Until the winds take me home

"BEOWOLVES! I repeat! Once the shuttle passes, we will annihilate this tide. But, until the shuttle departs, our priority is to defend!"

As Cain shouted with all his might, the rest of the wolves noticed the semi-transparent animals running towards the shuttle. While they were on the ground and the Shuttle was in the air, no one wanted to take chances. Like with Earthlings, Force made the impossible possible for the demonic beasts.

As if the world wanted to enjoy the show, the invisible horde suddenly started to gain altitude while running. While the demonic beasts climbed, a shadow suddenly manifested on the back of one of the transparent animals. A black suit of armor was riding one of the animals at the right edge of the pack and pointed his left arm to the far left.


A loud sleek sound passed through the invisible horde as it hit an animal on the far opposite side of the black armor. After burying itself on the shoulder of the four-legend monster, the gold-pointed arrow was suddenly pulled back at fast speeds. Because of its size, it smashed against the ones still running.

The black figure then leaped from the animal it was mounting and jumped into the middle of the stampede. Canni swung his left arm while firing the weapon on his right.

Some of the beasts were blasted into bits by the powerful rain of bolts. As if the dawn of a new day. The entire area around Canni turned black as hundreds of panthers-like animals with six limbs and hands for claws appeared. A man's voice resounded.

"All of you will be staying here with me."

The blond swordsman felt relieved when he saw Canni single-handedly stop the invisible horde. However, he still needed to resolve several things. 

1st-El was being assaulted by the Vile Butcher;

2nd-Abel was dueling a Hammer Bison.

3rd-The Abandoned Elder was heading towards the Fortress.

4th-The Invisible Rank 5 was not among those that showed up. It was still missing. 

Finally, only the cannibal could find the missing Rank 5, but Cannitrash still decided to block the invisible horde from reaching the shuttle. 

Despite knowing he would fall if overwhelmed by large numbers. Cannitrash still did it since he knew how vital the shuttle was for them.

Cain felt his efforts rewarded as his men showed their resolve to win or lose together as he scanned the field around Cannitrash. As he was thinking about how to turn around the situation, the hunter's voice resounded in his helmet.

"Captain, I marked the Rank 5 with my skill; I judged I couldn't stop it, so I opted to stop the horde instead. Transferring its position to the team."

Adriel had his wife murdered, and his daughter kidnapped before the Shattering happened. Many deemed he was a former police investigator who had lost his mind. Mainly because he took vengeance into his own hands as he began vigilante-like killing sprees on child trafficking syndicates with unmatched fervor.

When he met the lady of the white world post Shattering, his first wish was to gain the ability to track his target and never lose its trail until one of them died. The skill he got was [Coniuncti in perpetuum], Latin for forever together. However, the skill never worked on his daughter, so he thought she was dead, only to use two wishes and find out Uriel was alive and not in the six beacons.

Not long after, the rank 5's visage showed up in the eyes of the Beowolves. One of the subsystems for the Fenrir battle suits was called [through my eyes]. It allowed anyone connected to the Fenrir battle suit network to share their vision, hearing, and situational awareness.

Sighing in relief, Cain knew it was no longer a problem. If an assassin was the target, bringing it down before it could damage was the natural recourse. But, what would happen if the said assassin had its location broadcasted to not only an artillery battalion, a sniper with mythic level accuracy, and an 80-meter doting father who was angry as f*ck?

Still, being careless was not allowed, so he gave additional instructions.

"Aimzay, disable and leave the Rank 5 panther to Jin. El, support Canni and Abel, hold off the Vile Butcher until the shuttle clears."

The blonde swordsman chuckled as he made a silent prayer. Then, he proceeded to raise hell on his side of the battleground. Now that the last Rank 5 was accounted for, it was time to do as much damage as he could. He used his movement skill [Citius quam lux] to rush toward the Abandoned Elder. 

The Elder was a naked bald old man with a giant tree trunk as a bat. Although it looked human, it was a culmination of corpses that had joined together and stood up. No one could explain why, but every graveyard would spawn an 'Abandoned Elder' given enough time.

It was slow but powerful and extremely resilient to blows. Cain felt excited seeing the 50-meter Rank 5 and thousands of demonic beasts in front of him.

It was quite a menagerie. There were mutated bears, tigers, elephants, and even dinosaurs-like monstrosities, all well over 30 meters. However, in the end, what they looked like didn't matter. They all needed to die today for Jin and his sister's sake.

"[Demon of War] [CHÍLIOI THÁNATOI]"

The white swordsman's figure grew to over 40 meters. Afterward, hundreds more showed up with the same equipment. As if in a scene from myth, at the same time, all 1200 40-meter white chevaliers drew their swords in the same fashion, with blood-red energy erupting from each in a torrent of frightening Force.

The red manes attached to their heads and red capes flow with the wind. All of them proceeded to perform a knight's salute placing the swords to their chest as the one in the lead shouted.

"Arthur Fourreau Codename Cain, Die for me."

The following blood bath was so quick it didn't even register to those who watched it. As they saw a thousand white knights with red capes rush each demonic beast, kill it in one thrust, and move on to the next.

It didn't matter if the beast had armor or not; it didn't matter if it could fly, run, or crawl. Not one could escape the slaughter that followed. Like a white tsunami, the armored chevaliers caused demonic beasts to fall by the thousands. 

The knights stabbed, slashed, gutted, beheaded, and ripped anything in front of them. Then, after a few seconds, the Red-maned knights assembled around the Abandoned Elder and butchered it to pieces. 

Silence permeated the entire fortress as every Earthling and Asgardian marveled at the display of the Beowolves. They were all dumbfounded by the power the suits of armor displayed. A single squad did just manage to stop an entire beast tide with not one but 4 Rank 5's.

However, as the crowd was overwhelmed, a shining light shot through the desert and blew up as if it had hit a wall. Manifesting afterward was a giant lizard with a body-like panther with two extra forearms. Two of which from its right side were flying in the sky. It was standing in the air as it roared towards the direction of the bullet.


"Captain, I marked the Rank 5 with my skill; I judged I couldn't stop it, so I opted to stop the horde instead. Transferring its position to the team."

Aimzay was listening to the entire battle while silently guarding the shuttle. So even before Cain noticed and notified them of the invisible pack of Slash Panthers, the marksman was scanning the group for the Rank 5.

"Aimzay, disable and leave the Rank 5 panther to Jin. El, support Canni and Abel, hold off the Vile Butcher until the shuttle clears."

A marksman was only as good as his first shot. If you needed more than two bullets to kill anything, you were a failure as a marksman. 

Aimzay, who also went by Claude Velos, was a special forces sniper before the world shattered. He was the best of the best in both his unit and the entire battalion. 

His unbelievable skills allowed him to snipe targets well out of his weapon's normal range. Thus, getting him the mythical moniker, sniper.

However, when the world broke, it all was made moot as his wife Friya was dragged by the ground, never to return.

  He proceeded to dig the dirt for months, using anything from shovels to pickaxes, even his hands. Finally, in his desperation, he met the voice of the white world.


Proofread By: Pearl_Wang,

Edited By: WorthyAdversary