Cannitrash and Aimzay

Noticing everyone in the room looking at the twin-tailed Asgardian, as if losing all interest in the mage, she proceeded to walk towards the door only to stop and look back. The researcher nonchalantly added.

"Yes, well, excellent. I already know of the ones who will enter my service. It is a 3-Star named Isabella Ouragan and two 1-Star ranks named Anne and Leslie Ouragan, correct? And I am to search for Lucia Fourreau and look for any traces of the Paladin Orphanage, correct?"

Cain, Jin, and Abel felt dumbfounded that Lorelei knew the names of their family and even things they didn't know about each other. Wasn't this little girl a big shot? Otherwise, she wouldn't have had Vasiliás as a bodyguard when she started paying attention to them.

"I will get them shipped right away; oh, I already recorded our discussion and your acceptance earlier; no takebacks are allowed. Rai! Please explain everything to them afterward."

As if on command, the door opened to reveal the aged Asgardian in eastern robes. He slowly walked in, carrying a tablet. Before the rest could even chime in and suggest letting them talk to Bella first, Lorelei dashed out of the room at an impressive pace.

After leaving the room, they focused on the white-haired Asgardian, looking for an explanation. Coughing as to declare that they were now going to serious discussions. His noble voice began explaining.

"Ateleíoto Narotíso, codename Lorelei, is one of the longest living Asgardians. She is older than me. Although her presence doesn't show it, she is a 5-Moon warrior; however, every wish she had from 3-Moons has been used for the sake of Asgard. She asked Freya questions the Allfather wanted to know the answers to.

She is also the highest governing official of Doctrina Effrenata; Lorelei has special rights that enable her to give privileges to anyone she wishes to take under her wing. Everything she mentioned in the agreement before was well within her power. And as a true Asgardian, she will never break any contract she agreed to."

Describing the twin-tailed researcher as if he was overflowing with pride, the White-haired warrior continued; however, his voice was mired with a trace of melancholy when he did.

"Lorelei is a unique existence in Asgard. Her only wish to Freya was to have a body that could accompany her in her research. As a result, time froze for her. As such, she never ages, and she can never have children.

To explain it better, she was already a teen when I was a young boy. She had lived for over seven millennia and is one of the Asgardians who chose to stay on Earth.

Her target in Alfheim is a special dungeon that prevents anything greater than 3-Moon warriors from entering. This restriction is why she has been scouring the nine realms for bodyguards who can fight above their levels."

Seeing the conflicted expression on the Asgardian in eastern robes, the rest of the team got some of the answers they were looking for. Putting some of their fears at ease.

"The four of you have been chosen as you all are the most outstanding at your rank in the six beacons. Two others will join you. The six of you will be her escort detail when you reach Alfheim. The two new members are already on route here and should arrive before we leave. "

"Your squad is only half the entire guard; another unit is already on Alfheim securing the ruins."

The enforcer then pulled out a small tablet and handed it to Cain. He further added in a calm voice.

"Arthur Fourreau, code name Cain, you have been chosen as the new captain of both squads. Read through the dossiers of the two who will be arriving, then report to the armory to get your collars removed. I have already informed them of the matter, so mention mine or Lorelei's name and get it done.

Information regarding the ones already in Alfheim will be given later. Report to the labs afterward. Once your families are escorted to the warp gate to Asgard, we will head to the warp gate to Alfheim."

After speaking succinctly for a while, the Asgardian in eastern robes turned around and left the room, as he didn't even allow the warriors to ask questions. After the Asgardians left, Jin suddenly faced the other three and bowed his head. He then immediately roared at the top of his voice.

"Cain, El, Abel, please forgive me for everything I have done! I almost caused us to be killed twice! I know I am too hot-headed and short-sighted! Thank you for putting your lives on the line and helping me when I needed you the most! I will never forget this favor!"

As Jin spoke, tears started falling in his eyes; he almost got them all killed a second time. He no longer could endure the shame as he faced them. However, after a short silence, one by one, they all replied.

"Jin, after you saved me from the demonic forest, I no longer see you as a friend but as my brother. I see your family like mine. Although I would prefer if you toned it down a bit, know that I would never abandon you. We fight and die together." (Cain)

"Jin, I owe you my life. I would have burned to death a hundred years ago if not for you. I see Bella as my older sister, and I owe her a lot; I see Anne and Leslie as my daughters. If you didn't step up, I would have been the one to strike Clegane. So, raise your head; words like this are not needed between us." (El)

"Jin Ouragan Codename Seth, from this moment on, you are my slave and will forever clean my socks as repe...Keuk! " (Abel)

Before finishing his joke, Abel was suddenly elbowed in the solar plexus by El.

The mage vanished from her bed and rushed towards him like a bullet. As he then keeled over to the floor, holding his stomach with both hands, El's eyes became a thin line, as if telling him to shut the hell up.

Now that El was a 2-Moon rank warrior, she could hit significantly harder, enough to have Abel feel her hits. She then looked at Jin as she declared with a smile, patting Abel's back as he was struggling.

"Abel says it's fine too."

The heavy swordsman felt his heart feel fill of gratitude; very rare was it possible to find people who would be willing to put their lives on the line for you. He felt both lucky and proud to belong to the same group as these people.

Cain, after lightly chucking, opened the tablet and entered his Warrior identification number. He opened up the files within, saw the two dossiers, and began reading them.

Rank: 3-Moon Ranked Hunter

Name: Adriel Nhemir Codename – Cannitrash

Weapon of Choice: Spitfire Crossbow

Age: 132

Number of Skills Available: 5.

Number of Ultimates Available: 2

Beacon of Origin: Red Serpent

Disposition: Calculating

Notable information:

1.      Named Cannitrash for trying to eat an Asgardian alive.

2.      He was an infamous cannibal from EOS 11 to 14. 

3.      Used two wishes to confirm the status and location of missing daughter, Uriel

4.      Age 4 2022 AD; answers received were Alive, and not in the six beacons. 

5.      Can track monsters through just scent alone for a maximum of 10 Kilometers. 

6.      Can turn invisible

7.      Only survivor of a failed Monster hunt. Last Operation: EOS 23

8.      Current weapon is a growth weapon received from a wish, shotgun-type crossbow. 

Rank: 3-Moon Ranked Marksman

Name: Claude Velos Codename – Aimzayyy

Weapon of choice: Chambered Sniper Rifle

Age: 125

Number of Skills Available: 6

Number of Ultimates Available: 1

Beacon of Origin: Green Trident

Disposition: Emotion Driven

Notable information:

1.      Named Aimzayyy for almost mythical skill in marksmanship

2.      Used two wishes to confirm status and location of missing wife Friya, age 27 2022 AD; answers received were Alive, and not in the six beacons. 

3.      Able to assassinate targets 10 kilometers away with a Custom-made rifle. 

4.      Has a degree in mechanical engineering, thus allowing him to continue using a firearm in the EOS period.

5.      Decided to rebel in EOS 61 when he was designated as a breeding stud for his marksmanship. 

6.      Feels extreme attachment to missing wife.


Proofread By: Pearl_Wang,

Edited By: WorthyAdversary