The longest five minutes

"Beowolves! We ride to intercept the enemy! May we see the light of Victory! CHARGE!"

Hearing the roar of his new captain, Cannitrash's blood was pumping on overdrive. Finally, after years of being ignored and ostracized, he was now given a chance to redeem himself. But, as he remembered the confrontation earlier due to the Ourangan family, he felt his blood boiling.

Unlike when his unit threw him to the dogs when they learned of his name, Adriel Nhemir, the Beowolves were stupidly loyal; they never kneeled to anyone. Not in front of the 5-Moon bodyguard Sonia nor when they faced the 5-Sun Asgardian Enforcer Vasiliás.

Having searched for his daughter for the last 100 years, Adriel knows how far fathers would go for their children. And the violet Force hurricane swirling around the blue steel samurai to his left was proof of the man's desperation. Jin then proceeded to jump over 500 meters into the air and roared.

"Lady of the white world! I give you my everything; grant my wish! You said my desire is strong enough; give me power for that I offer this demonic tide to you!"

Suddenly a melodious sultry voice resounded in all the minds of everyone present.

- Fufu, very well, I accept your offering. I grant you the ability of Lord of Winds. Grant me the Force from half the demonic beast tide and the Rank 5 leader, or you will take your life after 5 minutes. Let everyone present know I award desire with strength; now show me an end worthy of a legend! -

Adriel could only laugh; this was how his new life would be. For some reason, Lorelei seemed intent on grounding the Beowolves to dust. But from what he knew of them, the cannibal was sure they would genuinely be the sharpest blade the Asgardians would ever produce. And for the first time in a long while, he felt his desire burn.


Jin felt his temples burning; this was the effect of his skill that told him he was in mortal danger. Well, charging into a demonic beast tide would typically be the ending for anyone. But, over these past few days, he repeatedly caused his family and friends to be in danger due to his outbursts. He wanted to change; the heavy swordsman no longer wanted to be a hot-headed muscle-bound hooligan.

And as if mocking his efforts, his family was now not only taken hostage but being treated as bait in front of him. He initially thought, 'This is the dicktrap's fault,' then he started blaming the demonic beast tides. However, he couldn't run away from reality.

It was entirely his fault; the last time he ranked up was over 30 years ago. When he met Bella and eventually got married, he started playing it safe; when Abel joined, he no longer took chances. All he wanted was to go home to his family and enjoy their love and warmth. He was complacent, lost his desire, and now it came back to bite him in a way he couldn't accept. Jin was not stupid.

Still, he was lazy. He always took the straight path due to his belief in overwhelming might. Unfortunately, he repeatedly had his ass handed to him these past few days. His strength looked laughable in the face of the truly strong. He was no more than a frog in a well. And now, he could lose his family for his carelessness.

Genuinely desperate, he came into the white world and asked Freya for power. And the answer he got was.

-Your wish is admirable, darling; you have enough desire but do not have enough force. Offer me about half the beast tide and its leader, and I will grant your request.

With his only option in from of him, he leaped as high as he could. The heavy swordsman then shouted.

"Lady of the white world! I give you my everything; grant my wish! You said my desire is strong enough; give me power for that I offer this demonic tide to you!"

Suddenly a melodious sultry voice resounded in all the minds of everyone present.

-Fufu very well, I accept your offering. I grant you the ability of lord of winds. Grant me the Force of both half the demonic beast tide and the Rank 5 leader, or you will take your life after 5 minutes.

Let everyone present know I award desire with strength. Now show me an end worthy of a legend! -

Freya agreed to bend the rules; she would give him the skills he would typically get after ranking up; however, in exchange, if he didn't fulfill her conditions, his life was forfeit.

  The condition he had this round was to kill 25,000 of the monsters and the life of the Rank 5 Demonic beast leading the tide.

As he felt his new skill crammed into his brain, he felt hopeful. He then roared at the top of his lungs.

"[Demon of War] Cataclysm Skill [Susanoo]!"

[Demon of War] was a built-in skill to the Fenrir battle suits that used a gigantification spell on both the armors and the user. In less than ten seconds. Jin went from being 2 meters tall to over 80 meters.

As he was falling to the ground. His sword, which looked like an eastern katana, opened its crossguard and had liquid metal rushing to form an enormous double-edged great sword. The weapon also benefited from [Demon of War], so its original 3-meter-long size extended was now unbelievably over 100 meters.

When Jin's enormous frame landed on the ground, a massive hurricane formed beside him. The storm looked like a cataclysmic event, standing over 200 meters and visibly raging at unprecedented speeds. The giant samurai thrust his massive weapon into the hurricane, but instead of being cut, the winds followed the edge of the great sword as if returning to its mother's embrace.

He then took an overhead stance as the demonic beast was about to reach him.

To anyone else, the sounds of the mighty hurricane were deafening. But to Jin, all he could hear was the sound of his own heart. He didn't mind dying here if it meant allowing his family to survive. But since he promised Bella, he planned to get stronger. Strong enough to assault Asgard and get his family back.

Jin's large frame was now wielding the massive hurricane as a great sword. It's two hundred meters of unaltered destructive power poised as the heavy swordsman prepared his strike.

"I will never be complacent again. I will destroy Asgard with my two hands if that is what it takes. But, I will not fall here."

He was murmuring as the winds roared. The Black-haired swordsman made his pledge as he swung his blade as roared.

"Ultimate Skill [TURBO VULNUS]!"

The hurricane followed the sword as it clashed on the ground. The destructive winds assaulted the eight thousand fliers. They lifted nearly ten thousand demonic beasts off the ground as they were thrown around and smashed their bodies on the 400 apocalypse-size monsters.

Apocalypse-sized monsters are defined as beasts with gigantic bodies over 200 meters tall but lacking enough strength and below Rank 4. Thus, aside from their large frames, they are considered less dangerous than actual Rank 4's.

After the winds started dissolving, the carnage the giant samurai did was visible for the first time. All eight thousand demonic beasts that could fly were eviscerated into pieces. The ground was turned black as over ten thousand beasts spilled blood.

This one strike causes the beast tide to stop in its tracks. It was causing the entire battlefield to become quiet in front of its overwhelming might.

  Not willing to wait, Jin raised his free hand to point to the shuttle back at the fortress and drew an imaginary line towards the golden portal behind the demonic monster army.

"Unique skill [Anavátis Anémou]!"

Significant wind gales started forming a wind tunnel in the path from the portal to the shuttle.

The winds were violet in color as they coalesced into an almost solid passage made of solidified air.

  Jin held his sword to his chest as the blade reached for the skies, in a stance known as "In no Kamae" in Japanese martial arts. Violet winds swirled around him in large quantities; the eastern-looking armored swordsman's eyes glowed yellow as he bellowed.

"I am Jin Ourangan Codename: Seth. None of you shall pass."


Proofread By: Pearl_Wang,

Edited By: WorthyAdversary