Sister Weapons

Chapter 10


The next morning, I was awoken by Ember and Wren quietly arguing. From what I could tell through my sleep hazed senses, Ember was trying to convince everyone we needed to ditch this place. At the same time, Wren was arguing that this was our home and we owed it to them to see this through.

"How can you be so selfish. We are here because of you and your stupid curiosity. We have no clue how to get home. Hell, we don't even know if we are truly safe. You just expect us to follow some gigantic woman with white tattoos because she 'seems' familiar!" Ember was getting fired up and I knew going back to sleep was not an option at this point.

"What I know is that we owe it to ourselves to figure out what is going on. We don't have a life back on Earth. We don't have family. All we have is a head mistress who finds joy in abusing us. That is what is waiting for us back on Earth. We have always had each other. Why can that not be enough for you!?" Wren was yelling right back now. "Besides, you heard Geilas, no one knows what happened to our real parents! What if they are ALIVE!"

"It's not that it isn't enough to have you three. It's the fact that we are in uncharted territory. How are we supposed to protect each other when we have no clue what is out there? How are we supposed to believe such a far-fetched tale? How do you think we accept the idea of being given up as babies!? If what Geilas says is true, I don't know if I want the people that gave me up to come in and rescue me now. After everything we have been through Wren, do you really want to cling to hope." Ember had a point.

I used this moment to interject, sitting up in my bed. "We protect each other by trusting one another. We are all scared and worried. Frankly, we are a bit out of our depth. But what we do have on our side is someone willing to tell us everything we need to know. Let's stop fighting amongst ourselves and work together to figure out what to do. IF…what Geilas tells us is true, I do believe we owe it to ourselves to find out who we truly are."

I hopped out of bed and stretched, stubbing my toe on something hard. After internally cussing from my temporary pain, I look for what assaulted me. At the base of each of our beds a trunk was now there. The trucks were embellished with our individual emblems. I traced my hand over the beautiful artwork, feeling more connected to Bavilan as time passed.

Alda already had her trunk open and was looking through the contents. There were several pairs of clothes, all with her family's emblem, a canteen, notebooks, maps and what looked like a survival backpack. As she continued to take everything out, she froze in what almost looked like a hypnotized state, by what lay at the bottom of the trunk.

Slowly, Alda pulled out the items that held her captivated, holding one in each hand and turned to us. We were surprised to see two types of weapons. The first was a whip. It had a silver handle, and the leather of the whip radiated a soft blue tone. At the tip, a bright blue stone could be seen. The stone itself was pulsing as if it were mimicking Alda's heartbeat.

The next weapon was a trident of sorts. Like the whip, the pole of the trident was silver and had blue veins crawling from the bottom, stopping just before the top. At the top, three blue spikes could be seen. The spikes and veins were also pulsating along with the axe. Alda remained fixed on them. A smile crept to her lips.

"Hey guys, these…. they are mine. It's like they called to me and when I put my hands on them, they started to glow and beat the same as my own heartbeat. I can feel it, they are apart of my very being. I feel…stronger." Alda was smiling with so much joy. She has overcome so much in her life, but that left her a bit timid. Now, for a change, she felt in charge of her own destiny.

She placed the weapons on her bed, and the glow faded, leaving only beautiful stones that gleamed in the light. She turned to us waiting for us all to open our trunks. Wren was the first to move.

Like Alda, Wren had mostly the same items, though in addition to her map, she had a compass. When she got to the bottom of her trunk, she squealed in excitement. She pulled out her weapons. She too had two. One was a dagger with a yellow hilt.

Physically there was nothing different about it, but when Wren started swinging it around, the air around them began moving along with her movements. If she slashed to the right, the wind would soon follow. If she slashed to the left, the same would happen.

The second weapon she pulled out was a bow and arrow. The bow looked to be normal, but it glowed in her hand like Alda's weapons. The arrows she pulled out were three different colors. Yellow, grey and purple. She tossed the arrows on her bed and marveled at her find!

"Oh my GOD!!! This is so cool. You're right Alda, these feel as if they belong to me. Maybe they were left to us by our real parents!" Wren was jumping up and down like a little child. You would never believe she was a 18 year old young woman. "Check guys! See what you have in your trunks!" She said to me and Ember.

"Fine, but this doesn't change anything." Ember pouted as she did the same thing her sisters did. She removed all the items and when she got the bottom of the trunk, we could see her tune change. She was speechless and a single tear ran down her face as she touched whatever was inside.

"It's so…beautiful." She marveled.

"Well, what the hell is it. No need to take your time!" Wren was being impatient.

"Give her time. She is overwhelmed." Alda came to Ember's rescue. Wren backed up. We all knew these two had a strong bond and there was no way either of us would come between them protecting one another.

Just as Wren was backing up, Ember lifted her items from the trunk. Her eyes were still watering, but for the first time since we got here, she was smiling like a crazy person. In both hands glowing red weapons could be seen.

One was a round sword. It had red veins that matched the veins coming from her other two sisters.

The only difference any of them could see so far was the color. The sword had a golden tint and with the red veins, it looked almost as fun as the beauty it held.

The other item, which is what Ember was most focused on was a medium sized battle axe. Like the round sword, it too had veins that pulsed red. Ember was marveling at the handle. It has some kind of inscription moving around the handle, but the worlds were not known to them.

She was fascinated.

She laid her round sword on her bed next to the other items from the trunk and started handling the battle axe more. I could tell she was trying to get used to its weight. To be honest, it looked to be just the right size for her. She continued to smile and play with her new toy. Obviously, what the three of them had said was true, that the items felt like they belonged to them.

'Maybe they belonged to our parents' I thought.

"Meadow, your turn." Alda said sweetly as she began getting dressed into one of the outfits from the trunk. It was like the one she wore yesterday when they arrived.

"Ok, here goes nothing!" I opened the lid of my box and a force hit me. It was a familiar feeling, one that you would never forget, except I could place the familiarity. I neatly took out my items. Apart from Wren, who had received a compass, everyone had gotten the same items.

However, I received something special as well. It was a clear glass ball no bigger than my palm. When I picked it up, it began to become almost foggy. Once the fog cleared, I could see what looked like an old rundown building.

The picture seemed off, almost like it was an illusion. I broke my stare from it and tossed it next to the rest of my items, wanting to see what weapons I received. The ball's image faded as it left my hands.

Ember, who had broken away from her Axe and was now watching me with interest, picked the ball up and it remained clear. She shook it a few times and nothing happened. Deciding that the ball was junk, she tossed it back into my neat pile and continued watching.

I was finally at the bottom of my trunk, and I was excited to see some weapons that didn't look to heavy or dangerous. Once was a pair of Sai. The handles were a creamy tan color while the blades themselves were completely green. They matched in every way. The only difference from these pair of Sai and ones she had seen back on Earth, were the tips of the blades. These curved, almost like it was a partial bear claw.

I picked them up and a rush of belonging hit me. My breath caught in my throat and my heart rate quickened. It was as if both peace and serenity had mixed with responsibility and dedication. This was the feeling each of my sisters got when they touched their weapons.

The other weapon was a chain like weapon with a scythe on the end. Like all of my sister's weapons, the scythe was covered in green veins that pulsed with my heartbeat. What was different about this item from all the others was it changing in front of all of us. Startled, I threw the weapon on the bed.

When the item was in the box, and now on the bed, the handle and chains were a metal substance, not different from metals seen on Earth. However, when I picked it up, the chains transformed into vines with beautiful flowers on them. It reminded me of being back in the forest on our first day here.

"I guess we have a lot more to discuss today girls. I can see you are all just as curious as this one!" Geilas smiled and pointed to Wren. She had come into the room to wake us, and we were already up and into stuff.

"Come, you must eat! Over breakfast, I will finish telling you about your families. Today, you will have all the answers you seek." She turned around and sauntered out of the room.

We proceeded to get dressed and headed to breakfast.

Finally, we would have all the answers.