Darkest of the nights.

"momentoque volat glans, amittenda vita erit."

- [the moment my bullet flies, forfeit your life shall be.] -

"Ultimate Skill – [Móno énas gýros]"

- [Ultimate Skill] – {Only One Round} -


As he shot, a golden bullet left the marksman's barrel, the sound was louder than cannons on a battleship.

In the next second, a golden streak of light was already seen leaving the back of the Vile Butcher's head as the incredible amount of kinetic energy was passed into the body


The bullet then subsequently disappeared as it left this plane. The Vile Butcher's head imploded as it looked like it was sucked inward by a vacuum cleaner, only for it to send bits and pieces of the demonic beast's head outwards.

The Butcher's body, however, exploded into a bloody fog as small shrapnel erupted out of it. The detonation turned the small shrapnel into a cloud of metal and death.