The Show Off

Chapter 17


Two weeks had passed since the night the binding took place. Naturally, none of us knew what had happened. Geilas had filled us in, explaining that we had all accepted in our hearts the role we had to play and with that acceptance, the Universe had bound us to one another. Geilas included. As the only Amazonian left, she too would need to rebuild her Tribe to its former glory. We knew the task ahead was not going to be easy. We had a lot to learn and even more to experience, but the first step was already taken.

We had been training with our weapons nonstop, perfecting techniques and learning how to wield them properly. Geilas was a great teacher…no surprise there. She made sure we were comfortable with the progress we were making, careful not to push us too far too fast. She was patient and didn't chastise us when we messed up. I of course was used to shooting for perfection, so I wanted to progress a bit faster than the rest of my sisters, especially knowing my father was not there to belittle me. Well, not my real father…my ward, I guess. What an ass hat he was!

Geilas said I was a natural like both of my parents…my real parents. She had yet to finish telling us about our families. It was understandable with everything she had going on. The night of the binding, messengers came to advise her that someone had entered Bavilan under secrecy and was looking for us. This person was going around small villages, inquiring about 4 girls with different colored hair. The messengers got wind, and brought the information to Geilas, who seemed alarmed. She had kept us busy with training ever since.

We started our days off with a hike to the other side of the lake, where we would then stop for an hour-long meditation. Geilas was adamant that balancing our chakras would guide the magic in our weapons to reveal themselves to us. Outside of some glowing and small sparks, magic hadn't happened yet. More like some cute parlor tricks and a lot of headaches. I was still a bit skeptical, but I promised them I would be all in. So here I am, all in and all attitude…all the time. After our meditations, we would jog back around the lake to get some cardio in, stopping to stretch before we started training.

"Do you think we will ever be able to properly use our weapons guys?" Alda asked, red faced after our jog. She had come such a long way. The longer we stayed in Bavilan, the sharper her features became. It was like she was shedding the last bits of baby weight, revealing a goddess underneath. "I mean, clearly, we are tied to them. I just don't understand why we can't make them work."

"Maybe it is because we are trying too hard to 'make' them work" Meadow replied plainly. She had taken on a way more serious role since we had returned from the castle. She still acted like our mama hen, but now it was as if she had decided her path and Bavilan and her castle were it. I would catch her looking at her Vex ball often, keeping it close to her always. I don't know what she was looking for, but I did hope she found it one day.

"You are right on track Meadow, which explains why you have progressed a bit farther than your sisters." Geilas smiled at her proudly. "You can't make the weapons work. They are bound to you as much as you are bound to one another. Here, come here Ember." She held her hand out as if she wanted to show me something. I got up from my final stretches and went to her.

"Now Alda, Wren, you guys come join us. Then Meadow you come after them." We did as she told us until all five of us were standing facing each other. She started to explain. "Do you remember what you all were feeling the night we performed the binding? What was it that made you put your hand in the middle of your circle?"

"I was feeling excitement, true excitement since my parents…my wards were murdered. I was ready to go to the ends of the world for you all." Wren said with a hint of joy in her voice.

"I was feeling accepted and heard for the first time in my life. I felt almost whole." Alda answered with a tear in her sapphire eye.

"I felt honored to be a part of this sisterhood. Like for the first time ever I was a part of a team that wanted me for me." I spoke up quickly, ready to get the spotlight off me.

We all turned to Meadow expectantly. She wore a stoic look for a moment before answering Geilas.

"I felt like I finally made it home." She paused, looking at each of us. "I realized that with you guys, I have always been home. It took me seeing my castle and meeting Geilas to realize that home has always been here. I felt acceptance."

"YES! That is it, ladies. That is your feeling. The things you guys felt when you started the binding are linked to the past you had. The life you lived before coming here…letting go of that is what ignited the power within you. It wasn't just belief in this place and in each other. It was letting go of the abuse, scars, violations, and abandonment that held you back. You accepted who you were at that moment and the Universe took your pain. It is ready to give it back to you in the form of power. You must hold onto that feeling because without it, you will never tap into your raw power. Mastering the power in your weapons is the easy part. Bond with them as you bonded with each other in that moment." Geilas explained.

"Now that you know that feeling, grab your sisters' hands." She instructed us. I reached for Alda and Wren's hands. Wren grabbed onto Meadow. Meadow and Alda looked at each other before they both grabbed Geilas' hand. Startled Geilas continued. "Thank you for including me."

"Well, why would we not include you? You are our long-lost sister after all. Don't go getting all mushy about it." I joked with her. No one wanted to deal with a crying giant.

"Right! You are bound to us now, too. You were with us in the binding. We can't do any of this without you." Wren smiled at her sweetly.

"Don't make me cry guys…"

"DON'T!" all four of us yelled at once, alarming her. We had the pleasure of experiencing Geilas' cry sessions and it was not pretty. I'm glad we were all on the same page with that topic.

"Ha ha guys." She rolled her chocolate eyes and continued. "As I was saying, we must find that feeling within us we felt the night of our binding. Everyone, close your eyes and focus on your sisters. Can you feel their energy circulating through you? What does it feel like? Learn to recognize how to identify whose energy is who's." Geilas stopped talking and let us focus.

We all remained focused, spending 20 minutes at least trying to grasp each other's energy. In my mind's eye, I could see different strands of light reaching for me. It was as if I had a tether to each line, leading to one of my sisters. My light was made of sweet flames. They felt warm and inviting…safe. I cherished the feeling my energy had. It energized me and made me feel complete, wrapping me in a blanket of security. I turned my attention away from my light and towards everyone else's.

Meadow's was a bright green vine reaching for me. Looking at her energy was like taking in a breath of life itself. Wren's was a blue lightening streak, electrifying me to my core in the best of ways. Geilas' was a line of bright steal, straight and true, giving me a sense of both protection and strength.

And Alda's, my precious Alda's light was a stream of fresh water. It felt rejuvenating. It was as though her energy fed souls from the inside out, cleansing them of any impurities. It was her light that shone the brightest. So, I grabbed onto it, using her energy to pull the others towards me.

Then something happened.

I opened my eyes to see I was no longer holding anyone's hands. I was floating two feet off the ground with my battle axe in hand. Both the axe and I were glowing like we usually did, pulsating in perfect rhythm with my heartbeat. I set my eyes on a small tree a few feet to my right. Something told me to throw the axe at it. I clung to the way each of my sister's energy felt within me. I remembered how my energy made safety a reality. I took a breath, still in the air, and threw at my target.

When the axe hit the tree, I was surprised by the instant melting effect it had. Red lava was pouring from the axe, disintegrating the tree before our eyes. I gasped at the beauty of the molten lava and found myself stepping closer. I didn't fear the flame. I was embracing it. I knew I owned the flame. That lava was a part of me and I a part of it. We burned the same. I grabbed the lava-soaked axe and held it, not feeling any difference in temperature. I willed the lava to leave the axe and turned to the group.

"So much for you being the prized pupil, Meadow. It looks like I have taken that title." I tuck the axe into the sling on my back and walk into the cabin, leaving the group once again speechless.

"Show off!" Wren yelled at me as I shut the door with a chuckle.