The First Castle

Chapter 13


I was thoroughly creeped out. Supposedly, I had been with my group the whole time. They could see me, but the darkness distracted me, and I felt like I lost them…and it was all my fault. I was gloomy for the first time since we arrived in Bavilan.

"Don't be so ominous Wren, everything is ok and this time no one was injured. Things like this happen sometimes unfortunately. Now that we all know how startling it can be, we can make it to our destination quicker. No dawdling now, let's go." Geilas broke through my thoughts moving to follow the path again. She always had a sunny disposition. She was able to make the world around her bright, regardless of how bad things seemed. That, mixed with her captivating smile that stole the sun, you couldn't help but feel brighter being around her.

"I'll be keeping up from now on, don't you worry." I mumbled in embarrassment, making sure to follow very close to the group.

"Ah, where were we, yes…the Aspyer. Their Heir is the same age as you and has followed in the footsteps of his father. He was born on the day of October 30th, 18 years ago…right before the witching hour at 11:58. He missed being born on a Sabbat celebration like you four ladies. This brought jealousy and shame to their family. For if the heir is not bourn on a night of the Sabbat, then their powers will never fully develop."

Geilas continued walking and talking. "Amazons are a bit different because we don't bond with the realm of powers how the other families do. The first five families all represent an element, as you guessed earlier, Earth, Air, Fire, Water and the Void. We Amazons are great warriors and though we carry magick in our blood, it only allows us to forge powerful weapons for the tribes. We don't have an element that connects us to this realm of existence like you do as we focus more on metal. We represent the All of the world. I bet you guys would never guess I'm the same age as you as well?!"

"What! That is impossible, you said you were there for my birth." I said to Geilas, who was not making any sense.

"And I was. I was born on February 29th…technically 72-year cycles ago. But because my birthday only comes once every 4 years, I celebrated my 18th birthday this year as well. Amazons do not age like normal humans do. We stay young and strong for a majority of our life. It is only once we have given up the Warriors Creed, that we being to age."

"That is amazing Geilas. Who would have thought we would all be the same age this year. But does that mean that the Heir of the 5th family has already came into his powers? We don't have abilities; I can assure you of that. If Alda is 18 today, and we are all to come into our powers then…how can we ever beat this mysterious 5th family heir and take back our homes?" Meadow asked.

"Yes, of course he has his powers. Though he will not be as powerful as your magicks when they do manifest. He will however make up for his lack of ability with the many years of training he has had. He and his family are followers of the Darkness, and therefore have been given power from Them." She advised before adding "Do not fret girls, I will prepare you. I will join you, as will many others. The goal is not to beat him now in a grand battle, but to become stronger and wiser than He in the experiences you will have on this journey."

By now we had come to an opening in the forest. Geilas stopped and took a deep breath while she took in the sight. We were all frozen in wonder. Before us laid cliff. We wandered closer, amazed to be on the edge of a devasting drop. It wasn't the drop that had captivated our wonder. It was what was beyond the cliff that had us all speechless. Geilas smiled at each of us as if she knew the feeling we were experiencing.

"This is magnificent Geilas…where are we?" Ember spoke for the first time without an attitude towards the Amazon beauty with us.

What we were all looking at none other than a field of wildflowers, with weeping willows decorated without. Just beyond the field was a castle that was a pastel green color. The trimmings of the building were the same wildflowers in the surrounding field. Beautifully woven vines climbed discreetly up the castle walls and met above the roof. It formed a canopy that shielded the castle from the direct sunlight.

It was almost as if the Castle was a giant tree. Behind the castle, you could see a river that ran as far as the eye could see. It was truly the most beautiful sight any of them had seen. Nothing like this was ever seen back on Earth.

"These are the Northern lands, and they rightfully belong to you Meadow. This is your home and where you were born." She waited for Meadow to answer.

"I…I know this place…" was all she could get out.

"Of course, you know this place my dear. This place is as much a part of you as the blood in your veins. This is what you are fighting for."

"Can we…go down there?" Meadow asked as she began to choke up.

"Unfortunately, we cannot. The Aspyre have command of this place right now and the Darkness has corrupt spies everywhere. It is not yet safe for you. I brought you here so you could see the place that is bonded to you. To experience it for yourself firsthand so you know the importance of what you all must do."

"I come here sometimes and just sit on this cliff. Over the last 18 years, I questioned the task I was given a few times. Doubting that we would ever be free. When I began to lose my faith, I would come and sit here. It would remind me of all those that gave their life to protect you…to protect us all. Bavilan belongs to us all and if we don't get it back, I'm afraid it will soon be lost forever to the Darkness."

Geilas untied the rope from herself and gestured for us to do the same. She put it back in her bag and pulled out an extra-large blanket for us all to sit on. She then took out a sack of fruit and sandwiches, ready to feed us after our long journey. It was amazing to see how she always seemed to have the right thing at the right time.

"I'm hungry!" Alda said as she picked up a grape and popped it into her mouth.

We all ate in silence…a normal occurrence these days. Meadow kept her eyes on the castle, lost in her thoughts.