The Reason I Continue to Stand 2

While all this was happening, Canni and Aimzay completed their assignments of eliminating all the assassin-type beasts. Next, Canni began tracking the Beowolves, specifically Abel, as everyone lost sight of him in the chaos. Aimzay measured the horde footprint and then reported it on the Fenrir network.

"Confirmed, all four sides of the demonic horde are now converging on Abel's position. The total area of the beast horde is now under 800 square kilometers and shirking."

She was amused by the plan of her bodyguards she chucked as she commented.

"Layering your ultimates by forcing all the beasts in a tight area to overlap the damage. Not the most original of plans, but it is indeed effective."

As if answering her praise with criticism, the Asgardian enforcer commented.

"It is only effective if no one dies, the red wolf in the middle is getting smashed by the horde. He should be dead in the next few minutes. If one dies in exchange for a paltry 20,000 horde, they will fail to survive the fights in the ruin."

Further emphasizing the point, Canni then reported.

"Captain, Abel is down; his shoulder got rammed by a mammoth-like creature and is now being trampled under the Rank 5 and the rest of the horde. We need to save him; I will go for him now!"

Cain, however, responded as he was herding the west side.

"Denied, your battle suit would not last a minute in that melee. Abel has the thickest armor and is the only one who can draw the entire hoard. No one else can approach the chaos in the middle."

"Captain Demonic horde footprint under 700 square kilometers"

As Aimzay focused on his task, Cannitrash asked his Captain in a cold voice.

"Captain, with all due respect, Abel will die once his suit armor breaks under the stampede. Are you advising us to leave him to die under the horde?"

Unable to wait for Cain's reply, El, creating hundreds of magic circles in the air around her, abruptly entered the discussion, further adding.

"Cain, we need to save Abel! I can send some stones to the middle…."

Cutting off his wife, Cain roared as he continued to rip apart monsters on the west side.

"Denied! If you do that, the ones in the middle will rush out. We cannot waste the chance Abel got for us."

An aged void echoed in the network; the heavy black swordsman was generating a giant 200-meter hurricane on the east side, as he said.

"Cain, are you sure you want to do this? Abel will die if we continue this plan."

Biting his lips, Cain forced his two minds to fire on all cylinders. Unfortunately, he could not devise a way to save Abel while minimizing the total demonic beast area.

"600 Square kilometers."

As Aimzay finished his update Cain was about to abort the plan when the voice everyone missed resounded.

"I am alright; continue with the plan."

As if competing, the Beowolves all hurriedly asked.

"Abel, Where are you?" (Jin)

"I can't see him under the demonic tide" (Claude).

"Abel, are you all, right? Can you move?" (El)

"Abel, can you make some signal so I know where you are?" (Adriel)


Shouting to be heard, Cain gave the go-ahead to abandon the plan; it was not worth losing Abel to this tide. He should be able to survive so long as he deactivates [Only I Exist]; however, he was answered by the frigid reply of the usually boisterous shielder.

"I will not repeat myself; I will not die here. I can only maintain my skill for another couple of minutes. Herd them all and annihilate them. I will endure it. I am a Paladin; Paladins will never fall."

"550 square kilometers!"

Choosing to believe his teammate and friend. Cain took a stance to prepare for the activation of [A Thousand Deaths].

As if shooting upwards like a bullet, the shielder suddenly soared to the sky; he was close to 500 meters off the ground as the rest of the Beowolves his mangled appearance. He could no longer be said to be wearing armor as only small bits and pieces were still connected.

Only the stake on his right arm was in one piece. His limbs were bruised black and violet with splotches of dried blood. Everything below his knees was gone as he rose further, his precious blood pouring out of his lower limbs.

"540 square kilometers!"

However, his eyes had neither grief nor fear; only one emotion could be seen. It could only be called by one word. Determination. As the Shielder's eyes burn with a fiery passion, his words resounded for all to hear.

- I am the one who fights the darkness. I am the one who stands against the tide. -

Crimson red Force poured out of the black-haired shielder in Sun-ranked amounts. His energy turned the sky crimson; the winds died as the ground started to steam.

- Never to rest, never to die. So long as the false king still sits on the jade throne –

The Beowolves stared at the bruised and battered Shielder bathing in crimson red energy.

- Forever to battle, forever to suffer. My body shall rise, and my bones will never crumble. –

Lorelei and Vasiliás started at the sky's crimson red energy coated Beowolf. Lorelei then shouted for everyone present to hear.


- Should my back be crushed by the weight, my will shall soar, unending, unhindered. –

"530 square kilometers!"

As Aimzay continued to update the team, Rai was inwardly sweating, the crimson red energy being generated already surpassed 5-Sun. So where in the world was the orc getting the Force from? The orc was originally 1-Moon, but he had already passed the point he could fight equally with the white-haired Asgardian.

- higher and higher I fly; beyond the sky, I will be. -

-Should my will not be enough, [The blessings of spring] shall protect me. –

The tyrannical Force being circulated by Abel as he hovered in the air directly dispelled Cain's stance, Jin's hurricane as well as El's magic circles. It was as if to say nothing else was allowed to exist in its presence.

- outnumbered by the millions, yet we will not resign, decimated by the thousands, yet still, we continue to rise -

"520 square kilometers!"

- I know my fall is inevitable as fate decrees. However, I paved the way for the future. For them, I let the battles reign.-

As the Beowolves looked at their shielder covered in crimson red energy, they all gawked in awe of the oppressive power their teammate was exhibiting. The Force exceeded the power of the seven millennia-old Asgardian in the jeep.

- Millions upon millions in the future shall exist, yet the presence of three will be what sets the victory we long have sought. -

The power reached the point it choked the atmosphere. The monsters below the black-haired shielder were forced to kneel, including the Rank 5 Savage Rhino. It tried to growl towards the sky but could not lift its head as it was forced to kneel before the mighty being above it.

- I call upon the [Revenant of fire], the king of the land of flames, come and let loose the dragon's roar! -

"510 square kilometers!"

- The [Nightmare of Cybvlon] take heed, shake the ground o beings of thunder and steel. –

The crimson red energy started solidifying as a huge giant silhouette formed from the vast amount of Energy. The gigantic figure was over 500 meters tall and over 100 meters wide. The titanic armored visage of the shadow emerged. It slammed to the beast tide below it.

- Rise from the depths of hell oh those who refuse to fall, the [Butcher of Vengeance] shall not be silent. -

The crater the tyrannical presence created was deep enough that the demonic beasts started falling inside towards the center.

-Together we shall stand, together we shall endure-

"500 square kilometers! Absolute distance for Field and Ultimate skills has been achieved!" (Aimzay)

-For so long as the Paladins continue to rise, so shall the Beowolves continue to howl! -


A fierce howl caused the entire area to quake as the Force folded the space, making gravity forty times heavier. The figure stepped out of the shadow surrounding it, showing a 500-meter version of the Fenrir Battle suit Abel originally had. However, it was now Crimson, with the helmet portion having jaws and sharp teeth.

-Forbidden World Ending Skill


Lorelei was still in the jeeps that could no longer move due to the increase in gravity. She was having difficulty breathing while the rest of the Beowolves, including Rai, were covering their bodies with Force to remain conscious as they were forced to kneel. She could only murmur in disbelief.

"Celestial rank, This being is on the rank of Malphas and Freya!"