The longest five minutes 2

Cain was ecstatic; it was only 60 seconds! While the other Beowolves were still running beside him. Jin jumped to the sky, transformed into a giant, caught and swung a 200-meter hurricane at the demonic army, and single-handedly stopped a Rank 5 demonic beast tide.

He then created a tunnel for the shuttle, turning it into a railway. Finally, he stood in front of the army in the most domineering fashion Cain had ever seen and spoke not only a promise but also an assurance.

  Not wanting to waste the time Jin brought them so desperately, he shouted to Lorelei through the connection of his Fenrir battle suit.

"Lorelei! launch the shuttle; the wind tunnel should allow it to go faster!"

As if waiting for the signal, the smug voice said.

"Understood, launching the shuttle. Sonia lift off! The tunnel should make the entire process shorter by 90 seconds."

When the blonde-haired maid heard her master's words, the shuttle's engines erupted with overwhelming power.

The entire shuttle then proceeded to rush through the wind tunnel akin to the speed of sound.

The Beowolf Captain saw that the object to guard was on its way, and Jin slammed his sword on the apocalypse-sized beasts. Finally, Cain gave instructions to the rest of the Beowolves.

"Aimzay, your goal is to prevent any demonic beast from targeting the shuttle. Find high ground and snipe away. Canni, a demonic beast tide this large would have assassin-like beasts. Locate them all and eradicate them.

Abel, charge the center and bring them hell. El, go high, and use heals and buffs as you see fit. If large groups of enemies cluster, eliminate them; otherwise, conserve your force pool till we find the Rank 5. I will head left and control that side.

Remember, you are allowed to wound the rank five, but do not kill it. If Anyone sees the Rank 5, notify Canni and have him mark it. When the tide is around 5,000 strong, we will bring it down. Beowolves, move out!"

As the Beowolves separated, Aimzay launched himself, activated [Demon of War], and found the tallest cliff he could see.

Then, he activated his six spider legs that nailed him in place as he began scanning the shuttle's path for potential dangers to the Ourangan family.

Canni slid across the desert akin to roller skating as his armor started to release dust that looked like crushed diamonds; after a few seconds, he disappeared completely. He then used his skills to track assassin-type demonic beasts and if he lucked out the rank 5.

El activated [Demon of War] and leaped to the sky. Her wings opened as incredible amounts of force erupted from under the pieces that looked like dragonfly wings. She twirled a staff-like weapon and pointed it towards the demonic beasts clumped into groups.

"Gunolf Lupus trigger [Sonata Mille lamenta] mode B!"

Hundred of magic circles appeared around El, and each magic circle had a lovely voice chanting a spell after the chanting was completed.

The competed magical projectiles rained on the pockets of demonic beasts, eradicating them from existence.

The magic circles remained in the air and kept firing spell after spell ranging from fireballs, icicles, thunderbolts even small meteors.

El was holding her staff, standing at the center of the magic circles, not moving. She was diverting a load of [Sonata Mille lamenta] to localized instances of her brain via the magic circles and only needed to supply the rings with force. While it turned her into a one-woman artillery battalion, it left her exposed. Luckily, she was not alone.

A red streak slammed in the center of the demonic horde obliterating anything it came across as crimson red energy erupted from the figure. Its red horn had snakes of red lightning streaking across its length. The Red armored warrior then shouted.

"[Demon of War] Shielder skill: [Nisi Ego Existo]!"

As Abel channeled force into his battle suit, his figure increased from 2 meters to 40 meters. The red horn on his head shone with blazing energy.

All the demon beasts around him started to have their eyes emit a red glow as if crazed.  [Nisi Ego Existo] was Abel's 4-Star skill, Latin for only I exist.

It gave a boost to Abel for each enemy that was taunted to attack him. The more, the better. The only reason he couldn't use it before was that he would die if he could not endure the damage.

  Consequently, that was no longer a problem for his Fenrir battle suit. It was like giving wings to a tiger.

The demon hordes promptly changed to assault Abel, only for them to smash into his shield or his armor. After they did, yellow energy pulsed through the armor to his shoulders. Then, the boxes on his shoulders opened up as he thundered with a loud voice.

"Shielder skill: [Fǎntán]! Mode [Burst Eruption]"

Abel proceeded to use his counter damage skill; however, instead of using a sword to deliver the damage, he used his new equipment.

  His Fenrir armor now runs [Kathysteriméni epídrasi] 24/7, meaning all kinetic energy the suit receives is stored for later use. The impact energy is forcefully kept in the boxes on his shoulders, waiting to be triggered. 

There were three modes to trigger the energy, corresponding to the three weapons the suit is armed with.

first was his horn; he could start a bullrush charge without needing to gain momentum.

The second was he could use the nail on his forearm to deliver percussion explosive pinpointed strikes to a single target.

Finally, he could erupt the damage stored by blasting the energy reserves into a full-frontal attack.

The boxes in the Shielder's shoulders opened, revealing thousands and thousands of folded gun barrels, all of which started roaring as they fired.

The concentrated barrage of kinetic energy was powerful enough to rip everything in front of the red Beowulf to shreds. After his energy depleted, the boxes closed, and he proceeded to charge even deeper.

Cain was analyzing the battlefield and was delighted with his team's rampage as the shuttle blasted forward in the wind tunnel. It was already halfway, meaning roughly 60 seconds had passed from when it launched.

To normal humans, the '60s may be short, but to Awakeners, it was a very long time. Then, just when he was about to resume his assault on the demonic beasts before him, he saw large shadows rushing in large numbers towards the shuttle.

The shadows were running on four legs, with the one in the lead three sizes larger. They were close to invisible as they bent light around them. Cain felt his blood turn cold. The presence was like the Gremlords they fought two days ago, running directly to the shuttle in the air.

"Shit, the Rank 5!"

Yet as if fate wanted to show she was not done, the battlefield was always volatile, violent, and seldom fair. Voices one after another

"Arthur, I see the Rank 5. It's an Abandoned Elder and is heading for the shuttle; I'm taking its head." (Jin)



"Captain! El is under attack from a monster with a long-range attack, her defenses are holding, but she won't last long, from the projectile, it seems to be a Rank 5 vile butcher" (Aimzay)

"Cain, I think we are in trouble. I found another Rank 5! 20 Meter Hammer Bison. It's in the middle and currently dueling me." (Abel)

Cain was startled; from what he learned of the enemy formation, there should be only one leader; the demonic beasts would kill one another to gain dominance and establish a hierarchy. Yet there were multiple in one horde, and they worked together for one purpose.

The Blonde swordsman started to panic inwardly; the only reason Humanity had been able to last this long was that the demonic beast tides were predictable like beasts. If they began to show tactics and deception, the rules of war would change immensely.

As he counted, there was the one Cain detected, the long-range one shooting El, the Hammer Bison dueling Abel, and the Abandoned Elder Jin was going to attack.

If all of them were here to ensure the team was occupied. They couldn't guarantee that the shuttle would be able to make it. There was a total of four.

As he began thinking up plans, he returned to what was the most important. He then calmed done and announced in a cold voice.

"Beowolves, I am releasing safeguards on Ultimate's; as of now, we exist for this battle alone.

Jin, disengage the Elder and focus on defending the shuttle. There is an invisible rank 5 heading towards it.

Aimzay, neutralize the butcher; I authorize your ultimate.

Canni, hunt the invisible rank five but save your ultimate for the Elder.

Abel, keep the Bison busy; I will hold the Elder. El, focus on support.

Once the shuttle passes, we will annihilate this tide. But, until the shuttle departs, our priority is to defend."


Proofread By: Pearl_Wang,

Edited By: WorthyAdversary