Vow of Forever

Disclaimer: Mild depictions of sex, please read at your own discretion

Cain felt happiness at this moment, more so than anything he had felt in the past. Being at 110 years of age. He wasn't a child; the last hundred years had honed his skills and resilience against hardships and sorrow. However, nothing could prepare him for the bliss he was currently experiencing.

"I do, Arthur. I will marry you and stay by your side so long as I draw breath."

As he heard the angelic voice from his lover's response to his proposal, Cain felt like he was hit by a truck, forcefully making him hit the floor.  He felt the weight of two soft mounds on his chest as a faint breath tickled his face. The voice kept repeating between sobs.

"Finally, finally, after so long. I thought you didn't like me. I was so worried. Finally."

After that, it dawned on him that he had made the object of his affection wait too long. He returned her embrace and hugged her tight. He inwardly declared to the universe, 'This person is now the center of my world. So long as she is with me, I will be able to survive anything. Lady of the white world, I give everything to you; please let me protect this woman till the day I die.'

Noticing that her beloved was hugging her tightly without saying anything, El was starting to worry. But on the other hand, Cain relished in his happiness as he embraced the woman who gave him not only the reason to live but also never abandoned him, even when she had every reason to do so.

Even against all odds, this woman stuck with him over the last 100 years; notwithstanding his sins, she followed. So he finally ended his short respite and finally spoke as he smiled at his darling.

"El, thank you for everything. Thank you for forgiving me. Thank you for following me and most of all, thank you for loving me. If not for you, I would have died years ago."

Seeing the blissful smile, she just nuzzled her face into his chest as she slowly mumbled.

"I was lucky to have been saved by you, Arthur, through all the sorrow the Shattering has done to the world. I cannot hate it fully as it led me to you. I love you, Arthur, now and forever."

Before they could continue their sweet moments together, they heard a cough. And when they followed the sound, they found a robed figure kneeling a few meters away. He wore red armor and had a large crossbow on his back.

"Ahem, Captain, Miss El, Jin, and Abel prepared a small party for us to celebrate your engagement and as a welcome to us."

Remembering that they were not alone, they quickly separated themselves and stood up, trying to look inconspicuous. There were even vestiges of their skills being used. They both tried to compose themselves; failing for a few moments, they reached out and held hands.

Adriel could only laugh as he quickly understood what Abel said to him before searching for the pair of lovers. He initially thought he was exaggerating, but now that he had witnessed one of these so-called skits, he couldn't help but agree with the Shielder's observations.

"Follow the overwhelming smell of sugar; you'll find them eventually, even without wanting to. You could die on the spot when they start their skits, and they won't even bat an eye. Hope you have the stomach for it."

As the assassin was contemplating, he was jolted awake when he heard Cain cough as the blonde swordsman tried to compose himself. His cheeks were flushed from embarrassment. He was nothing like the blood-rending warlord the fortress witnessed a while ago that butchered a fourth of a 50,000- Demonic beast tide.

"Well, thank you for telling us, Adriel. Please lead the way."

Seeing the love birds still glued to each other and noticing his presence was a bother, Cannitrash quickly left after he made a quick nod. Before the couple could continue talking, however, a smug teenage voice resounded.

"Now I realize what Abel is complaining about all the time. That was enough to kill several people from diabetes. Cain, Lilith, congratulations! May your future be blessed with happiness. As your employer, I need to treat my dear bodyguards with gifts, no?"

Turning red from shame at the thought that Lorelei had heard everything, including their heartfelt confessions earlier, both could only keep their heads down from the embarrassment. Suddenly a tiny blue portal shone in from them as a small square box fell. Understanding this was the gift Lorelei was speaking of, Cain quickly caught it.

As the black cube showed a beautiful mystique, he carefully opened it to show a magnificent ring with a clear red gem mounted at the center; the pieces were intricately crafted like golden vines as they encircled the ring. 

The gem was quite big and was around the size of a 5-carat diamond ring. Mesmerized, El could only wistfully look at the gem as Lorelei's continued to resound from their Fenrir dog tags.

"This is a space storage ring with over a thousand cubits of space. It is called Vow of Forever. It was given to me by my late husband. Rather than keep it locked in a drawer as it has been for the last 4 Millenia. I am giving it to you both as my gift. Cain, how can you propose without even having a ring on you? Do not treat marriage lightly."

Genuinely surprised at the twin-tailed Asgardians' words, Cain felt gratitude from his heart; the Vow of Forever was way better than any ring he secretly kept tabs on over the years. He wanted to get a ring that had utility as El was an awakened warrior. But everything was way above his paygrade, so the blond swordsman could only lament his poverty. He hurriedly explained.

"I do not take marriage lightly, Lorelei, but I didn't have enough time to earn enough money to buy a good one even after ten years of saving. So, El, would you be okay with this ring? If not, I can get you one once we return from Alfheim."

El quickly shook her head as she answered with a smile.

"I don't care about that, Cain; I don't even need a ring. All I want is to spend forever with you."

Feeling a thorn being pulled from his heart, Cain inwardly thanked El for the fact that she was not materialistic. Then, he kneeled and proposed the question to his now Fiancé.

"Elaine Légère, Will you marry me?"

El smiled in contentment as she said.

"Yes, Cain, I do."

They promptly indulged in a short, passionate kiss as they embraced each other in their arms. As they channeled their love through their lips, both felt the wildfire of desire in their loins. After a few minutes, they separated, trying to regain their breathing. 

Cain interlocked his fingers with El's as he pulled her closer, giving her a small peck on her head. Then, he called her in a voice dripping with affection.

"Let's go, my beloved wife."

El was both ecstatic and surprised by the term of endearment. Her countenance showed a smile that would brighten up the night. She then proceeded to answer in the same loving manner as if competing.

"Lead the way, my beloved husband; wherever you go, I will forever follow."


The couple finally made it to the bar after around fifteen minutes, as they took their time to enjoy their walk in the moonlight, affirming their love for each other. When they arrived, they were barraged by loud cheering as the people shouted.


Feeling sad that neither had a family to celebrate for them, Jin and Abel rallied all the people in the fortress who were even remotely aware of the romance between them and called them all to join in celebrating the engagement of the two. 

They cheered and celebrated with boisterous voices, reveling in the happiness and joy that was so rare in this new world.

Cain and El were congratulated throughout the celebration by both Asgardians and Earthlings. And through the entire mini feast, they acted as husband and wife, glued to each other's hip. 

Experiencing intense happiness neither of them had felt in the past. After the crowd calmed down, Cain and El decided to do a simple ceremony before leaving the fortress quickly.

Due to the nature of their work and their circumstances, they opted to do a brief and modest wedding officiated by Rai Seventh; the only attendees were the Beowolves and Lorelei. 

Abel served as the best man, while Jin was the one who served as the father to the bride. Lorelei configured the Fenrir armor to show up as tuxedos and a beautiful bride's gown with an intricate lace veil.

After they said their vows, they did a humble kiss and officially became husband and wife. As they completed the ceremony, the date changed, opening a new day and a new chapter in the couple's lives. 


Proofread By: Pearl_Wang

Edited By: WorthyAdversary