The Third Demon Lord 3

"Drammien is on the verge of falling. Sekundi's group is falling back, it seems that some champions had turned. Angela's group has abandoned Farsunde for the same reason, Ymir and his forces are barely hanging on in Harkstad. Arundal is the only city that has not been breached. I cannot see the exact specifics as the Eymouri appears as shadows in my eyes. But the All-father seems to have recalled all nine Valkyries to Arundal."

The Prince of Asgard counts not believe his ears as he questioned his loyal retainer. "WHAT? BUT WHY! Arundal does not need all the Valkyries! The original deployments needed them all to take a city each! Who went to the others then? WHY WAS IT CHANGED AFTER WE LEFT? WHO WOULD DEFEND THE OTHER CITIES!"