A Hike in Darkness

Chapter 12


After we were done cleaning, Geilas instructed us to follow her. She had grabbed a bag and threw it over her strong shoulders. She told us all to grab our maps and canteens as we would be out for the day. We did as we were told and met outside the back of her cabin.

"Today we are going to hike to a favorite spot of mine to finish our story. This is a bit of a hike, so just prepare. Don't worry, you are safe here with me." Geilas set off on a path that was just behind her home. We didn't notice it before. This was due to the cabin obscuring the path when coming from the lake.

"What is your favorite spot?" Alda had asked.

Geilas chuckled before answering. "You girls sure are full of questions. I imagine that is to be expected with the situation you are in. I can only imagine all the confusion you must be feeling. I promise today you will fully have your answers and be able to ask all the questions you want. While we walk, why don't I pick up where we left off last night. I believe we were talking about your families and your birthdays. Let's see, where were we?" She mocked ignorance for a moment before continuing.

"Ah, yes, we were on Wren." She glanced at me, and I perked up a bit, eager to learn about this past that had come seemingly out of nowhere.

"Wren, you came into the world 18 years ago on Mabon, September 21th at midnight. Mabon is the time of the year we celebrate Darkness taking it's turn over the light. A time for harvests to be picked and prepared for the winter. I was there for your birth. I'm proud to announce you were curious from birth. Not a tear shed from you my dear. Not one! You just looked around at everyone in the room, ready to solve life's mysteries. It was truly a marvel to behold."

"You were there for my birth!?" I couldn't hold the question in. "You must have been close with my parents."

"I was close with all of your parents. I just so happened to be there to give a report to your parents and you came into this world like you were ready for anything. I was able to collect your sample of blood in person for your weapons. Such a special soul…. didn't cry then either!" She paused again like she was lost in memory. I noticed that when talking about the past, she did this a lot, pausing to recall all the details, to savor the moment as if truly living it again.

"Your family were known as the Aura. They were located in the Eastern lands and mainly consisted of our top Scientists and medics. The Aura were an inquisitive bunch and were often the family we would depend on for research, inventions and aid for any medical needs. A bunch of bright minds those Aura."

We had been walking for about 10 minutes when we came to a fork on the path. Geilas stopped and waited for everyone to catch up to her. "Here is where we must remain close to one another. The woods get thicker from here. There are magick tricks here and there, creating obstacles to distract you from your course. This will help guide you, but is not foolproof. Please, stay aware of where you all are at all times. We are entering the part of the forest tainted by the Darkness." She pulled a rope out of the bag that had been over her shoulders. She instructed us to tie around each of our waists and leave enough slack so we could all comfortably walk.

When we were all tied together, Geilas tired the end to her waist and began walking and taking again.

"Our dear Alda, we just had your birthday! December 20th, 18 years ago now, you were born on a cold Yule night. Yule is when we celebrate the Longest Night. This is the time of the year when darkness has complete control over the light. Your family were the Aalto. They thrived during Yule because the snow would boost their ability to manipulate water. The Aalto were a beautifully artistic tribe full of teachers, artists, writers, and musicians of all sorts. I'll have you know; your family threw the best parties!"

Geilas went to do a twirl and stopped as she realized she was dragging us all along with her on the rope.

"So let me get this straight Geilas," Meadow said. "Our families and tribes have these magic abilities? My family's magic drew from the Earth, Ember's family drew from fire, Wren's family works with the power of air and Alda's family can manipulate water? Then on top of that, we were all born on this special…what did you call it… equinox or solstice….at midnight none the less? Did I get that all right?"

"That is correct. Also, each of you is Leader of a sector of Bavilan. In the Northern lands is where you will rule Meadow, and Ember in the South. Wren your castle is in the Eastern region and Alda yours is in the West. The Amazons and the Aspyre have domain outside of your regions. The lands are split equally, making a circle around each of your kingdoms."

"WOW! Are you serious!? This is amazing. That must have been the air when I was testing my weapons earlier!" I was so excited I stopped to do a happy dance. I was at the back of the line and the others began disappearing in front of me. Though the line was tied to my waist there was a good 4 feet of slack in between each person. They were ahead of me in the darkness before I felt the pull.

I stopped dancing and began walking, unable to see the girls in front of me, nor could I hear the words of the giant Amazon leading us. The line felt connected to someone ahead, but no matter how far I ran, I couldn't reach them. The rope kept getting swallowed more and more by the darkness of the forest as I continued to hike deeper.

"Oh no, what have I done. I will be lost forever. Where are you guys!" I screamed but there was no reply. Somehow, I could sense that I was not in any immediate danger, but not safe either. This didn't stop the fear of uncertainty climbing into my thoughts. I decided to sit down on the ground and wait. I've already been running for 15 minutes and still could not find anyone. Instead of freaking out and getting more lost, I decided I would wait for them to find me.

I sat there for awhile before a pang of regret hit me. Why do I always get into messes! I felt so alone, with nothing but my thoughts. The forest was dense, and I was feeling claustrophobic. I began to cry, feeling lost once again in my life. All my tortured past hitting me at once. I sobbed for all the trouble I had caused my sisters in the face of adventure. I realized in that moment it was my duty to get back to them, to protect them…but how?

Right at that moment, I could feel several hands on me. When I opened my eyes, I could see the faces of my saviors. It was them, the ones I needed to find…to protect. It was my sisters and Geilas.

"Where…where did you guys go? You were there one moment, then you were gone. I searched and yelled…no one came." I cried to them as Alda wrapped me in her arms.

"Oh dear, I'm afraid the Darkness played a trick on you. You have been here the whole time. You were walking along with us when suddenly you sat down and started crying. We tried to shake you out of it, but you were not responding." Geilas stood over all of us protectively as she explained what had happened.

"Yeah, Geilas told us to all try and put our hands on you and wake you. When we did, you came back to us." Meadow added. I jumped up and ran to Geilas and gave her a huge hug.

"Thank you for bringing me back to them." I said before turning to my sisters. "I will never be leaving you again. Not until this Darkness is gone from this magnificent place."