The Universe is just

Bruno was always getting the short end of the stick; even as an Asgardian, he was mediocre. While Earthlings had to struggle to evolve from 1-Stars at the beginning, Asgardians were born being able to control force at 5-Stars. Thus, even the laziest among them lived their lives as Moon ranked.

This truth prevented Asgardians from receiving skills from the star rank. Even after reaching the 5-Moon rank, a normal Asgardian would have five skills. Earthlings would have 10. These skills would sometimes allow Earthlings to fight above their rank. The Asgardians, however, had constitutions that breathe Force.

This characteristic meant that even just living their daily lives, Asgardians would raise their ranks from 5-Star to 5-Moon given enough time. Allowing them to reach Sun ranks with minimal training. On the other hand, Earthlings can only acquire Force from demonic beasts. It can be said that the Universe is just as any advantage one may have would have an appropriate penalty.

Unfortunately, Bruno was born with a Force defect; any energy he tries to accumulate in his body is expelled from his eyes. This defect directly crippled his ability to aim higher in society. His disability cemented his status as the lowest of the low in Asgard, preventing him from reaching the Moon rank.

This disability led him to be bullied and ostracized by his peers throughout his life. He would spend nights crying in a dark corner of his room, wondering why the universe seemed to hate him. As if Asgard herself answered his prayers, though, he was able to awaken a skill in his desperation when he tried praying to Valhalla. Normal Asgardians didn't have skills at the 5-Star their very 1st skill would be attained at 1-Moon.

His skill was called [Saránta Defterólepta], which meant 40 seconds in Latin. On a regular day, Bruno's eyes generated a hazy mist. It looked like he was perpetually vaping. This trait caused Asgardians to see him as an eyesore and promptly beat the shit out of him. However, after awakening his skill, all the mist disappeared, and, in its place, he acquired the ability to see 40 seconds into the future.

Of course, like all skills, it was not perfect; given Bruno's limited force pool, he could only see 40 seconds in the future in total. He would need at least three days of Force to be able to use it again. Nevertheless, this skill allowed him to perform well under a very limited situation. He usually used it in two – five-second intervals, evading an attack or checking to see if his planned course was the most viable. 

When he doesn't like what he sees, he changes his actions and uses the skill again, changing the future in minute increments. Unfortunately, due to these restrictions, he couldn't use the skill when Abel smashed a shield against him. The Archer was, however, able to use it to safely land eight hundred meters away, costing him 5 seconds of his Force pool.

He then used the skill to see how he could help Clegane deal with the orcs. Nevertheless, upon seeing the fight ending abruptly when Cain seemingly teleported and disabled both his Ally and the Asgardian. He found it fruitless to shoot Cain, El, or Jin, using up 3 seconds.

He did, however, see the 3-Moon orc get heavily injured if he shot Abel instead after further using 2 seconds. He consequently activated his bow's built-in skill [Sky Piercer], which enlarges the arrow to the size of a javelin once it flew to the target and fired. After Cain was vaulted away, he broadly smiled as he proved his superiority over the orc. He then felt an overwhelming pressure descend on him; in his fright, he activated his skill for 10 seconds and saw his head being pierced by a giant icicle. Panicking, he quickly dropped to the floor.


Unfortunately, he wasn't fast enough; the giant Icicle pierced his shoulder and promptly vaulted him to the ground a few meters away. Before he could do anything else, a red light fell on him, and he felt his wounds opening up. He then activated his skill for 5 seconds while on the ground. Unwillingly the Asgardian felt death's cold grip tightening around his neck as he saw his body being cut in two by an intense wind blade.

Falling into despair, he started activating his skill repeatedly for 5 seconds intervals until he used up his entire Force pool. After losing his only chance at surviving, he could only grimace as he looked towards the sky in anguish. The female orc was visibly emitting black-colored Force in Sun-ranked amounts. She was more than two kilometers from him, yet Bruno felt the fact gave him no comfort as he said quietly.

"For f*cks sake, how in the nine realms is that fair?"


El felt cold, colder than anything she could ever remember in the past. As she saw Cain pierced by a javelin and vaulted across the desert, her world fell silent as Abel and Jin ran towards Cain, who was bleeding profusely on the dry sands more than three kilometers away. Memories of her time together with the blond swordsman played in her mind.


Suddenly hearing a voice in her head, the eight-year-old girl dropped the pail of water she was carrying.


"Who is there?!"

In a shaking voice, the young girl asked, trying to put up a brave front. Yet after she waited for a reply, she could only hear silence. She quickly scanned her surroundings only to find a pale 10-year-old boy lying on a couch with a head full of blonde hair. The child could see the young boy looking at her as she calmed herself down and tried to pick up the pail when she again heard the voice of a young boy.

"El, it's me, don't be afraid. I won't harm you."

Alarmed, El grabbed her head to see if anything was wrong and quickly asked.

"How do you know my name? How can you even speak? Am I going crazy?"

The boy's lips moved a little as a tiny smirk was formed. The voice again resounded, this time saying.

"I don't know; time stopped as I fell, and an old lady's voice started talking to me. She told me she would give me four things, and one of the things I asked for was I wanted my sister to be able to hear me.

I was able to talk to her from far away afterward. This is only the 2nd time I tried it. The old lady said it was a gift called [album mundi] or white world. I heard your name from the people shouting the other day."

The young girl nodded her head in understanding as she exclaimed.

"I heard her too; she is a nice lady. But why did she give you four things, though? She only gave me three. I said I wanted to be as strong as my dad, be able to heal mommy and daddy, and be able to talk to fish!"

As if someone opened a faucet, tears suddenly started falling from her tiny cheeks as she cried.

"They said they felt better after I used my skill on them; Mommy and Daddy were under the roof of my house. I left to get help and saw so many of you jumping around. When I ran towards you, you suddenly disappeared.

After I returned to my house, the roof was moved slightly to the side, but Mommy and Daddy no longer answered. Where are they? Did they get out? Why did they leave me alone? Do they hate me since I went to get help? Did I do something wrong?"

Both awakeners and beast evolved their bodies at the Star rank. As such, humans also increased their intelligence by a wide margin upon developing to 4-Stars. The young boy already had the mental intelligence of a grown adult, so, how could it be that he didn't understand to who the young girl was referring to.

When the skill [Chílies Zoés] ended, the rebound included the memories of each clone and what they did during the skill's duration. Hence, he remembered one of his clones hearing a couple asking for help as they were trapped under a roof.


Proofread By: Pearl_Wang, ThePotatoKing

Edited By: WorthyAdversary