The troubles of going home 2

"I won't leave him ever! Not even in a million years! Stop slandering me, Abel!"

El shrieked and snappishly threw Abel's hand away, glaring at him as if he had killed her dog.

"Oya? Little El said nothing about tying the knot and even popping the cherry? Didn't you use to blush every time you touched Cain's hands or something? Our princess has come a long way. Is this how it feels to hand off your kids in marriage?"

A solid heavy voice called out as the heavy swordsman got onto the driver's seat on the jeep. He looked at El, and his face was grinning from ear to ear.

"WAIT! It's not like that! I'm not saying I want to get married right now or want to pop my cherry! WAIT! I'm not saying I don't want to! It's uh... uh… Look over there! I missed a piece of the Gremlord meat. I'll get it right now!!"

Stammering a bit, with her face blushing scarlet, El kept her head down, and while touching her index fingers together, El suddenly faced away from the group and dashed towards a corner of the valley at her top speed. The three men looked at her adorable display as she rushed out from them at full speed.

Trying to control their laughter, they initially snickered, but after a couple of seconds, they realized they couldn't and started laughing in boisterous voices. They all realized each other's intention to lighten the mood by joking around, dispelling the awkward atmosphere from before.

After the loot was loaded onto the jeep, Abel jumped towards the back seat. As he got comfortable, Abel thought and decided to ask Cain while his angry girlfriend wasn't around.

"Skills are manifested based on what each person desires the most, I had thought you wanted to kill a f*king beast tide, so you split yourself into thousands. Why did the skill suddenly become offensive if you wanted to save people? Do you have two such skills?"

Jin and Cain were silent; after a couple of seconds, Jin was about to say something when Cain suddenly interjected.

"I wanted to kill them all."

Caught off guard by the bloody red energy visibly flowing out of Cain, Abel knew who the swordsman meant. As he was contemplating whether he should ask further or not, Cain added.

"I couldn't move for an entire month, but I was aware of everything around me as they blamed me and beat me even when they tried to set El's house on fire. At that point, she would have died if Jin hadn't intervened.

Of course, that didn't stop them, so they decided to kidnap El and me while Jin was gone. They tied me to a tree in the middle of a demonic beast forest. I lost my sister trying to save these people, and they made me out to be a devil. I will always wonder if I should have prioritized my sister above all others. Would I have awoken a different skill that allowed me to save her?

When I evolved to 5-Stars due to the rage and regret I felt then, my skill mutated instead of being given a new wish. It was initially [Chílies Zoés], Greek for "a thousand lives", giving me clones that lasted 30 seconds and would act to save targets. It then mutated to [Chílioi Thánatoi], meaning "a thousand deaths"; the clones only last for 15 seconds but will work to murder everything I designate a target to the best of their ability."

The two remained silent for a couple of minutes; Jin loudly sighed as he used his big hand to brush the black hair on the back of his head. And said in an irritated fashion.

"Damn it, Abel, if there were an Olympic event for not being able to read the mood, you would be the undisputed winner by a large margin. Couldn't you ask something stupid instead? Like how large El's boobs are? Why are you only sharp when it comes to things like this?"

At that moment, El suddenly landed beside Abel in the backseats, returning to her calm and cheerful demeanor. Maybe it was because Cain was always looking at El; his bloody energy dissipated as El was getting nearer, so it was mostly gone before she arrived; Feeling pleased, she then chastised.

"Jin, you have a wife and two daughters. Stop talking about boobs all the time. What are you going to do if Ann and Leslie heard you? Isabella will castrate you if you cheat on her!"

Jin's jaw dropped so low it was almost comical, feeling aggrieved at being made into a pervert. He took a deep breath and started the jeep; finally responding, he calmly said.

"Whatever, let's just head back to base; looking at nothing but rocks and corpses is depressing. I want to see my girls asap to recharge my sanity. Bella sent me a screenshot of my girls singing twinkle twinkle little star. My angels are damn geniuses. They are only three, and they can memorize the whole thing!"

Noticing the change in mood, Abel stayed silent and then chatted with the rest of the team, ignoring the lingering question in his mind.

'People don't change just like that; Cain's energy is red like blood as if he drinks it. He is either lying to himself in trying to be a hero, or he was a psychopathic murderer from the start. Which are you, Cain?'

The team passed the time leisurely while driving back to the base. Eventually, they arrived at the gates of a large fortress. The stronghold was named after the skill of the one who saved it. Black Hammer Fortress was one of the six remaining strongholds of humanity. Arriving upon the massive gates, the jeep stopped as two humanoid figures stood in front.

"How was your hunt, you filthy orcs? I hope you pieces of trash could make enough to recover the money spent on the jeep."

An arrogant and unruly voice called out to the team. A prominent figure geared in heavy armor and wielding a 2-meter-long halberd stepped forward. The giant knight was even bigger than Jin, who was standing at 210 cm.

"Hey mage, if you spread your legs for me, I'll pay for your stay at the finest orc inn and give you the best orc food. Why don't you come over for a night? I promise I'll be gentle; I don't bite… Much."

Adding his vulgar comments, a 2nd knight dressed similarly also came forward; he was shorter at 180 cm, but had a sizeable feathered bow on his shoulder.

Jin and Abel being the most hot-headed, rapidly jumped off the jeep and landed in from of the two armored figures. Jin stood face to face with the halberd-wielding knight before sternly saying.

"Shut your f*king mouth; you f*cking dicktrap, before I take my sword and jam it so far up your ass, even your ancestors will call me daddy."

Cain and El calmly got down from the vehicle, with El quickly grabbing Jin and Abel's forearms while saying.

"Jin, Abel, I am fine; I'm not even bothered by it. Bruno, I know Asgardians see earthlings as orcs, so why bother with these jokes? And for the record, I would rather get eaten by monsters than sleep with you."

"Clegane, Quickly, let us pass so we can all get back to our duties. We don't need this kind of trouble."

Clegane arrogantly rushed past Cain and again stood in front of Jin, provocatively uttering.

"While your slut is right, breaking orcs occasionally is fun. I love it when they squeal under me. How about it, orc? I know you have a sow and two piglets at home. I will gladly take them off your hands and make them my pets when you die."

When Jin heard his words, blood rushed to his head as violet light poured out of him like a tide. Clegane was notorious for raping and murdering the widows and daughters of warriors that died in battle.

The swirling violet energy was at an all-time high; being a 1-Moon heavy swordsman, Jin's energy quickly enveloped the area around them for a hundred meters. Then suddenly, everything became quiet, in the silence where you could hear a pin drop. Jin's tired and weary voice resounded.

"Arthur, I'm sorry."

Jin summoned his great sword in his hands and instantly swung it at Clegane. The Force energy was suddenly sucked into the tip of the blade like a whirlpool as Jin's roared.



Proofread By: Pearl_Wang, ThePotatoKing

Edited By: WorthyAdversary