Until the winds take me home 2

After his request to find her was denied, she gave him a task instead.

- Follow the wolves of the Black Hammer; they will lead you to what you desire. I give you the eyes to see the truth from lies and the vision to see an unlimited distance. -

As the marksman now found his direction like a lost ship in a storm. He clung to the words of the white world. However, what did wolves mean? Was he going to follow animals? Furthermore, what did Black Hammer mean?

It was only when the world went to shit that he found out one of the last human strongholds was named Black Hammer Fortress. Only then did he connect that he was given knowledge of the future.

After surpassing several trials, he eventually was able to arrive at Black Hammer fortress. But, when he heard the name Beowolves, he was giddy for an entirely different reason. The wolves of Black hammer finally came after 100 years of waiting.  And he was not about to let himself get left behind.

His skill [Alítheia kai psémata] turned him into a human lie detector. However, the marksman never shared it with anyone. So, when he heard Cain's speech, he knew the blond swordsman meant every word of what he said. When the same captain trusted him enough to ignore the Rank 5, it was time to carry his weight.

The Asgardians who saw his skill with marksmanship in the past shouted

"His aim is crazy! Crazy, I tell you! Aim Crazy! Aim Crazy! Aimzay! Aimzay!"

And from then on, his moniker became Aimzay. The mythical sniper was now part of the craziest sons of bitches the nine realms have ever seen, the Beowolves. [provisio] was Latin for far sight, which worked well with his original skills as a sniper. When the Rank 5 suddenly glowed orange in Claude's vision, the marksman started preparing his shot.

"Rank 5 Winged Slash Panther, no wonder it could walk on air and avoid detection."

The lizard-headed panther was running at high speeds towards the shuttle. Aimzay knew it wasn't his mission to stop the monsters' movements. Instead, his task was to bring it down enough for Jin to kill it. As such, he didn't aim for the head but its right lung.

Since monsters evolved from normal animals, the biology should remain the same; as the demons grew, they created backup hearts and the like. However, the lungs were one thing they could never duplicate. Using the advanced 2nd brain of his suit, he delegated all external factors of his shot to it. The suit considered wind speed, distance, projectile spin, recoil, and other aspects.

Claude proceeded to charge his rifle barrel with force. He silently activated his skill [Wàn shí], meaning ten thousand stones in Chinese. This skill fragmented the bullet round upon impact. However, the fragments were inside the body as a secondary charge to a tank round. It gave his shots a fuse to explode like shotgun rounds once inside the body.

This prevented the marksman from needing the second round as the fragments would cause the target to be close to dying if it hit a major organ or straight-up dead if it hit a vital organ.

As he pulled the trigger, he felt a white and green light fall on him. He didn't feel any different, so he ignored it, but knew the one-woman artillery battery had her plans. He silently murmured

"Here is a gift from the Beowolves, Farewell!"


As the rifle fired, a large white bullet spun towards the invisible target in the sky. Immediately after, he placed his sights on the monstrosity laying siege to the Beowolves' Mage in the sky.


El was livid! First off, she was being puked on by what looked like a giant tentacled-faced blue-skinned morbidly obese ugly bastard whose guts were spilling out of a gash out of its stomach. 

The Vile butcher was a corpse that was bloated with putrid liquids in its body. It was assumed to be a corpse that had drowned somewhere, but no one knew how it came to be.

It snorted and launched a green spit projectile that had enough impact to break fortresses. Furthermore, its fat body protected it from attacks turning it into armored artillery for the demonic tides. And if that wasn't enough, this giant lizard-headed bastard was aiming for the cute Anne and Leslie. 

Those children were so pure and so kind. If El had children in the future, she would want them to be similar. She was in charge of support, so she used [through my eyes] to survey the battlefield. She felt Cain decimating the entire left flank alone, the Abandoned Elder already in pieces; Abel was going wild in the middle as he kept smashing against a 100-meter bull that stood on two legs.

Cannitrash had a vanishing death match with over hundreds of slash panthers; Aimzay was preparing to shoot the Lizard-headed bastard with a frightening amount of force. While Jin was preparing a stance? Wait!!! The panicking El saw the giant samurai preparing to throw his great sword like a spear. Helplessly lamenting to herself, she said as she weakly chuckled.

"Ugh, these people are crazy. What would you do without me? "

"Gunolf Lupus trigger [Sonata Mille lamenta] mode E!"

Gunolf Lupus was El's primary weapon. It was a Force amplifier, psionic generator, and load dampener in the form of a giant staff upon using a spell known as a trigger.

In addition, it amplifies the Force output of the period by using the Fenrir battle suits reserves.; it was explicitly created when Lorelei saw the power of [Sonata Mille lamenta].

She implemented the system to minimize the spell's impact on El's mind. Using a psionic generator created localized instances of the mage's mind in the form of magic circles.

These circles would have neither emotion nor intellectual thought. Their only purpose was to draw knowledge from [Ateleíoti Vivliothíki], and chant spells as instructed. This prevented her mind from experiencing psychotic breaks like in the previous incident.

Lastly, The load dampener prevented the circles from over-drafting El's Force pool, ensuring they could all function using Force as sparingly as possible.

The Staff had a full four modes, mode Bullet, which was for assault, and mode Enhance, which was for support and field control; El currently could only use two methods as she lacked Force for the more advanced modes.

The hundreds of magic circles around El all started chanting buffs and debuffs. Thousands of lights fell on both the Beowolves and their targets. 

Her figure disappeared as she gave herself invisibility through [Unseen Shadow]. Abel was given defense skills [Earth Armor] and [Resist Pain], Jin Force regeneration spells [Increase Vitality], and [Refresh Mind]. 

In addition, each of the 1200 Cains was given [Swiftness] and [Love of the Saint], further enhancing their might.

The hundreds of Slash panthers battling Canni were debuffed with [Broken Armor], [Brittle], and [Slow]. 

As if that was not enough, [Boost] and [Increase damage] were cast on Aimzay. Ensuring whatever he hit would have the worse day of their life.

Finally, she invoked [Gravity 40x] on the Winged Slash Panther, the Hammer Bison, and Vile Butcher, nailing all three to the ground.

As the Mages in the Asgardian army saw the flying white knight cast spell after spell dominating in both destruction and field control. They could only shake their heads. 

The Asgardians couldn't help but ask themselves how Freya was fair in the world and why she gave such might to an orc!

El opened her eyes after finishing her chants only to see Jin leaping towards the sword he threw with such might as whirlwinds pushed him forward. She could only ask herself.

"What the hell are you up to now, Jin?"


25,000 was the number of targets Jin was supposed to offer to Freya; his initial attack took down 12,000 his following rampage brought that to 26,000. Having a 100-meter sword and spinning like a top while dragging beasts with fierce winds was very effective.

Now, he needed to cut the head off this Rank 5 Winged Slash Panther, and he would complete Freya's deal. Allowing him to keep his new Cataclysm skill [Susanoo].

As he pushed himself with intense hurricanes, he saw the beast slowing down significantly and struggling to stand up. He then saw a white spinning bullet hit its right shoulder, sending two of its front limbs flying. Then, small balls shot out of the bleeding shoulder and peppered the demonic beast's entire body with shrapnel.


The demonic beast fell on its solidified air platform with a thud. The platform slowly started to crack. Jin using strong winds, arrived ahead of his sword as he used his left hand to grab the neck of the beast and lift it.

He stretched his right hand behind him as he caught his rushing great sword. He stared into the beasts' eyes as he slowly said.

"Thank you for today; you made me realize how far I still have to go. So, as thanks, I will keep your skull with me until the day I fall."

Jin then proceeded to decapitate the monster; as the beast's air platform broke, both Jin and the corpse plunged from the sky. Jin could see his family's faces in the shuttle windows as he fell. Anne and Leslie had sparkling eyes in admiration, while Bella was in tears as her countenance displayed only one emotion, pride.

After the moment ended, the shuttle passed as it zipped through the Warp gate and disappeared.

Jin once again solemnly swore.

"Wait for me, Bella, Ann, Leslie. I will never stop fighting until I take you all back home from Asgard."

End of Volume: The Wolves of Force and Steel


Proofread By: Pearl_Wang,

Edited By: WorthyAdversary