The Fall of Earth 2

Hearing his doubts, Abel responded with what he knew as he stood up and stretched his newly healed body.

"Well, for Bruno and Clegane, didn't Seventh already answer you? They broke Asgardian law first, so they lost their status the moment they broke their code of chivalry. Also, Seventh was the one who saved El from her Force rebound. If he wanted her death, he could have allowed her to die on her own or turned her into a marionette like the other two."

Noticing the offensive stares from the rest of his team, the shielder made a fake cough and shifted his observations to less grim topics.

*Cough* *Cough*

"I don't know why she explicitly needs us, but her offer to be her bodyguards seems to have some sinister purpose. How many dicktraps would jump at the chance to become her guards? With the influence she holds and the power-hungry nature of the Asgardians, shouldn't her problem be having too many volunteers. Why doesn't she have any aside from the enforcer?"

Noticing what he was hinting at, the rest of the group also pondered their current dilemma.

El, on the other hand, added new perspectives. The mage's eyes were already back to normal as she rejoined the conversation after calming down.

"While that may be an issue, we must consider her offer for new weapons and equipment. Our current gear is already nearing its limits, and I don't think anyone has saved enough for a decent upgrade. Past 3-Moon, our current loadouts won't be able to help us anymore. If for nothing else, accepting her deal would get us our cutting-edge equipment. "

Hearing this, Jin decided to voice his concerns further. The heavy swordsman had a troubled expression as he said so.

"What use would getting new weapons be if you were sent to die in the first place? I agree with Abel; She should already have a gigantic list of Asgardians trying to get into her good side. Why is she trying to get us instead of some dicktraps? Maybe, like the others, she also sees us as dispensable. Perhaps she is just trying to use us for an experiment."

Before Jin could continue, Cain interrupted with a grim tone vastly different from before.

"I understand your concerns, Jin, but how would we proceed if we did not do this? I will be leaving for the reaping within the year, whether I like it or not. Together with me will be all other awakeners at 3-Moon or higher. You, Abel, and El won't have enough of either prospective teammates or equipment to improve your safety.

If anything like the Gremling ambush happens again, it would be tough for you guys to survive on your own. Bella and the twins would have a hard life if all of us were gone.

There is no future for us if we stay; for us to have a chance at surviving, we need to get stronger as fast as possible. There is no one we can rely on but each other."

Having the hard truth pointed out made everyone how dependent they were on the blond swordsman. Cain was both the brains and the heart of the team. With him gone, their chances of death skyrocketed within the next 20 years. Seeing his team lament their weakness as their leader continued.

"Lorelei is a Sun-ranked Asgardian; if she wanted, she could have just used the bombs on our necks as leverage. None of us would be able to do anything should she use the lives of Ann or Leslie as bargaining chips. Her offering various benefits instead of force and coercion is a pretty good indication of her sincerity.

The fact that she gave us a chance to earn Asgardian citizenship and wages means we have a chance of having better lives should we survive the ordeal. No matter how much I thought about it, her offer is the best deal we could get now, one that gives us the highest chances of survival. This was at least we can get stronger together.

However, I will only agree if everyone feels the same way. If you all still feel we shouldn't do this. I will work with you all till I have to leave."

The entire room had a palpable tension as they knew Cain was giving the decision to them. What they chose at this moment would be the plane that would take them to their next destination.

"I still believe the same thing; Let go and take the deal." Abel calmly stated as he had a battle-hungry expression on his face

In the same vein, El expressed her agreement as she glanced at Cain. With a smile that could melt icebergs from sweetness, she said, "My future lies with you, Arthur; wherever you go, I will forever follow."

While Abel was grimacing at the sweetness of El's words, Cain glanced at Jin as the black-haired heavy swordsman was still debating internally. While the rest waited for a few moments, he finally said quietly.

"Fine, I guess this is the consequence of being weak. I hope my kids won't forget me in 10 years. I agree; let's take the deal and storm the frontlines together. The current situation is primarily because we are not strong enough."

Cain decided not to comment on the self-derision of his teammates and instead  decided to focus on the decision they made as a whole.

"Okay, now that we have an answer. Let's call her now…."


Before he could finish his statement, the automatic doors to the room opened abruptly. The twin-tailed researcher came full of energy with an excited expression.

"So, have you guys already come to a decision?"

Dumbfounded by the coincidental yet unexpected arrival of the Asgardian researcher, Abel couldn't help himself and proceeded to ask.

"You weren't eavesdropping out of the door now, were you? If you were my assessment, you would have dropped by more than just a few notches."

Humiliated at the blatant criticism of her uncouth behavior. Lorelei turned bright red like a tomato as she stammered in her reply.

"Wha… What are you talking about? I left the entire complex to get a drink. I wasn't using my Sun-ranked senses to listen through the door or anything. Why are you slandering me so? Anyway, Codename Cain, what are your group's answers. Will you or will you not accept the post as my bodyguards?"

Cain took a few moments to glance at everyone on his team after confirming that everyone was showing eyes brimming with fighting spirit. He faced the researcher and calmly said, "We accept."

Immediately after hearing Cain's words, Lorelei spun around, pumped her fist, and shouted.

"YES! Excellent, now we are talking. I'm finally leaving this dump!"

Noticing everyone in the room looking at the twin-tailed Asgardian, she slowly retracted her hands and placed her fist near her mouth.


"Oh right, I received reports of something interesting."

The Asgardian researcher then faced El with a serious expression as she said.

"Elaine Légère Nomen Code Lilith, Kodikó ónoma Nǐ shì shéi, zěnme néng ti glóssa tou Gamallrinn? Vides futurum ne?"

- Elaine Légère Codename Lilith, who are you, and how can you speak the language of Gamallrinn? You see the future, don't you? –

As El tilted her head to the right in an adorable manner, Abel and Cain, on the other hand, felt the hairs on their entire bodies stand erect as they were enveloped in an unknown power. To make matters worse, they felt their bodies locked by the said energy, as an out-worldly voice echoed in their minds.

- Stay silent, my sword and my shield; this is not the time for such truths to be known. Let her wonder as much as she wants. -

Both of them noticed the gravity of the situation, The lady of the white world was intentionally hiding that the two saw visions of the future. It was only now that both knew that the other was also experiencing the same thing. Before this, their exchanges or reprimands from the so-called Freya were done privately, on top of being asked to make vows of secrecy.

Lorelei continued speaking in the unknown language, feeling one sentence wasn't enough to verify her assumption.

"Scire debes pou móno ekeínoi pou den eínai pléon anámesa Huó rén kěyǐ kàn dào wèilái. katélixe o Rái quod tu es redditor."

-You should know that only those no longer among the living can see the future. Rai concluded that you are a returner. -

Since Lorelei didn't say anything more, El then proceeded to ask. Jin likewise made a dumbfounded expression.

"I think the Blessing of Babel is malfunctioning; I didn't understand anything other than my name from what you said."

Seeing that El neither replied nor understood, Lorelei dropped the topic and proceeded to speak.

"Never mind, it's nothing. Now that we have come to an agreement, we can discuss what comes after."

Meanwhile, Abel and Cain both made grim expressions. Neither was happy that they kept getting more questions than answers the longer they interacted with Lorelei.


Proofread By: Pearl_Wang

Edited By: WorthyAdversary