The Situation on Asgard

As each of his Regiment Leaders returned to share the plan with their armies, Cain then connected to the Fenrir battle network.

'Everyone, prepare for battle. We will be storming the gate.' (Cain)

'That seems normal, don't you mean we going to smash this 150,000 army too?' (Abel)

'I think that's what storming the gate means to the commander. When there is no one left standing, that's when we storm the gate.' (Adriel)

'Uhm, guys I think that's not what the captain means.' (Mu)

'You are too naïve Mu, anyone who orders ten people to stand up to millions would laugh in the face of this pitiful army. The Beowolves are not so weak.' (Pearl)

'Wifey, I think you are forgetting we are no longer just the Beowolves, we are now the Paladins.' (Latens)

'Captain! Arbalest is at the ready! Tursas seems roaring to go. He is shouting the same thing as Abel. We are demolishing this army on the pride of the Paladins.' (Claude)