A Binding Pact

Chapter 16


With Geilas gone to God knows where, we were left on our own to think and discuss the days events thus far. Mead had been quiet since we left our picnic on the cliff. I could tell that she would be lost in thought for a while. We all headed into Geilas' cabin and settled in. Meadow went to our room and came back with her vex ball. She studied it silently as she crashed into the pile of pillows we had sat on the night before.

Alda was putting the items from our picnic away, shuffling through until she found the perfect home for things. Wren explored the cabin, oohing and ahhing every few minutes. It truly was annoying how she got sometimes, but I couldn't help but secretly admire her gumption. Of course, I would never admit that to her.

"Guys, I know I have been a bit…disruptive the last few days…hell my whole life really. I do want to figure out what is going on. I do care about what happens to us. I do want us to stick together. I don't know if I fully believe everything Geilas is saying, but I can see you all are starting to, and that makes me want to believe also." I told my sisters, breaking the awkward silence within the large cabin.

"I honestly don't know what to believe, but I know what I feel. I know what I felt the moment I picked up that turtle. I saw what happened to me. Glowing is not part of the normal we know. Like Geilas said, that doesn't make it any less true. I think we stay; we start our training, and we figure out who we are meant to be, together!" Alda spoke up with a soft smile on her face.

I couldn't fully describe my feelings for her, but she was special. She always knew the right things to say, her touch was electrifying and her smile, damn that smile would light up the darkest of nights. I could tell this place had done something to her appearance. It was subtle, but her cheeks were less plump, she seemed to grow a few inches, making her closer to Wren's height. She seemed to have fewer freckles, like her skin was nourishing itself constantly. She was beautiful before, but now she was stunning.

"I think…I think I believe." Meadow whispered softly, still staring into her Vex ball. "I know what Geilas has told me of my family is true. I know that castle is my birthright. A part of me has always felt like I don't belong, and now I know why. This is our home guys. The Aspyre stole our happiness by defeating our parents and tainting our home. That cannot stand. We have got to do something. We can't let them take anymore."

"I agree Meadow, I believe this is our home. I know there is a wild ride ahead and I'm ready to face that with you all!" Wren's excitement leaked out of every syllable. "I also agree Alda that we should start our training and learn as much as we can. We know we can't preform our Age rites right now, so maybe becoming more skilled with our weapons and protection each other, we will be ready when the rite happens!"

All of them sat and discussed how much they believed in this place, in Bavilan. I was naturally a skeptic…though I like to think I'm more logical. As I sat and listened to them discuss all the information we have got so far, I couldn't help to feel a draw of belief pulling my spirit towards these magnificent sisters of mine. Meadow was talking about how she felt pulled to her castle, to claim it.

"It was like I could hear the castle calling me by my true name 'Meadow, leaders of the Aarde Earth tribe. Bringer of harmony and peace.' I kept thinking about that the whole time we were there, what that meant to me. I imagined all the people that have suffered since this war, how our parents suffered. How because we weren't here, no one was left to protect them. Just like no one was there to protect us back on Earth."

"You're right Meadow, they didn't ask for this war. The people of Bavilan, our people, have suffered long enough. We will do something! We will save our people. I believe sister, I believe this is our home and our responsibility to protect." I couldn't believe the words that left my mouth. I felt them true and would say them again, I knew that in my soul.

"Ember, I can't believe this, you…you are onboard with this?" Alda asked me sweetly.

"Right, all of a sudden you have a change of heart. Meadow, check her, she may be having a stroke." Wren joked, coming, and checking my forehead like I had a fever.

"Ha ha, dork, very funny. I can't let you have all the fun, troublemaker." I joked back, glad to have some light banter with my sisters after the last few days.

Meadow left the pillow pile and came to where the rest of us stood. "Let's vow right now that we will stick together always for the betterment of Bavilan and for the love we share." She put her hand face down in the middle of us, waiting for us to put our hands on top of hers. Wren was the first to join her, followed by Alda. They all looked at me with expectant eyes. I rolled my eyes and put my hand on top.

As soon as my hand touched theirs, something happened. All our heads were thrown back and we began to levitate just about the large furniture. Lights flooded around us, my light was red, Wrens was yellow, Aldas was blue, and Meadows was a deep green. The lights swirled around each of us, wrapping around our bodies and swirled down our arms to our joined stack of hands. The colors blended majestically as if binding us as one.

At that moment Geilas walks through her door and stops amazed at the sight before her.

"Well, you guys have been busy! Can't say I'm too surprised. Well-done preforming a binding! One less thing we have to do." Her lips formed her typical smile as she came over to our floating beings, still surrounded by light. She touched our hands and said "I bind my path to yours, as your sister and as your friend. We will avenge Bavilan together and bring life back to this land." Her eyes glowed Silver but she remained on the ground.

After a few minutes, the lights ended, and we were gently let back to the ground. Everyone was quiet with contemplation. Our journey starts here.

~~~Somewhere in Bavilan~~~

I haven't been back to the homeland since the war started. I can't say I missed it a whole lot. Growing up in the Aspyre tribe wasn't all it was cracked up to be. So when the opportunity presented itself to go to Earth, I couldn't pass it up. My late husband was the Keeper of the Aspyre people. He loyally served the 4 kingdoms while still caring about our Tribe. He was a wonderful man. One many looked up to. To be bestowed the honor of Keeper within our Tribe was a great honor because only the most loyal were trusted to not become spies or wreak havoc amongst the Tribes.

I was born to the Aspyre Tribe and knew my place well. It wasn't until I met my husband that life didn't seem so dreary. He brought life to my soul and made me dream big. I was honored to be his wife. When the Aspyre joined with the Darkness, my husband wanted to protect our people, and in doing so, met his fate.

He lay in my arms, dying when he told me of the trip the heirs would take to Earth with their wards. He knew they were the only hope to save our people. To save all of Bavilan. He convinced me to take his place as keeper and sneak to Earth. He urged me in his last breaths to watch over them.

To honor his memory, I did what he asked. I was not happy about it. His last thoughts in this world were of a future that may never come. Now, knowing the girls as I do, I can say it's pretty unlikely this future will ever exist. I can't help but resent their existence. Why do they get to live and the love of my heart and soul had to pay for his loyalty with his life.

Now they have gone and skipped Earth without help or guidance. I knew I should have stepped in sooner. I don't know where they are, but without me, they will never have the chance to rule. I had to leave the good life to sludge around in this illusion of a world I once knew to find some troublesome teenagers who think they have life figured out.

I just hope I find them in time.