The Last Light's War: The Fall of the Righteous

The Last Light's War: The Fall of the Righteous

Fantasy244 Chapters210.6K Views
Author: Yinghuo_392
Table of Contents

He was known as the Light of Humanity, yet he is now the harbinger of death and chaos.

He once saved two races from a war of extinction, yet he pushed five worlds to the brink of annihilation.

He once stood against the end of the world, and banished the darkness. Now he marches forward ending all life.

This is the tale of the Savior of humanity and his descent to darkness. What happened? How? Why?

Only those who know of his journey may judge him. Thus began the game between the gods and the demons, and The Fall of the Righteous.


*Plot Warning* This book is dark in tone. It is a grand story about the strength of humanity's struggle in the face of insurmountable odds.

Characters are molded and change according to their experiences and trials. They live, love and die like everyone else.

I had the cover commissioned from Surya, check his stuff out.

26 Reviews
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Mandatory shameless 5 star review by the Author. Hi all I welcome you to the world of ULB. This would be the 1st part of a series of books in the same universe where the events in one novel shape another. The 1st book titled fall of righteous follows the journey of a couple of warriors code-named Cain and Abel after what is know as the Shattering. They will encounter numerous trials and question both their own beliefs and what the world defines as true. As they try to uncover the mysteries of the Shattering, Force and the Humanoid Invaders who calls themselves Asgardians. Please tell me what you think, even if you think my book sucks, as this is my 1st time writing. If you found the time to give it a read and it made you feel something whether it be rage, fluff or anything. That means I made and impact to you and that is all I could ever ask for. I thank anyone who spent the time in ULB as time is the most precious resource both in ULB and in real life. As it can never be taken back once given. You would see from my writing that I am heavily influenced by what I read and hear so please forgive the tropes; But then again tropes are tropes because they work well for their purpose. Anyone and Everone who reads ULB is from hence forth shall be called a Paladin. Welcome to the Paladins! I wont spoil what it is but it exists in the novel and is one of the groups that would shape the ending. Again I personally welcome you to the Paladins "may we see the light of victory". Stay safe my dear brothers and sisters I thank God for each and evryone of you. To God be all the honor, glory and praise!

2 years ago

Book title - The Last Light's War : The fall of righteous (yinghuo_392) Rating - 9.5/10 Chapter read/available - 21/21 as of date 24 may 2022 Plot - only one word - thrilling. The author has this great skill to keep his audience hooked from the very beginning. But it requires one condition, that is you need to pay utmost attention since the beginning. I have read hardly 2-3 novels with leveling up but this one has got the most unique grading and i personally loved that! Kudos to the author for such a brainy work!! Story flow - some felt that the story flow was quite fast, but if you ask me, i feel that was perfect. From shattering till the last part where they reach the gates, I never felt that the pace needed any amendments. We are good to go with the flow. The character development over the last few chapters may seem inhuman, but they are worthy of it given the battles they fought. Favorite chapter - I don't have a particular fav chapter as this entire novel is my current fav. But i would definitely mention the part where Abel has spoken in that ancient language as a dominator as my fav part!! That's so thrilling. It literally gave me goosebumps all over!!  also the part where Cain motivates his teammates is great. Favorite character - Most favorite right now is of course Abel!! The battle he single handedly fought against the savage rhino and beasts was so inhuman… no words. Also he has got a sexy brain, he is always speaking things at wrong timings but it makes the novel more fun to read. Followed by Atele. Though she felt a little scary in the beginning, but as the plot unfolds, you will see that this little girl is tsundere. She tries to present a brave and unaffected front, with her usual smirk. But she has a heart and soul that has suffered. I salute her bravery.   It would have been Cain as well but he is just too upright for the world that at times he forgets to think about his own people. So not that favorite (ik this may sound childish) 3 things i liked -  1. First would be the bond that our beowolves share between them. Though not related by blood, the way they all have come together is good. Plus their stance to always be ready to face death for their teammate makes it even more better. 2. Secondly the shattering and the changes after that. I know shattering was not good news, but the world that has been established afterward is unique. Use of tech and science, the evolution of humans and beasts is simply mind blowing. Once again hats off to the author. 3. And lastly but most important is the spells. I just found them way too interesting. The way they are spelled, plus the power they have is amazing. Especially since the author has used different languages like latin, greek and chinese, they seem more mysterious. I just love them! 3 things i didn't like -  1. Cain's too upright behavior. His initial behavior can not be blamed. Because he tried all he could. But after getting negative results from saving people again and again, even at the risk of putting his teammates as well as his life on sake, he should learn a lesson. I know his humanity can't change, but the past hundred years should have evolved him in some way. 2. The last battle where Abel was thrown into the center even when he is supposed to be the shield. His job is defense and not attack. Yet he was made to fight the center. I felt a little betrayed over there, although it might be my misconception because I get overly involved. 3. There are some parts that seem confusing. Suddenly there is freya, plus we have another voice narrating this, then we have the shattering plus the member's histories, then present time. It sometimes confuses me a lot and I need time to understand what exactly is happening. If there could be some perfect divisions in the chapter, it would be easier. Actual review - overall the book is simply an art of perfection. Other than a thing or two, this book is bound to be a top ranking book in its genre! The author never fails to leave you on the edge at the end of every chapter. More power to the beowolves, atele and author.

2 years ago

I've read the first 46 chapters so far. The world background descriptions are excellent! The history and traditions are described in great detail. Even the tiniest things that might seem insignificant make the world feel real. Those unique insults were brilliant! Each chapter made me care about the characters more and more. I especially enjoyed the flashbacks that explained the character's way of thinking and the reasons for their decisions. I started really enjoying the story from about chapter 30. I knew enough about all the characters and the world's history. At about chapter 30, I wanted to put my phone down and continue reading the next day... but I couldn't! I needed to know what happened next. The novel is full of powerful, emotional scenes. They prove that there are many positive things in life, even if life itself is far from perfect. Thank you for such a great book. "Paladins Never Fall, Paladins Never Die, Paladins Forever Rise Again!"

2 years ago

Review Swap:- Book Title: The Last Light’s War: Fall of the Righteous Rating: 3.8 / 5 Chapters: 21/21 Plot [Decent]  Nothing to nit-pick so far, it’s just… the flashbacks are more interesting that the present.  I am a fan of Norse Mythology, so you got me hooked as far as that’s concerned. Story flow [Convoluted]  Needs a lot of improvement as the story is really hard to follow at times. It was really hard at the start but it got better in the middle and then it was on and off here and there.  The thing I have complaints about is that the story seems to jump around here and there a lot. There are sudden info dumps here and there, sometimes you appreciate and like it, other times it interferes with the flow. The flashbacks are nice but end up overshadowing the present at times.  The monologues by Freya can be hit or miss. At sometimes I liked them as it gives the story a nice flavour, at other points I just found it annoying and wanted her to shut up and let me get on with the story. One problem is that the font is really small and squiggly which makes it hard to read. Changing to a more readable font might work, not sure though. Favourite Chapter: 17 (or 18) I am talking about the proposal scene. This scene had a lot of nice emotions. It was a good finisher to the romance arc. Favourite Character: El (Was there even another option?) She is hands down the character with the most personality. While the rest are there, they don’t stand out as much as her. 3 things I liked  Norse Mythology go brrr. Ok seriously I really liked the world building done by the author so far. The attention to detail here and there, the unique insults and other stuff makes it seem like a living breathing world.  The characters are amazing. Each character is beautifully made by the author. Their interactions are fun to watch (except those weird dialogues of ch1) and the amazing backstories that they all have. The dynamic with the present versions, their heartfelt emotions are all put to display via this and its nice in itself.  The political dynamics: the author does a pretty good job of describing the tension between humans and Asgardian, through the interactions between the two you slowly build up a view of the world and what’s it like. The author has real skill in this area. Though at times he makes use of cliches to achieve this. 3 Things I didn't like:  Chapter 1 is hands down dragging down the rest of the story, the quality is mostly consistent over most chapters, however. The reason why I disliked chapter 1 the most is that at that point of time I don’t know anything about the characters, I have zero interest about anything and as a reader am just going in blind to see what happens. It’s the first chapter, I don’t care if the beast has 3 stars or D grade, I want to know what’s going on. I want to know who I am supposed to root for. I want to know what the major themes are. I want to get sucked in by the story. I do not want to expend effort to understand what I am reading. While other chapters have info dumps as well, by that time you care about the characters and are actually interested in the contents of the dump.  Some of the spells at the start of the story were too long. Spells should not be more than a sentence at best. While stuff like this adds a sense of authenticity to your story and makes it look better, they are not supposed to be your main focus.  The flashbacks were so interesting I just want to read a story of the shattering instead. Ok jk, it wasn’t that bad. The interesting backstories of each character are pretty good, but they are too early. While that works in making you care about the characters, it makes the present seem lackluster. Actual review: Fall of the Righteous is an epic story of an elite team with a unique set of characters with dazzling backstories set in a post-apocalyptic semi-dystopian world within the realm of Norse mythology. The story has all the elements and details that it needs to become awesome, unfortunately the author wraps them up in bare minimum of plot and chucks them into your face right at the start. Elements that shine individually are all mashed together in a small space which just leads to overcrowding and breaks up the flow of the story. I will just conclude by saying that I Love this book a lot. It has a lot of potential and while I as a reviewer can push past the rocky start and make it to the good stuff, most readers might not be able to do the same. Best of luck author. I believe in you. As long as you just touch up the story a little it will be an instant hit!

2 years ago

This is a really impressive novel. It had quite the impactful start and is very detailed, especially in fight scenes. However , I personally would prefer shorter details but that's just me. And all, it's and extremely well written novel.

2 years ago

Well, as one of the new readers, i can say that world is good. I couldn't find a plot hole. Characters are built good. Summmary: you should give this book a chance.

2 years ago

Err.. I’m one of the proofreaders/editors for this book, mandatory 5 stars kek.. and this book is genuinely amazing, read it just trust me it’ll be worth it

2 years ago

A hidden gem! Its obvious when you read it that the author gave this book a lot of care and planning. The details were vivid and relevant giving the readers a clear description in their minds. It is a great read with a lot of potential

2 years ago

Oh man I loved Cain and EL together. I shipped them lol. i really loved the story and waiting for Abel's action. i want him to have a partner too

2 years ago

This book is beyond belief! I am left utterly speechless after reading this masterpiece. In webnovel, it is next to impossible to find such a detailed story. The author and his team's amount of thought and work put behind this novel is reflected in the chapters. With negligible plot holes, all the characters, settings and plots sync perfectly. Each chapter is filled with action and content unlike some other novels, where the author's goal is to only increase the number of chapters so he can earn more money, even though the quality takes a huge downfall. This book is just perfect! I encourage all the readers of webnovel to give this gem a try! I myself will be waiting for the following chapters to see how this gem of a story develops.

2 years ago

The story starts off with a real banger, the world literally fuses right in your eyes as the characters and world merge together, it's a definitely on my read list 🔥

2 years ago

I had a time well spent in reading this book. It's actually nice and I'd love to be as experienced as the Author of this book. It has a lot to offer and I'll say a job well done.

2 years ago

Great book overall. loved the way it was presented, executed, and continued. can't wait for more chapters to be released to the public soon. Anyways, just wanted to let you know that you are doing a great job, and keep up the hard work.

2 years ago

Not gonna lie, the details in fights and while story surprised me. It was as if I was reading a good movie's plot. The author did a good job but giving me a train of emotions. It made me excited! It also helped me symphatize to characters and feel their emotions. I felt angry, I felt sad for them and I felt angry with them. great work.

2 years ago

The writing quality so far has been fabulous and the character designs are beautiful. I would recommend this story to anyone anytime and anyday

2 years ago

Great building of world background, I really appreciate your hardwork hard work. it is worthorth reading . keep up the work . I am looking forward for the next chapter.

2 years ago