Cannitrash and Aimzay 2

After reading and sharing the information with the rest, they all began analyzing it to see if there were any concerns they needed to nip in the bud. After a few moments of thinking, they started sharing their opinions. Abel began the discussion.

"Skills-wise, I see no problems. We get a scout/hunter and a long-range attacker. I'm worried about the cannibal, but I'm seeing as the other one rebelled for the request to be a breeding stud; I'm also wondering if they are here willingly."

Cain nodded while thinking; it can be seen that both had attachments. One was missing a daughter and one missing a wife; both were desperate enough to use two wishes to get the same answers. Alive and not in the six beacons. Does this mean they are in the wilderness or are they not on Earth? As he was pondering, El added her thoughts to the dialogue.

"I think we must avoid stepping on their reverse scales, and we should be good. Cannis is the sole survivor from his mission. You don't think he ate his teammates, do you? On the other hand, Aimzayyy is loyal enough to revolt just because they asked him to sleep with loads of women. I like him. He seems nice."

"Well, I don't believe in rumors for all we know; Cannitrash has his reason for eating the people around him. We can ask; we can decide afterward. Both fill a role we need in our group, so they should be good additions to our unit. By the way, what is our unit?"

Jin gave an objective comment and wanted to know what they would be called. Cain didn't answer right away and was looking at Jin before adding.

"Jin, I am sorry we must do this. I didn't want to leave them. We will complete this ruin in the fastest time, get stronger, and we will get back to your family from Asgard. I swear this on my sister's name."

Hearing the declaration of his newly promoted captain. Jin felt warm as the blonde swordsman treated Lucia as his treasure to swear on her honor is like a matter of life and death for him. Appreciating the sentiment, he could only reply with a weak thank you.

Knowing nothing could be done, especially since Jin was a doting father who would be leaving his three-year-old twin girls for ten years with only their mother, the other two kept silent—noticing the mood turning gloomy. El chirped to alleviate the disheartening atmosphere.

"By the way, should we go to the armory now? I want to get these collars off our necks. We can talk about the name along the way."

As they prepared to leave, Abel tapped Cain on his shoulders and motioned to the room again. He understood his intent. The blonde swordsman said to El and Jin, "You guys can go on first show this document, and they should process the bomb collar removal.  I need to discuss information with Abel for a bit. We'll catch up soon."

Both the mage and the heavy swordsman knew the temperaments and personalities of the two. They already noticed they served as foils for each other. Because both had opposite personalities, they often devised better plans after blowing holes in each other's arguments.

Thus neither noticed anything out of the ordinary at Cain and Abel discussing information and proceeded to the armory without much complaint.

When only the two men were left, they started discussing the topic both found most concerning. As both knew the collars had reporting functions, Cain began the discussion while leaving out the essential details.

"Since when?" (Cain)

"Since the fight with Clegane, I knew you would get shot. But I couldn't stop it. You? "(Abel)

"Before the Gremling ambush, saw our group terminating the bear. Nothing concrete, right? Just fragments of broken pieces like movie clips." (Cain)

"Yeah, you ask the old lady why, how, and what for?" (Abel)

"I did, I didn't get far though. I was asked to keep silent." (Cain)

"Same, what do you think it means though" (Abel)

"I don't know, the second one I saw was with the old man smashing the spear." (Cain)

"Oh? You heard her other musings, right? The ones about you and her being shacked up. About him as well, the one where she cried as you died?" (Abel)

"I did, it seemed temporary though, as she forgot everything afterward. Although the twin-tailed loli seemed to know more." (Cain)

"Noticed, but she asked us to shut up, though." (Abel)

"That she did, we should just let it run its course. Wanted to use them tactically though." (Cain)

"Well, you're in luck; my second one is for today. Well, in 7 or more hours, I think." (Abel)

Alarmed, Cain looked perturbed as he investigated further. The current time was 8:00 Am.

"What, When, Where?" (Cain)

"Angry visitors, 2-3 hours past noon, here well outside to be more specific." (Abel)

"How many? Anything useful?" (Cain)

"50,000, Only we get sent out. Jin was guarding a ship." (Abel)

"This dicksow is lunatic, probably Bella and the twins. They get shipped today. Jin is going to be furious." (Cain)

"He was, angrier than anything I have seen before. Think we can stop it?" (Abel)

"I don't think so; let's go. We need to get ready as soon as possible." (Cain)


Arriving at the armory, the group was led to the bomb defusal team. Only Sun-ranked warriors or higher had the authority to give clearance to remove them. After the team was freed of the collars, they were heading to the group in charge of weapons when they were greeted by the sight of two people arguing with the shop clerks and Asgardian soldiers.

Cain and Abel saw El and Jin standing in a corner, observing the situation in silence.

"For the last time, this weapon is my personally engineered sniper rifle. You cannot open it up nor forcefully take it from me as it is considered a wish weapon! You can call my superiors at Green Trident Fortress! I was asked to report to this beacon to look for my new unit."

A warrior covered in plate armor was shouting in exasperation as the clerks visibly tried to remove the weapon from him. His ensemble was completed by a cloak wrapped in his lower half and a bandolier filled with bullets on his shoulders. A knight's helmet covered his face as he was close to kicking the Asgardian beside him.

He held a long bolt action sniper rifle from the old world, but this one had no attached sights and shined lines across the barrel in a kaleidoscope of colors.

On the other side was a man in a green hooded cloak who pointed a giant square crossbow at the soldiers trying to approach him. He wore red leader armor with black circle pauldrons and black fingerless gloves. The one in the green hood quietly said.

"The next dicktrap who tries to take my weapon will eat a face full of bolts."

El couldn't help but start giggling and looked towards Abel; she remembered a certain shielder making the same scene only a few months ago, slamming Asgardians left and right until he was forcefully subdued and disciplined.

"Kinda reminds you of a certain someone, right? Fufu."

Giving her a dry look, Abel scoffed at her attempt at humor and looked at Cain. Adding his thoughts to the matter.

"One is a cannibal; the other is a revolutionary. Seems like basket cases one after the other. Let's head on over and give them a large welcome."

Without replying, Cain stepped forward and released his blood-colored energy toward the Asgardians. It must be first understood that the Asgardians sent to Earth are usually around 1- 2 moons as those higher guard Asgard or are at the front lines. For the Asgardians here, this was the equivalent of a summer job for them to brownie points for extra cash.

Everyone stopped and looked toward Cain's group before he started to say.

"These Gentlemen are part of my unit; I am the captain of the bodyguard unit being prepared for Ateleíoto Narotíso codenamed Lorelei. Holding my men here means directly interfering with the matters concerning Doctrina Effrenata. Should I report your names to the director?"

After waiting a few moments, the soldiers and shop clerks backed off and returned to their posts.

The iron-plated marksman went first and did an Asgardian salute quickly, stating his rank and details.

"Claude Velos Codename Aimzay, reassigned from Green Trident. Thanks for the save Captain. "

After the marksman said his piece, the hooded hunter gave a quick nod and quietly said.

"Adriel Nhemir Codename Cannitrash, reassigned from Red Serpent, reporting for dispatch."

Cain smiled as he quickly responded.

"You are most welcome; let's get those collars off you and report to the director.

I am Arthur Fourreau, codename Cain - Welcome to the Beowolves."

Little did the world know at the time that this seemingly ordinary meeting was the first time the members of the legendary Asgardian Tactical eXperimental Squad 003, also known as the Beowolves, all came together. Whose prowess and infamy made generations of warriors see them as the beacons of hope, strength, and unrivaled power. 


Proofread By: Pearl_Wang,

Edited By: WorthyAdversary