Remembering what was once lost

While the team of warriors was surrounded by the Gremling horde on the tall cliff, over 40 kilometers away, three people watched a mirage in the sky.

One of the men was sitting arrogantly, a frown on his transcendent countenance. He was wearing a white shirt and black colored jeans. He also had a black jacket over his shoulders, and his look was completed with a red scarf tied to his right arm. He quietly said,

"This is supposed to be the captain of the Beowolves? Lorelei must have gone crazy. I am an Asgardian! Why do I have to follow this brat who has barely reached the 3-Moon stage?"

The handsome man quickly stood up as he dusted his hands; he was answered by a cold voice from the man standing with his arms crossed. He was wearing a red overcoat with white hair flowing in the wind.

"Keep silent, Gautam. Gender, race, and religion have no meaning to the Beowolves. Only merit and strength. Even as they are surrounded by 16 Rank 5's and 1600 Rank 3's, none of them have given up hope."

Annoyed by the answer from the white-haired Beowolf, the man in black asked the opinion of the woman who looked not at the image in the sky but into the distance.

"Che, and so says the all-knowing Prometheus. What about you, Guanyin? Although Lorelei did ask us to help, what does the calamity known as the [Vanishing Meteor] think of her soon-to-be captain?"

Gautam was looking at the standing woman, beautiful beyond belief. Her hair was in a long ponytail, and her body was adorned by a combination of eastern robes and battle armor.

The sleeves of the beauty were long and hid her arms, while her combat skirt concealed her legs. If anyone looked closer, they would know that, like her armor-plated torso, her limbs were also fitted with high-grade gauntlets and greaves.

"Entangled in my fingers are the strings of fate; let me by the abyss of darkness. What I think of him matters not; I will follow Lorelei until she leads me to my siblings; nothing more needs to be said."

The one in the red overcoat answered before the handsome Beowolf in black could answer.

"I Prometheus, as acting captain, declare that should Arthur Fourreau and his team die today, he will be unfit to be the leader of the Beowolves. Therefore, none shall assist him in this ordeal. I will bear all consequences."

As if the remark were the final nail in the coffin, none of the three warriors spoke any more words; they watched in anticipation of the performance of the one chosen to lead them.


Cain was tense; the blond swordsman was in one of the most challenging situations he had ever been in. Cain was his codename; his real name was Arthur Fourreau. Very few people outside of his team knew that. 

But he was being named by a demonic beast looking straight at him. This flipped everything he knew about them; why was he being targeted? Who could pull together 16 Rank 5's to assassinate him? Who were these so-called masters?

But, while awakened warriors dying on the field were expected, he knew this wasn't his time to die. Not until he regained what he lost over 100 years ago. His steady voice resounded.

"If it is me, you want…umph," but a substantial impact hit his side before he could say anything. A small stone had struck. At the same time, black-colored energy poured out of the team's mage like a tide.

"Cain. Don't even think about it. You cannot make me leave. You might as well kill me if you want me to abandon you here alone."

Dumbfounded by his teammate's actions, he paused for a moment; two more voices started adding their thoughts as he did.

"I followed you out of that forest a hundred years ago, Arthur, and I will not be stopping now. Bella would hate me if anything were to happen to you." (Jin)

"I have my reasons for being here; stop wasting your breath and just make a plan already" (Abel)

Touched by the trust of his team, he kept a reminder in his heart, should any of these three need him in the future. Cain would gladly lay down his life to repay them for today. He then added.

"I have one, but it is crazy and has a high risk of failure; even then, would you all still follow me?" (Cain), his teammates answered one after another.

"Now and forever!" (El) 

"Arthur! Hurry up already!" (Jin)

"How the hell can you still flirt at a time like this?" (Abel)


Like a trumpet signifying the start of the war, the 4-meter Gremlord at the front shrieked with all its might, and like a tide, it charged with all the Gremlords while laughing. The 1600 Gremlings heard the overlord's command and proceeded to assault the four warriors from all sides.

"Abel, charge to the front, all eyes on you, and make a roof. El, grease the floor and close the cave. Jin, make me the biggest hurricane you can, enough to knock everyone down. I will take care of the rest."

As the blond swordsman took a stance and started emitting a blood-red force, the rest of the team acted. The black-haired shielder didn't even ask for plan details and confirmed his role.

He then rushed to the front directly into the charging demonic horde. Abel was at a distance where he could see their teeth before the warrior stopped and planted his feet on the ground.

Abel then slammed his shield to the ground as he shouted in succession. Crimson energy rushed out of him like blazes of fire.

"[Sky Shield]! Shielder skill [Nisi Ego Existo]! Shielder skill [Kathysteriméni epídrasi]!"

A gigantic 20-meter floating shield of pure energy projected up to the top of the rocky formation. The cave was quite tall, around 15 meters high. Still, the energy shield was so large that it closed up the top part of the cave, similar to a roof that left only one side open.

*Crash* *Buckle*

Within seconds, the monster horde smashed Abel's shield as they pushed and slashed their claws at the black-haired warrior. Their eyeballs were all red with rage as they no longer saw anyone but the shielder. However, before they could do anything else, they heard a beautiful voice chanting.

"[Lubricus sicut poniriés tou anthrópou. Xiàng nèizàng yīyàng zhān chou Sǐrén de. Brostá mou kaneís den epitrépetai na statheí casum patiar ut rideo praesentia tua] {Zero Friction}!"

From El's hand, a flood of green viscous liquid erupted. She pointed them at the feet of the hordes as the liquid engulfed the ones surrounding Abel. Not stopping there, the mage continued to release torrents of the vile slippery liquid towards the other three sides.

The Gremlings all started slipping and sliding across the floor. The fierce momentum of their charge caused the entire lines to slam into one another. They almost continued towards the walls if they weren't stopped by the new phenomena surrounding Cain, Jin, and El.

Fierce winds reminiscent of a violet tornado raged in the sealed space. Through it all, a brusque voice resounded.

"Unique skill [Anavátis Anémou] trigger Hurricane."


Due to the Gremlings losing all friction in their bodies and footing, the strong winds started swinging them all in a circular pattern. The ones in the middle of the rocky formation were hit the worse. The 16 Gremlords started impaling their claws on each other and the ground to gain a footing, only for it to be useless. Abel surprisingly stayed still as he kept his shield up while all this was happening.

As the winds started picking up, the entire hoard was slowly carried by the violet hurricane's momentum. Jin could be seen holding the flat of his blade towards the horde as blood fell from his nose and mouth.

The hurricane continued spinning and started throwing the demonic beasts towards the walls; as they slammed into each other and the walls, some were about to be thrown into the last open side when a familiar female voice resounded again.

"[Mater terra exaudi orationem meam, spáste ta desmá pou Shùfù wǒ de jiǎo! Ràng wǒ shēng qǐ, ràng wǒ áoxiáng, gia akómi kai os to édafos Volo liberam esse]! {Earthen Wall}!"


Like a spear rising from the ground, a vast earthen spike blocked the last open space within the rocky formation. The moment it did, the demonic legion was sealed in a tight space as they smashed their bodies into each other and continued being spun by the hurricane. The green viscous green fluid started to cover the walls as the demonic beasts slowly coated the enclosed space.


Proofread By: Pearl_Wang, ThePotatoKing

Edited By: WorthyAdversary