The Battle Couple Royale 3

When morning came the city was in high spirits as Ruvanyemi announced the official promotion of Lubu and two new Sodan Johtaja. The Elven aristocracy funded additional feasts not just for the core cities but everywhere else. It could be said that the celebrations served to make Alfheim forget about the recent tragedies that occurred.

Through the span of a couple of years, entire cities fell and the casualties for Alfheim reached staggering numbers. Yet Alfheim didn't let herself get defeated as Ertha decided to cut short the talvehtia of a third of those who were asleep. With the new numbers, the queen planned to retake the cities that fell for various reasons.

Asgard not sending any new forces could also be included in the blessings the lands of Hoivata experienced. So continuing from the first day, the celebrations continued. As night came, the people were still basking in the happiness of the temporary peace.