Secrets of Asgard

After the shuttle left, the Beowolves collectively sighed in relief. Finally, the Ouragan family was safe; they defeated the Rank 5 Flying Slash Panther. The beast tide should dissolve by itself once the two remaining Rank 5's were killed, but they were told to eradicate it, so no one relaxed.

"Beowolves, the targets for escort have successfully left the battlefield. Well done, we will now focus on annihilation. Aimzay, use your ultimate and assassinate the Vile Butcher. Canni, ensure no assassin-type monsters are left. El, release your circles; we'll handle the rest. Abel, kite the Hammer Bison and everything around you towards Jin; Jin, slash the area. Finally, I will herd the monsters towards the center."

After receiving their orders, the armored warriors moved to perform their respective tasks.

Canni, like an assassin, suddenly phased in and out of existence as he appeared and disappeared while shooting at the fleeing demonic beasts at point-blank range.


Each shot was a concentrated volley of deadly steel bolts. The projectiles were fired from the hunter's wish weapon, making the demonic beasts full of holes like Swiss cheese.

On the center of the battlefield, the Hammer Bison made its giant blunt weapon descend in a downward swing onto Abel's head.

The giant bi-pedaled monster was a cow with three long horns that stood on its hind legs and had a morbidly muscular humanoid upper body. The beast somehow knew metallurgy and textile craftsmanship as it appeared with leather armor and a smithed hammer.


Abel evaded the beast's hammer swing as it missed him by a few meters and slammed into the ground as the shielder skated to the right. He then used the momentum and centrifugal force to smash the giant nail on his right forearm towards its chest.

Once it penetrated around two meters into the skin, a Force detonation occurred inside the Bison's heart as Abel used his skill.

"Shielder skill: [Fǎntán]! Mode [Impact Driver]"

*Boom* *Boom* *BOOOOOM*

The steel nail detonated like grenades; explosions resounded from the Hammer Bison's chest. Its tongue rolled out as it vomited blood and its eyes exploded as the pressure from the Bison's insides blew its guts outward. Furthermore, bits and pieces started bursting from its body as the demonic beasts had squeezed its internal organs out of the monsters' orifices.

Impressed by what he saw, Abel whistled in disbelief as he looked at the nail on his arm.


"Wow, I guess I won't need to kite that thing anymore; let's pull the rest. Shielder skill: [Nisi Ego Existo], catch me if you can, you Asshats!"

The shielder then gave an update through the Fenrir battle network as he started going left.

"Update, I neutralized the Hammer Bison and will be drawing what's left from the center towards Jin."

As the surrounding demonic beasts entered a semi-crazed berserker state as the shielder's skill taunted them, Abel admired his handiwork as he sped towards the 80-meter giant with a 100-meter great sword. While he was rushing through, the firm voice of the marksman resounded in the Fenrir battle network.

"Captain, I am now using my ultimate on the vile butcher; everyone, please take cover."


It has been a while since Aimzay used his ultimate due to the recharge time being one year. The last time he used it was when he shot his Asgardian superior, who was at 2-Sun. The Asgardian was talking crap in the restroom when the marksman timed his shot as he relieved himself.

It took the authorities over two years to find out he was the culprit. Once they did, though, the entire fortress of Green Trident became afraid of him. Anyone who could neutralize a warrior four levels above him was to be feared. Still, unlike then when he used his skill out of spite, this time, he was using it to help his team, and that was all that mattered.

As Aimzay looked at the Vile butcher, it was scanning around, as its target, the one-woman artillery battalion disappeared. He pointed the bullet near the space between the nose and upper lip.

  This spot was where the brain stem usually resided. Normally he would reserve this ability for when he felt his life was in danger. But with the Beowolves, even if he didn't have this skill, he was sure they would protect him if need be.

After all, they were the craziest mother*ckers in the nine realms. His voice echoed as force gathered around him.

"In uno spiritu et in uno momento, , éna defterólepto gia na kánei ti diaforá"

- [In one breath and in one moment, one second to make a difference] -

"Yī jī kàng cháo, yī qiāng jiéshù zhàndòu, yī qiāng jiéshù zhànzhēng"

- [one strike to fight a tide, one shot to end a battle, and a bullet to end a war] -

"Aftí tin ypóschesi tha dóso, mia zoí tha páro"

- [This promise I shall make, one life I will take]-

"ópou ki an trécheis, ópou ki an krývesai, Contra tempus, against space. Idem est mihi."

- [no matter where you run, no matter where you hide, against time, against space. It is all the same to me] -

"momentoque volat glans, amittenda vita erit."

- [the moment my bullet flies, forfeit your life shall be.] -

"Ultimate Skill – [Móno énas gýros]"

- [Ultimate Skill] – {Only One Round} -


As he shot, a golden bullet left the marksman's barrel, the sound was louder than cannons on a battleship.

In the next second, a golden streak of light was already seen leaving the back of the Vile Butcher's head as the incredible amount of kinetic energy was passed into the body


The bullet then subsequently disappeared as it left this plane. The Vile Butcher's head imploded as it looked like it was sucked inward by a vacuum cleaner, only for it to send bits and pieces of the demonic beast's head outwards.

The Butcher's body, however, exploded into a bloody fog as small shrapnel erupted out of it. The detonation turned the small shrapnel into a cloud of metal and death.

The flying shrapnel proceeded to take down everything within 400 meters of the Rank 5's body. After the shelling was over. There was nothing left within the area Aimzay shot at.

With the last Rank 5 taken down, the rest of the battle was completed in an uneventful fashion. There was literally no way the demonic beasts could escape the senses of Cannitrash nor the sight of Aimzay.

About nine minutes later, a teenage voice echoed in their helms when the fighting stopped.  "Lucia Fourreau is on Alfheim."

Blood red energy erupted from Cain; He was currently resting as the rebound of his ultimate happened three minutes ago. He didn't fall to the ground like normal, but he could only do light fighting. The white armored swordsman chillingly said.

"Please have an explanation ready when we return."

The Beowolves returned to the fortress. Once inside, they unsummoned their battle suits, returning to normal-sized warriors sporting dried blood on their bodies as they walked towards the labs. After they came into view outside the castle gate, earth-shattering cheers resounded.

"WAHHH!!!"  "Long live the Beowolves!" "THAT WAS SO F*CKING AWESOME!"  "WOOHHHH!" "Long live the hurricane swordsman!" "Captain Cain, marry me, please!"  "Thank you for saving our lives!" "HOORAY for the BEOWOLVES!" "HEROES OF BLACK HAMMER!" "BE-O-WOLF!" "BE-0-WOLF!" "BE-O-WOLF!" "BE-0-WOLF!"

The praise came from both Asgardians and Earthlings, civilians and warriors. It should be known that without a Sun-ranked warrior like Rai Seventh, the Asgardians would have died in the defense. Even if they fought, they would run out of force before long and succumb to injuries and fatigue. Such was the might demonstrated by a single squad from Parabellum.

As the squad was showered with praise and gratitude, Canni and Aimzay couldn't help but tear up a little.

They went from outcasts to heroes in just one battle, a single 15-minute fight. They puffed their chests out with pride as they walked forward.

But, aside from El looking through the crowd for a certain someone, the three at the forefront were silent.

Without anyone baring their way, the Beowolves eventually arrived at the labs, the assistants all standing on either side applauding them with Rai and Atele at the center.

After a few moments of cheering, Atele raised her hand to silence the room and promptly said.

"Well done, my wolves; I knew you could do it. Everyone in this base owes you their lives…."

Before she could continue, however, Blood red energy erupted from Cain as he said in a low and cold voice.

"Lorelei, explanation now."

The Asgardian enforcer was about to rebuke the blond warrior, but Atele raised her hand to stop him. And calmly said.

"Everyone, please leave the room; only Rai and the Beowolves may stay."

Suddenly ushered out, the Earthling and Asgardian scientist feeling slighted, had aggravated looks but they quietly vacated the premises. Once everyone left, Atele raised her right hand as it glowed in soft white light.

"[Alter Space], [Silent Room], [Link presence]."

Conjuring spells one after another; the Beowolves stiffened; they felt the room being disjointed from the rest of the base, like an isolated room.

Then the entire squad had their senses numbed to an alarming degree. They could now only feel a few feet in front of them.

Finally, they felt their minds connect like they were on the Fenrir network. A calm teenage voice resounded in the minds of everyone present.

'I apologize for using such extreme measures; however, what we are going to talk about now is of vital importance, so I cannot take any chances. Speak only with your mind. What I will discuss must never leave your lips or Vasiliás will send you to Mundi Silentii without trial or explanation, understood?'

The Beowolves nodded without much fuss, while before, the explosive collars kept their words and actions checked. The Fenrir dog tags now also monitored them to a lesser degree. Thus they believed that Lorelei would be able to know if they did share the info.

Taking into account the relation of Rai and Atele, they did not think for a second that Parabellum would not make good on its threat.

Seeing everyone nod in understanding, the twin-tailed Asgardian took a seat and explained. The childish demeanor disappeared like a lie, and in its place, the grace and dignity of a queen.


Proofread By: Pearl_Wang

Edited By: WorthyAdversary