The Fall of Earth

The room was as silent as a graveyard. After dropping that bomb of a statement, Atele looked at the four Earthlings waiting for some reply. When she realized she wouldn't be getting any, she looked at Rai and immediately inquired.

"They shouldn't be deaf, no? They also shouldn't be stupid as they are all above 4-Star. Should I prove my point by having their families dissected?"

Right after the words left her mouth, three figures moved. Jin charged at Lorelei only to be stopped forcefully by Cain, who also placed a hand in front of Vasiliás to stop him.

  The aged Asgardian stood like a mountain in front of Lorelei in a martial arts stance. Cain then tried to calm the situation by saying.

"Jin, Atele is joking. Calm down; our dying here would leave Bella, Anne, and Leslie in a harder situation. Vasiliás, I will handle him. There is no need for you to interfere."

The blond swordsman was very careful with his words as Jin was already sick and tired of being threatened with his family's death. Jin was like a tightly wound spring on the edge of breaking. Stories of human experimentation on Earthlings by Asgardian researchers were the stuff of nightmares.

Grafting of monster body parts, reproduction with demonic beasts, and bioengineering of human monster chimeras are the most infamous. While target practice, biochemical lab rats, and force application testing can be considered the most humane of the experiments.

In short, if an earthling was to be taken by the infamous Asgardian researcher, Doctrina Effrenata Latin for unbridled learning. Dying was the easiest way out, while becoming a human weapon was terrible. Finally, becoming a demonic beast chimera was the worse. With that said, Jin wanted his family and team executed instead; at least they would die human. Abel was analyzing the situation before calmly saying.

"The only one among us with a family is the large ape-like man there; the rest of us no longer have a family. Asgardians used the stick way too often. If you want better results, use a carrot instead. "

Lorelei took a few minutes to process the information due to hearing the perspective she had hardly considered before. Usually, people would throw themselves at her, trying to get into the researcher's divisions as she wielded immense power, prestige, and respect.

On Earth, however, the twin-tailed Asgardian usually dealt with convicts and insurrectionists, so there was little need for negotiations. Agreeing internally that she needed a new way to coerce this group, she made a new approach, using her immense influence to its fullest in an attempt to win them over. She then declared.

"Hmm, is that so? Very well, I will revise my statement then. Become my bodyguards, and I will adopt your family and loved ones as my servants and let them live in my home in Asgard. On my honor, I guarantee their well-being so long as you work for me. Should you die, I will take them as my own.

Furthermore, I will supply all four of you with experimental weapons and armor from my own designs, remove the bombs on your necks, and give you all status as true Asgardians. Lastly, you will be given wages and a contract to work for me for only ten years."

Lorelei slowly listed every benefit she intended to give the four warriors, most of which were unheard of until now. The room felt the palpable pressure as Atele nonchalantly stated conditions that would significantly increase their chance of surviving this turbulent time.

Being a researcher stuck in the pursuit of knowledge, the Asgardian researcher had little to no social skills. When her flaws were pointed out, like a true scientist, she tested the hypothesis by checking to see if the carrot would be better. A bit impatient, she added.

"So? What do the four of you say?"

As the rest were contemplating, she remembered another factor that may prevent them from agreeing. The Asgardian researcher hit her fist on her palm as she exclaimed.

"Ah! If you four are worried about the reaping, know that the directives of my unit supersede them—even those made by the Asgardian-Midgard Treaty. Well, at least that is unless you guys want to be breeding studs for the next generation."

At Lorelei's words, the atmosphere in the room turned cold.

Everyone from Cain's team was already an awakener when Asgard arrived in EOS 40. This meant when the Asgardian army came to purge the Demonic Beast nests worldwide; they witnessed the power of the Sun-Ranked monsters like Rai Seventh.

The same holds for the events detailing the fall of the earth afterward, such as the Asgard's assault of the six beacons. The signing of the Asgardian-Midgard Treaty, the first reaping of EOS 40, The revolution EOS61, The massacre on Neela Crescent, and so on.

The reaping was a constant reminder of the utter weakness of the Earth. Each time it was done, Earth had no choice, but to send her fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters to die in someone else's war, simply because they lacked the power to resist.

The exceptional male Awakeners were the only ones given a choice; they could instead choose to be a breeding stud, in contrast to the vast majority who are threatened, coerced, or beaten into the front lines.

Being a breeding stud is self-explanatory; all other details would be taken care of by the Asgardians, including preparing all the wombs to be impregnated.

Needless to say, someone as powerful as Cain was already given the option. He has yet to choose, but a large harem had already been prepared for him. Coincidentally, a vast majority of Black Hammer's missing women were from the said group. As to what happened to them, a certain black-haired mage would be the best person to ask.

The year is the Era of Shattering 100. This would be the fourth time and the exact year of the reaping. Having known ahead of time what was coming, Cain believed this was the best deal they could get since they were going to Alfheim anyway.

This way, he would go with El, Jin, and Abel instead of alone. However, Cain felt it best to discuss it with his team first before responding.

"Can we please be given some time before we answer?"

Pouting at the delay in receiving the confirmation she sought, Lorelei made a childish pout as she said.

"HMPH! You have two hours to decide; I will not wait a minute longer! "

Knowing they would want some privacy, Lorelei stormed out of the room, displeased. The Asgardian enforcer followed her like a shadow as he left with the twin-tailed researcher.

Confirming they had all left, Cain's team started voicing their opinions.

"I say we go for it; we will be heading to Alfheim anyway, so we might as well go with our team together than be separated and sent with random people." (Abel)

"I will go with whatever you decide, Cain, but I also prefer to go for the same reason Abel just said. The only thing I will never allow is for you to remain and serve as a breeding stud." (El)

Slight traces of black-colored force leaked out of her as she kept her head down on the bed. Unknown to her was that her eyes had turned crimson and were shining ominously like blood-colored rubies.

"I'm fine with going, but what will I do about Bella and my kids? Asgard has no people under 5-Stars; what if they mistreat my family? They crucified anyone below 5-Stars during the massacre of Nella Crescent. Dicktraps do not even consider those under 5-Star as people!" (Jin)

Seeing his friend at his wit's end, Cain approached him and gently placed his hand on the former's shoulder.

"Jin calm down; Lorelei has a good reputation as she doesn't differentiate between Earthlings and Asgardians; she only considers merit and character. I do not believe she would mistreat Bella and the twins. I have heard stories of her adopting earthlings for various purposes over the years.

If anything, they would be safer under the prestige of her household in Asgard than here in Black Hammer when there isn't anyone who could protect them."

As Cain answered the concerns of the black-haired heavy swordsman, he continued after noticing the doting father's acquiescence in sending his family to Asgard. The blond swordsman further added.

"I am more concerned about their desperation in recruiting us; she has not brought up our faults for attacking Bruno and Clegane, nor El's trying to kill Rai. Usually, we would already be incarcerated for assaulting a Sun-ranked warrior.

The deal is too good to be true. She has Vasiliás following her like a dog. Yet she still needs 3-Moon warriors and below?"


Proofread By: Pearl_Wang, 

Edited By: WorthyAdversary