A Moment of Thoughts

Chapter 11


We all took our places at the table that we had sat in the night before. Everyone piled their plates with food and ate in silence. I kept peaking glances at Geilas as she was eating and smiling like normal. She looked to be amused that we were all caught going through our trunks.

"Um…Geilas, where did those trunks come from" I asked quietly.

"Oh those old things, well I put most of it together myself over the years, preparing for your return. The weapons came from your family's collection. They were forged by the Amazons and given to each family as a gift for the new Heirs. When the war began, your families gave them back to me for safe keeping. Upon your return home, I was to give you each your items. Last night when you ladies went to bed, I ran a few errands and grabbed the trunks. No time like the present." She picked up a piece of bacon and closed her eyes while she enjoyed the savory taste.

"What do you mean they were made for us? How is that possible. Why do they glow when we touch them?" Meadow spoke up.

"Yeah, why would these items even be gifted to babies?" Ember sassed. She was clearly not having a good time this morning. I reached over and grabbed her hand, squeezing it so she knew that she was not alone in all this.

"Fine questions indeed. To start, it is custom for each family to gift the Heirs of the other families upon birth. When each of you were born, items were crafted by the other families for each of you. These items would be key to your success as honored leaders amongst our peoples. The key to a prospering world is harmony amongst clans, tribes, or families." Geilas said matter-of-factly.

"Each of you will have 7 items, because the Amazons crafted 2 weapons for you to use. One for long range attacks and one for close combat situations. These were created using the most powerful resources in Bavilan, the joyous tears of each of your parents and your newborn blood. Amazon magick is as special as their warrior instincts. Though we are really limited on that magick, it typically melds well with weapons."

"Our newborn blood! What do you mean? You bled us as babies!" I was shocked. How cruel to have bled us before we could even speak.

"Well of course your blood! How else would the item pair to its rightful owner?" Geilas said a bit shocked. "Though anyone can use these weapons, the power within this is connected by blood to each of you. Which is where the glow comes from. The veins that run deep within each of your weapons, beats along with the veins in your body as long as you are holding it. This will give you an advantage in a fight, which we will discussing once training starts." She jumped up to clear the food from the table. We had all finished eating and were ready for the rest of our tale, so we helped her to quicken the process.

"So, you said each family made an item for us. Does that mean you have the other five items as well?" Wren asked.

Geilas turned away from the sink and answered, "The answer to that is no. Unfortunately, when the war began each family nominated a keeper to hold the items that were made. I was the Keeper for the Amazonian weapons. That will be part of your journey. We will need to find out who the other Keepers are. The 5th family obviously will not have a Keeper, though they did provide a gift for each of you. It is unknown who the keeper is of the 5th families' items. I regrettably do not know what the other items are. When we gift the items to that family, it is done in privacy so no one is aware of what the items are before the child will come of age. This prevents quarreling over who's item was a better gift as well as protects the items until the time Aging Rite has been performed."

"Before you ask, the Aging Rite is the ceremony each of you would have gone through on your 18th birthday. Your parents each had their own ceremonies to celebrate the coming of your powers upon turning of age. I'm saddened that you will all not know this experience, but one day, you will have families of your own and you can choose your own ceremony for your children." She turned away from us and began to joyfully whistle.

I smirked at Geilas and her hopeful nature. She had so much faith in us without knowing us. I wish I was half as brave. In that moment, I could feel myself being swayed by the situation we were in. I could dream of a future with my sisters, my family.

We all continued to clean up after breakfast, taking our hosts' lead by enjoying the silence. We all had so much on our minds. The silence granted each of us the space to lose ourselves in everything that happened.

***Alda's thoughts***

This is all so unbelievable. Wren gets curious over a smell and button. We end up in this gorgeous forest… then the turtle…oh the turtle. That was magical. I wish that feeling just stayed with me always. I felt so brave. Brave like my sisters. But look at me. My appearance has changed since the turtle. It's like my natural form has been discovered. I feel so…free. I feel beautiful. Especially in this ensembles Geilas gave us all last night. I look like a true princess. I feel like one. Now these weapons! What am I going to do with a whip and a staff. I'm not much of a fighter. I have a lot of learning to do.

***Ember's thoughts***

Maybe everyone is right. Maybe I need to give this place a chance. It's true that we don't have anything to look forward to back home. I just don't want to lose the only family I have left. I can't put my sisters in danger. And Alda, sweet little thing. I must protect her. I vowed to always protect them. I'll use that Axe the Amazons made me. It was my blood they stole to forge it! Stop it, Ember!! You cannot buy into this stuff so easily. UGH…What can I do? Everyone is on board. I have to just get on board. If they are doing this then I will do it. This is our life and I will protect them to the end.

***Meadow's thoughts***

This is all so much. I can hardly believe this is happening to us. A couple days ago, we were bottom of the barrel people…that's how we were treated anyways. Now we are being told we are the destined leaders of this new world we know nothing about. That forest though. Goodness, I haven't felt such peace, a day in my life. How is all this possible and for us to be important figures in such a place. We all have got to step up, we are clearly out of our element here. Even if it all feels like this is…home? It feels like we were promised to this land so long ago and this is where we are meant to be. I just hope the others know we are in for the ride of our lives. But with each other, I know we will not fail.

***Wren's Thoughts***

OH MY GOD!!! This is more exciting than anything I could have ever imagined. I can't wait to get out of this cabin and explore this new world that belongs to us. Holy shit…. this land belongs to us! I wonder if our castles are still intact. If they are, I know there are some hidden tunnels I can explore? Maybe my real parents were just like me, and they left other things for me. It's worth a shot! I wish Geilas would tell us the rest of this story already. I don't want to be cleaning up breakfast, dumping plates here and there. I want to be out experiencing the beauty of this world. Ok, only a few more plates. Maybe if I clean faster, we can go out before the sun goes down.

***Geilas' Thoughts***

These girls have been through so much. They have no idea of the strength they will need, to take back their rightful place in Bavilan. The good thing is they all have traits of their parents. It's interesting that they were not raised by them, but still act exactly like a blend of them. Is this the Universe letting us know that this is our time? That the power that left us long ago is back. The time has come, and I know I'm meant to help them on their journey. I just hope that once they learn everything, they will be brave enough to stay.

Goddess, help me, guide my words true so that I may find them easier to say. May you bless me with the strength to reveal to these young souls what is to come. May you bestow me with power so that I may prepare them…my sisters…for what we all must endure. And so it is!