The Wolves meant to kill immortals 2

El was seemingly lost in her nostalgia and saddened that she didn't get the ability to transform into a magical girl but instead a clunky mecha as she and Abel were lightly debating whether cartoons and anime could be said to be the same. Cain placed his hand on Jin's shoulders and spoke.

"Jin, do not worry too much. Bella and the twins are treated as hostages; they'll be kept safe so long as we remain useful. The first thing we need to concern ourselves with is to grow stronger until we can fight 5-Sun ranked Asgardians. Until we reach that point, nothing we do now will make a difference. Anything we achieve is built upon sandcastles in front of the truly strong.

I do not believe Lorelei has bad intentions for us; she knows of our histories and will probably know we will come after her neck if anything happens to the girls."

Agreeing with Cain's logic, with Force, the average lifespan of earthlings was projected to pass 200 years easily. Thus, so long as Jin does not die and can return, he could spend his remaining years with them to compensate for the lost time.

They eventually made it to the hangar and saw a small futuristic spaceship that was shaped like a giant shoe that had many bezels like a diamond and looked like it was covered in fish scales. Standing in front of the shuttle were two small children and two grown adults.

When Cain's group approached, the two small children zoomed like hurricanes towards Jin and jumped into his embrace with all their might. One had white hair in a ponytail, while the other had black hair in twin tails. They wore cute frilly dresses that made them look adorable as they shouted at the top of their lungs.

"DADDY!" "You're okay!" "You're back!" "The pretty maid said we would leave and packed our toys in a hurry." "Where are we going?" "Mom said it would be a vacation?" "Will El be coming with us?" "El! come with us!" "Are we going to see the ocean?" "I wanna see fish!" "El said fish are friends, not food!"

Feeling the warmth in his arms through the non-stop questions of his little angels, Jin embraced his children tighter. Noticing the somber mood of their beloved father, the children quickly quieted down. El, standing nearby, turned around to hide her face as tears fell from her eyes. Abel had a grim look as he thought how difficult this must be for them. After composing themselves a bit, El was the first one to say in a bright and cheery voice as she wiped her eyes.

"Of course! We will all be going! Yes, you will see the ocean from there! We will see the largest fish in the ocean and ride his back!"

Hearing this, the kids had sparkles in their eyes as they started jumping up and down, even in Jin's arms.

"OH!!!!!!! DADDY, LET'S GO NOW!! LET'S GO!!!"

Not answering immediately, Jin let his children go and spoke sternly.

"Anne, Leslie, calm down; we will. But remember that you can only ride if Aunt El is with you, okay? I don't want to hear from your mother of you jumping everywhere to ride fish."

He then looked towards his wife standing beside an Asgardian. The white-haired woman in a business suit and a voluptuous figure then ran towards her large husband as she leaped into his embrace and kissed him in an overly affectionate manner. El distracted the twins by equipping her armor as the passionate moment was occurring. Bella finally spoke.

"My husband, rest easy I will protect our daughters and keep ourselves safe. Lorelei has one of the best reputations in Asgard. She even hired a bodyguard for us."

As if her earlier weakness was gone, Bella declared in a firm voice her intent to keep their family safe, ending it with an introduction. She stayed glued to Jin's right arm as if it was the only thing keeping her sane.

Stepping forward was a woman in a French maid outfit with a long skirt that reached the floor and blond hair tied in a bun. And, calmly, she introduced herself.

"I am not an Asgardian. They just taught me how to move and imitate the demeanor of one. Eternal Custos Codename: Sonia. I am a member of Doctrina Effrenata's bodyguard unit. I oversee your family's safety while they are servants in Mistress Lorelei's abode."

The heavy swordsman reached his hand out as he said to her.

"Jin Ourangan Codename: Seth, please take care of my family. I will be back for them soon."

After exchanging handshakes, Sonia clapped her hands and called the children's attention. In the meantime, the girls pestered Abel to equip his armor as El shared that the shielder battle suit looks like a red beetle.

"Anne! Leslie! It's time to go. "

She then faced Cain, who was silent this entire time and bowed. Further adding

"Arthur Fourreau Codename: Cain, please protect Lorelei with everything you have. She is a woman deserving of being called a saint for all her sacrifices. I will be forever grateful if you bring her back safe."

The overwhelming respect dumbfounded the blond swordsman, especially since it came from an Earthling. He nodded his head in silence and faced Isabella, and calmly said.

"Take care, Bella; I will ensure Jin doesn't die due to his recklessness."

The black-haired swordsman was about to interrupt when he felt Isabella tighten her grip on his arm as if to tear it off as she said in a shaky voice.

"Please do, Arthur; you must make sure everyone returns; we will be waiting in Asgard for your return."

Feeling the mood turning grey, Abel added to lighten the mood.

"Are we allowed to castrate him if he goes near other women?"

Everyone suddenly turned quiet, with violet energy erupting from Bella in small amounts.  But before she could even say anything, two small voices asked in a curious tone.

"Castrate?" "What does that mean, El?"

Feeling a growing urge to wipe the floor with Abel's face, El held her hand to her forehead in contemplation, thinking about how to explain the term to 3-year-olds. Even as awakeners, it was still too early.


Interrupting all of them and silencing the entire base, the klaxon sounded like a wailing lunatic. An announcement made by the adjutant followed it.

"WARNING, a Rank 5 Demonic beast tide has been detected and is approaching the fortress. Estimated numbers greater than thirty thousand. All warriors, please report to the briefing room for deployment and further instructions. All civilians are to retreat into the fortress bunkers and await further instructions. This is not a drill…."

As Cain heard, he checked his watch and noticed it was only 12:30 PM; he glanced at Abel as the latter shook his head, indicating he didn't understand why the time of the assault had changed. 

Upon hearing the warning, the entire base started moving. As Cain's team debated where they should go first, their dog tags suddenly resounded with a smug teenage voice.

"All Beowolves prepare to move out, gather in the lab for prep. Sonia, continue to prepare the Ourangan family for departure. The shuttle leaves today."

Upon hearing this, Jin had violet energy leaking out as he shouted.

"This is bullshit! How will the shuttle make it through an army greater than thirty thousand, led by a rank 5 Demonic beast! Sonia, please tell me you aren't serious!?"

As Jin confronted Sonia, El and Abel shielded Ann and Leslie from Jin's Force burst. Without missing a bit, Sonia replied in a voice so cold it froze to ice.

"Mistress Lorelei's commands are absolute. Head to the lab like you were told while I am asking nicely."

As Sonia raised her hands, the four warriors saw shining lines of string from her hands that floated around the area, with three of them wrapped around the necks of Ann, Leslie, and Bella.

Unsurprisingly Abel and El's Force undulations started erupting and blanketing the area with overpowering strength. Cain blinked around, rending the deathly wires into pieces, and appeared in front of Anne, Leslie with Bella in his arms as she shielded the three from the overwhelming force of his squad mates.  A young voice followed again, coming from the dog tags in a serious tone.

"Codename Seth; I have no need for dogs. You were given the Fenrir battle suits and had taken on the mantle of the Beowolves. Follow my instructions, or I will put you all down like the mutts you are!

If you are angry, then rage outside; I gave you the fangs made to kill gods. If you are worried, then cleave a path to save your family. Stop cowering in your little house and go out and fight!"


Proofread By: Pearl_Wang,

Edited By: WorthyAdversary