The Beowolves 2

Before he could even respond, pressure descended on the entire room. Everyone looked to the right and saw Rai and Atele walking in. Atele had a very smug expression while Rai's eyes focused on the new blood's collarless necks.

"Codename Cain; why are the collars on the cannibal and the insurrectionist off? I don't remember giving the authorization to have them removed. You overstepped your bounds."


The sound of something moving very fast could be heard. Before anyone could say anything, Rai disappeared and appeared in front of Cannitrash in a martial arts stance, intending to subdue him through a punch to the gut. However, before he could do so, a second zoom resounded.


A fist covered in blood-red energy grasped Rai's right hand as a voice coldly echoed.

"I am the captain of this unit, Vasiliás, not you. I report directly to Lorelei; only she may tell me what to do. I am your best shot at protecting Lorelei in that ruin, stand down, or I'll fight you in a Fullrettirsorð."

Rai was inwardly stunned; this orc had the guts to stop his fist and even reprimand him. As a 5-Sun warrior, Rai was used to being worshiped everywhere he went. When was the last time someone had the gall to speak like this to him? But before he could say anything. Lorelei started laughing.

"Fufu, Exactly like the reports. I am impressed, Cain; not only did you gain your men's approval through such action, you even calculated my relationship with Rai and our personalities in this little skit. Thinking two to three steps ahead, yet, losing all control when provoked. Very interesting."

As she appraised the swordsman, El, Jin, and Abel already started moving away from Rai with their backs toward Cain. Their energy slowly leaked out of their bodies. However, Aimzay and Cannitrash did not delay and promptly pointed their weapons at Vasiliás.

The aged Asgardian was inwardly impressed. Unfortunately, the two recruits had among the worse personalities among the Earthling warriors. The only reason they haven't been disposed of was because of their immense talent. Cannitrash reportedly ate his last squad leader, while Aimzay assassinated his before he went AWOL.

However, after hearing about such incidents, Rai believed it was time to end them. Before he could, though, Lorelei gave him a call and said.

"Lil Rai, give me the cannibal hunter and the insurrectionist marksman; I will give them to someone who can make use of them. She then shared her plan of creating a bodyguard unit. Other than requesting his escort to black hammer fortress, he was told not to harm her guards under any circumstances."

Awakened from his stupor, Rai looked at Cain with an intense gaze as if trying to see through him. Pitting the Asgardians against each other while simultaneously gaining the recognition of his men, all done through this one act. Rai felt his blood pumping faster; he wanted to see how far this orc could go if given wings.

"Codename Cain, while I may forgive you this once on account of Lorelei, do not test my patience. Know that I can easily end all of you here with a snap of my fingers."

Pulling his hands away from Cain, he relaxed his stance and walked back to behind Lorelei. Hearing his words, Cain then bowed his head and said.

"Thank you for sparing us; I will not forget."

Seeing their captain bow, the Beowolves started bowing one after another. While they were doing so, Atele added further.

"Lowering your pride to allow the authorities to feel unthreatened while simultaneously shaming your men as you endure a loss of face in their stead. All while showing your men that you are both firm and just. What a frightening child; how far did you plan in this farce of yours?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about, Atele."

He was replying with a slight smile on his face. Cain looked around the Lab to see three other suits of armor, all similar to the ones El and company had on. He then proceeded to ask.

"I wasn't aware that Doctrina Effrenata would make suits of armor for Earthlings; what is this gear for? Lorelei?"

Not missing a beat, the young-looking twin-tailed Asgardian answered.

"Doctrina Effrenata does not, but I have another division to which all six of you now belong. From this point on, the six of you will be known as 'Asgardian Tactical Xperimental squad 003' to be known, moving forward, as the Beowolves.

Have your men say goodbye to the Ourangans; the ship for Asgard leaves today. I give you my word as the chief researcher of Asgard; no harm shall come to them so long as you remain loyal to me."

As they heard this, Cain's old team was alarmed. There weren't even given a day to say their goodbyes. The one most affected was the Black-haired heavy swordsman.

"Today? Can't you give me a day or two to say goodbye, Lorelei? I won't be able to see my family for ten years. Please, I beg you."

Feeling emotional at the parting, Jin started kneeling before the Twin-tailed Asgardian in a dogeza. Tears were already threatening to come out of his eyes as he was thinking about how to break the news to his wife and twin daughters. 

However, like the matter was beneath her notice, Lorelei didn't answer as she slowly started walking towards the exit. Cain, who was also taken aback at the abrupt departure, exclaimed. 

"Lorelei! Ten years might be short for you, but it is a long time for us Earthlings. Please try to understand the matter from our point of view. We aren't even sure if we will return from the front lines."

As she heard the words of Cain, she stopped walking and looked back at the rest of her bodyguards. Her eyes shone gold as she started speaking with light golden energy rolling off her in thin waves.

"How one sees time is relative; didn't an earth scientist say the same thing? I have lost three days waiting for the four of you to arrive at this base. The assault of the ruin on Alfheim has been waiting for me in order to proceed. Every day I remain here, more lives are wasted in its defense.

Tell me, codename Seth, should I tell those defending the ruin that they should postpone dying and wait for you to say your goodbyes? Should I tell their lovers, spouses, and families that their deaths were for a good cause as it allowed the Ouragan family to have a bittersweet farewell?

Stop being childish and go to them! Be grateful I even gave you the time to do so. Unfortunately, not everyone can say goodbye to their loved ones; fate is neither kind nor gentle!"

Surprised at the emotional outburst of the Twin-tailed Asgardian, the rest of the Beowolves kept silent. No one knew the situation on Alfheim, and from what Lorelei is saying, the matter was not as simple as it seemed. She then continued 

"I do not need the meek nor the hopeful. What I require are individuals who know not the impossible. Warriors who are willing to fight even when the whole world tells them to submit. What I need are beasts of war who know neither defeat nor surrender.

Do not consider me your friend, for I do not need such; hate me all you want. But you are not allowed to do as you wish. You are my weapons—nothing more, nothing less. 

Welcome to Parabellum; you all will be my sharpest sword, one with which I intend to murder deities.

Prepare for war, my wolves, for tomorrow we hunt." 

Saying her piece, Lorelei left the room; Vasiliás said nothing and followed the Asgardian researcher out the door. As she did, the entire room digested the statement she left behind. Her expectations were drenched in insanity and infused with fighting spirit. 

What would necessitate the need for such a group to be assembled, to begin with? Aren't the Asgardians the conquerors? Why are her statements all geared towards fighting against the impossible?


Proofread By: Pearl_Wang,

Edited By: WorthyAdversary