became different from a normal human long ago, thus the things that might affect a normal human doesn't effect me much.

Once, I opened the house, I was greeted by the sweet old lady, who was none other than Aunt May," Raphael! I was so worried when that supervillain attacked New York and I was forced to evacuate, do you know how much I was worried about Pete and you?", she said, her words highlighted her kind nature, who cared about me who had been a complete stranger to them weeks ago.

I calmly replied," There is no need to worry, Miss May, I think you have already talked with Pete, he is alright and should be back after sorting out important items from the lab, and as you can see I am also fine", she nodded hearing that and smiled," Yes, thankfully nothing bad happened, also you can call me Aunt May, okay? I might not be your real Aunt like Pete's but you can still call me in that way rather than your formal tone".

I nodded and replied," Okay", After that we talked about some other things, and then I went to my room and lay on the bed glancing at the roof. Aunt May had rented out this empty room which previously was used by her husband because of her financial conditions and the huge fees of Peter's.

But after Peter became my assistant their problem was basically solved, and she even thanked me for that, anyway, the rent she gets from me is used by her to handle the household alongside what she earns and saves the extra, in a way the entire household of Peter's is someway currently depended on me. ' Well, not that it matters much, after all, I have infinite money ', I thought.

Then I recalled my talk about death,' It seems she might do something evil like trying to destroy the entire multiverse again, to get revenge upon me, well there won't be a Deadpool this time to stop her ', I thought a bit jokingly, and to be honest instead of suppressing the tension I had gotten from this I decided to take a more primal and primitive approach to escape from the tension and that was none other than to close my eyes and sleep.


3rd Pov

Tony glanced at Nick Fury a bit annoyed, his eyes twitching as he looked at the one of three great baldy of Marvel Universe sitting in one of the chairs present in Avengers Hall. He asked him," So you are here me to gather information about Raphael, now let me say it to you, Fury, firstly he is my friend and you will never get a single piece of information from me, and secondly even I don't know much about it, so even if you were to somehow get information from me, it will be totally useless".

Nick Fury frowned hearing him and glanced at Natasha who was standing near them, and Hawkeye leaning against the wall, there were also Steve and Kamala present in the room, sitting on their respective chairs. He said," Listen to me, Tony, this is no simple matter, his powers and his presence change things more than you can think of! How do you think the Senate is reacting after the recent events? What actions Mister President is thinking of taking?"

He stopped for a bit and continued," Tony, the whole world is in chaos, The recent massacre by the Goddess of Death has made governments panicked, they all are deciding to assemble an army of superpowered individuals. As only by getting an army filled with superpower individuals like Avengers would they get some relief, do you even understand the meaning of what we had learned in this war?", his tone was very serious.

Natasha nodded and said," Yes Tony, the recent war has shown us just how weak we are", Hawkeye sighed and replied," I agree with Natasha, the fact that none could even harm her a bit proves just how much in danger we are, and after Raphael had revealed us about the cosmic heirachy and their true strength things had became worse for us".

Tony glanced at Natasha and said," You told Nick about that Cosmic Hierarchy? Of course, you would do it, Natasha! You are half Avenger and half spy, damn how do I always forget that? Anyway my answer is the same, I am not gonna reveal a bit about him, and Fury, don't you think we should focus on getting stronger for the possible future fights, instead of you trying to get a leash on Raphael, our Savior?"

Finally, Steve joined the conservation and looking towards Fury he said," I agree with Tony Fury, we should get stronger, together as a team, recruit new members in Avengers like that Spider boy, and not try to leash the person, who saved in our dire situation, let me ask, what do you think would happened if Raphael hadn't helped us back then? We all know what would have happened, thus we should be grateful to him".

Kamala aka Miss Marvel said," Well, if we were to see in this way, I doubt you can try to limit Raphael's movements Fury, from what he knows he is extremely strong, almost like the GOD himself, it might sound an exaggeration but he can literally reverse time, resurrect people and he himself had said he is so strong that he can casually shatter the entire planet by punching".

Fury sighed and said," That's the problem, Tony you think only I know about this, but leaving Raphael's photo which I managed to keep a secret most of the upper forces know about the Consmic Heireachry and the power of Raphael's and once his identity is revealed he will be targeted by them sooner or later".

Tony's face remained unfazed and he said jokingly," And what are they gonna do? Bind him? Capture him from experiments? I wonder how many milliseconds it will take Raphael to obliterate them from the face of the Earth, and knowing Raphael's prowess I understand that unless he wants to reveal himself, no one will be able to ever know his true identity".

Fury decided to play seriously, he was tired of persuading Tony and said," Tony, your Anti-God Armor, SHIELD scientists have analyzed it from far and they can tell that it is made up of an unknown metal far more valuable than Admantanium or Vibranium, and considering all the things, you should have gotten it from Raphael right?".

Tony's face became serious, and he asked," What do you want Fury? If you want me to hand my suit over, then forget it, I will never even give you a scrap of it", Fury paused and then said," Well, I think you are indeed right Tony, even if I was to get info about Raphael there is no way for us to create a method to restrain in case he goes berserk like Hulk, but I have seen how he introduced that new Micro bot technology, so Tony I have thought of another proposal ".

He then said," How about you let me talk with Raphael? If he is willing to help us advance in technology then that would solve most of the problems, we will also respect his wishes, and desires and let him cooperate with us without invading his privacy", he looked at Tony for his reply who sneered and said," A proposal you thought of now? Of course, that's a lie, knowing you, there should be more backup plans you should have thought of before meeting me, but well, this one is more of a reasonable proposal".

He continued," Raphael is free to do whatever he wants, like how he is giving those Microbots technology to us, although I do have some questions of my own about why he is doing that but well, I shall give you a chance to talk with him and if he agrees then I have no problem, but if he disagrees then I won't even let you get in touch with him".

Fury smiled as they and Tony had come to agree upon a single thing, heck even Tony was quite worried about future threats after he got to know how many powerful beings are out there in space, he had already planned to further increase his research and improve his suits madly, and recycle his Anti-God Armor to create a stronger version of it, the reason was simple as he only had a limited amount of Orichalcum he had gained from Raphael, and didn't wanted to strain his relationship with Raphael by asking more.

If it was previously, then he wouldn't have thought much about it and would have asked for Raphael more of it in exchange for some rare things, but after understanding Raphael's true powers he knows had actually nothing worthy to exchange with Raphael, maybe Raphael was impressed with the man-made metal called Admantanium and that's why he exchanged it for the precious Orichaclum which was sure to be even extremely rare in the vast universe.

Of course, he didn't know that Raphael could create an infinite amount of it by using the Source of All Creation and Orichaclum was nothing special to what he really had. But by Tony's standards, it was definitely something way above his league, and had no confidence to ask him for some more.

Anyway, back on the main topic, he was indeed worried about the future safety of the Earth, so when Fury gave him this more reasonable offer he agreed, again his role would be only a medium for both the parties to talk, if he agrees then hooray. He will have an extremely smart partner whose help he can use to make Earth stronger, and if he denies then well, nothing can be done.

Even if Raphael had indeed helped him to increase the power of his weapons earlier, that was going to be nothing special if he managed to work with him on new technologies. After talking with Fury a bit more, he decided to have a pizza party with the free members of Avengers, Obviously, Steve and Kamala joined him but Natasha and Hawkeye refused him.

The spy duo went with Fury back on the Helicarrier, and once they were in a secured and private room of Fury, he said," This is really fucking troubling, that damn Tony doesn't understand the danger that Raphael possesses, or he is already controlled by him", his eyes narrowed as he said that, even Natasha and Hawkeye had some doubts about it considering the weirdness of Tony.

Obviously, they didn't attribute it to the fact, that Tony had fallen in love with Raphael not long ago, and even after it was broken, it had laid the foundation for a strong friendship, a strong bond, even if it might be one-sided. Nick Fury sighed and then glanced at the two," There are too many threats he possesses, What is his reason behind coming on Earth and mingling between humans? Why did he not help when Hela attacked us and killed millions? Why did he act on the last? There are too many questions and worries I have, we don't even know what his realm aim is in doing all this, he might be a person who is manipulating all of us to rule the Earth or just take some sick pleasure".

They looked at Fury baffled but after hearing his words, and thinking about ot, they finally understood his worries, the person called Raphael is extremely dangerous, although it will be fine and wonderful for Earth if he proves to be a friend of humanity like Thor, but if he is enemy of mankind then it would be a disaster, thus Nick wants some guarantee against him if he was to turn against them the next day.

He started talking with the two and instructing them on what actions they should take next. It can be said that Nick Fury was really the King of paranoia!!

To be continued...