Secrets of Asgard 2

'Okay, first of all, how I know. I only have one skill and its name is [Gnósi Gia Tin Athanasía], Greek for Knowledge for Immortality. I can ask Freya for anything, so as long as I pay the right price, like the deal the [Hurricane swordsman] made a while ago. It's just that my payment is years of my life.

Luckily, years of my life are the one thing I have in excess; however, I no longer age physically with the contract. Thus, I would die the moment I ask for information that exceeds my life's value.

I have lived for over seven millennia, so I know a thing about history and the passage of time. I have watched the six of you for a long while. Since the first time Asgard invaded your planet in the year EOS 40 in fact. I knew I could use knowledge as payment for your services. Thus I asked Freya where the people you are looking for even before we met.

Lucia Fourreau and Uriel Nhemir are in Alfheim, Friya Velos is in a place called Zauberer Bridge where that place is, I don't know….'

Hearing the names of the people they were desperately searching for, Canni and Cain couldn't help but emit Force around their bodies[1] . While Atele was still speaking, she was reprimanded by a strong voice from the marksman in armor.

'You're lying. Everything else was true, but the last bit about not knowing where Zauberer Bridge is, that's a lie!'

Unable to control himself due to waiting for 100 years, Claude couldn't help but feel outraged by the white lie mixed in the teenage Asgardians' explanation. A dignified voice responded without minding the allegation.

'Oh? Eyes that see the truth from lies, huh, interesting skill! You are correct, but even though I know where Zauberer Bridge is, the truth remains that you cannot reach it without going to Alfheim. Both Uriel and Lucia are alive, but I do not know their conditions, where they are in Alfheim, nor do I know why they are there or how long they have been there.?'

They were feeling glad that the Beowolves gained a human lie detector. The rest waited to see if Aimzay would confirm or deny Lorelei's latest statement. Even after waiting a few moments, he remained silent. Finally, they turned their heads to Lorelei, waiting for her to continue.

'I will share three truths with you as you are members of Parabellum.  The first of which is the enemy of Parabellum. Our group exists to fight Ragnarök; however, we already know who the enemy is. The enemies are mythical figures who call themselves the [Lemegeton Clavicula]. We know of this since one of their members had already been apprehended by Asgard over 4000 years ago.

Regarding the specifics, the man beside me would be able to tell you more as he was the one with the achievement.'

Hearing about an organization that could fight Asgard on equal terms, the Beowolves were both alarmed and intrigued.

  The members occasionally looked at Aimzay to see if he would refute the statements. As Lorelei wanted to share a bit of Asgardian history, Rai proceeded to elaborate and expound in a calm and aged voice.

'The name of the mythical entity was Malphas; he was incredibly strong. We believe he was stronger than Celestial rank. When he arrived and started laying waste to Asgardian cities, it took over 200 5-Sun warriors, including myself, to stop him. Only 20 Warriors survived that encounter.

He used shadow as both weapon, armor, and movement. The gloves I have [Yǐng shǒu] were just the pieces we managed to remove from him after sacrificing over a hundred 5-Sun Asgardians. Originally Mundi Silentii was built upon solid land; however, the energy around Malphas was so strong that after we incarcerated him in it, the entire continent the prison was on turned into a land of Shadow.

Due to this, we had Asgardian mages break the prison from the land and had it sealed in a separate dimension to avoid complications. Luckily, since having [Yǐng shǒu], we were able to use the land even after it was sealed. I used dead guards because the live ones turned crazy from being near Malphas.'

As the white-haired Asgardian continued to explain, Abel suddenly interrupted.

'We don't care about this mystical entity you are housing in your shadow prison. What we care about is Alfheim; we get that Uriel and Lucia are there. So why do you want to go there, Lorelei? And why do you need us?'

Amused by the straightforward manner Abel asked his question, she smiled like a saint as she said in a calm voice.

'Our interrogations allowed us to figure out that Malphas calls himself and [Lemegeton Clavicula] members as Demon lords. Furthermore, we confirmed that there are 72 of them, with him in the top 5.

We were also able to pry out from him that aside from himself, two other Demon lords of similar rank are loose in the nine realms, and one has been confirmed to be hiding in a ruin on Alfheim.'

Hearing the unsettling news, Aimzay proceeded to question Lorelei.

'This can't be the same place you want us to escort you to, right? The one that restricts anything above 3-Moon rank from entering?'

As Lorelei heard the tension and fear in Aimzay's voice, she lightly chucked as she answered.

'It is. The fact that we would be assaulting a being similar in power to Malphas, who was considered the biggest calamity that befell Asgard., Odin has declared the mission suicidal. None of the 5-Suns who survived Malphas wanted to join; for the last 4000 years, I have been looking for warriors who would escort me to that place.'

At her confirmation, the minds linked sighed collectively as they now understood why Parabellum developed the Fenrir battle suits. And the seemingly too good to be true actual conditions attached once one considered joining the Beowolves. As they were thinking, Cain then interjected.

'You still have not answered, Lorelei, every one of us already has reasons why we need to go to Alfheim; what's yours, why go through all this trouble for over several millennia? Why do you court death even when the mightiest ones in Asgard cower? You can't even fight yet wish to confront the demon lord?'

Golden light erupted out of Lorelei's eyes as she heard Cain's line of questioning. She looked at Cain with her eyes overflowing with unbridled fury.

'Earth is not the only planet that encountered the Shattering. While it only happened 100 years ago on Earth. Asgard also experienced something similar to the Shattering over seven millennia ago. I was a survivor of that cataclysm. However, I lost my entire family to that event. Malphas said the one who caused the Asgardian Shattering was the one in Alfheim.

Only the thought of revenge has kept me going for 7000 years, Cain. I will forge blades to kill this so-called demon lord or die trying. I gave up everything to destroy this Sansorðin, and I will not stop until I have its head mounted on a pike. Is that a good enough answer?'

At this moment, violet energy erupted around the room; Jin, who had been silent this entire time, finally decided to speak.

"Looks like we now have a reason to go then; insurmountable odds and a high chance of dying; what are we waiting for?"

The entire room was speechless. Usually, Jin would be the one to list down the demerits of doing a dangerous mission quickly; it was as if he lost all hope of living. However, that was until one saw the fire in his eyes—a blaze so strong even when he was the one with the slightest reason for wanting to go.

Out of the blue, a melodic laugh echoed across the room. The twin-tailed researcher then added.

"Fufu, I agree, Seth; you surely did not disappoint me. One may grow stronger as he grows older. But one's disposition is not easily changed. So at the same time that the mighty Asgardians cower like sheep, the Earthlings rise like wolves to fight battles they have no chance of surviving. This is so amusing. I truly choose correctly."

Checking to see if the rest of the Beowolves had the exact resolution, what the researcher saw was not people who were resigned to die. But people who are desperately going to cling to hope. And seeing this for the first time in millennia gave her a tiny spark of belief.

The two previous iterations of the Beowolves all quit when they knew the target was a demon lord like Malphas. No matter what she offered, they never budged.

Even when she took Earthling enslaved people as the second iteration, they chose to be executed instead of doing the impossible.

As she felt pleased with her choice, she then proceeded to say, "With that, you all can rest for the remainder of the night; tomorrow, we leave for the Warp gate for Alfheim. Unlike the shuttle for Alfheim, we would need to use land vehicles to get there.

Get your affairs in order as we set out tomorrow. Rai will be going with us until we reach Alfheim.

Do not forget that wearing the Fenrir dog tags restricts you at 3-Moon; all your Force surplus will be stored as energy for the next fight so remember your limits.

….You are dismissed."

*Snap* *Crack* *Shatter*

At the twin-tailed Asgardian finger snap, the reality seemed to break as all the restrictions placed on the room disappeared with the sound of glass shattering.

With the spells dissolving, the Beowolves had their senses restored as they could now feel that they were back in the fortress.

They saluted Lorelei quickly as they left the labs; Rai, who also had things to prepare, left Lorelei alone in the bright lab.

As they left, Lorelei took a seat and looked out the window. Then, stretched out her hand as if to grab the sun, she quietly mumbled to herself.

"Mother, Father, Sister, it has been so long, but our revenge is finally within our reach. Whether we succeed or not, I will be joining you soon."

Tears started to fall from her eyes as she tried to reminisce about the warmth of the family she had lost so long ago, seemingly looking nothing like a proud Asgardian but a poor lonely teenager.


Proofread By: Pearl_Wang

Edited By: WorthyAdversary