Creatures of Birth

Chapter 19


We ate in silence. I think mostly because everyone was processing the events of the day. Every one of them was able to draw out the power of their weapons. They were relentless in their pursuit to perfect their skills. As a warrior myself, I could respect that. So, I allowed them to take in all that had happened so far. I knew when they were ready to talk, they would come to me.

Once we had all finished and cleaned up, we sat in our nightly spots, me in my rocking chair and they piled onto the floor full of pillows. The first that spoke was not who I expected.

"Um, Geilas. Do you think we can learn more about our real parents now?" Ember spoke up softly. It was so uncharacteristic for her, I had to double take to make sure she wasn't pulling a fast one on me. She looked up at me with expectancy, so I got comfortable and began.

"The last we spoke of this; I was a little emotional. I want to apologize to you ladies first. It is a hard thing to recall and at times I get lost in my thoughts. But we will do this together. Just give me grace as I try to explain as best I can the knowledge I hold." I smiled at them and continued. "Ember, tonight we will start with you."

She fidgeted a bit on the pillows, but the others placed their hands on her, and you could see she visibly relaxed. She faced each of them offering a look of thanks before turning back to me. I noticed that since the bonding, they had all been closer, it brought joy to my heart to see they were all on the same wavelength.

"Your mother and father were the force of Bavilan. They were not ones you ever wanted to cross. A very intimidating couple, but full of so much love and justice. They could never stand to see anyone mistreated and made sure to punish those accordingly when they were in the wrong. Their names were Enya and Nuriel." I watched her breath stop when she heard their names.

"Were they…did they want me?" she asked timidly, taking a page out of Alda's book. She was so vulnerable in that moment. I knew she needed nothing but the truth if she were to move forward with her sisters. I could tell truth was hard to come by for them. I owed them that much.

"More than anything my dear. Your parents planned for years to have a child to share their life with. But the universe didn't provide until you were conceived. When they brought you into this world, the sky was lit with the brightest of lights, making it seem almost as if the Sun itself was there to witness your birth. They were so proud to be your parents." She relaxed and I could see tears begin to fall. I couldn't tell if they were tears of joy, knowing someone wanted her wholeheartedly, or if they were sad tears because her parents were no longer here to fuss over her.

"Nuriel, your father, was a Djinn, though most people know the Djinn as genies. He was so powerful and never abused his abilities to get ahead. He was an angel to say the least! Enya, your mother, was a Pheonix. She stood for strength and wanted to renew the world around her. She used her powers of regeneration to build a better world, not only for their Tribe, but for all the Tribes. She wanted everyone to have a life worthy of living and never gave up on that dream. They were both loved by so many."

I let her process. She cried for a life she never knew but wished for. She held her sisters for comfort and guidance and when she was done crying, she stood up from the pillows and walked to me.

"Thank you." Was all she said before capturing me in a hug that spoke volumes.

"Thank you, sister." I replied. She smiled at me and joined the others.

I began again. "Wren, your parents were so much like the person you are now. They were inquisitive, intelligent, and always finding ways to enjoy life's wonders. Your mom's name was Indra, and she was one of the most beautiful Harpies I have ever laid eyes on. When she was in her true form, she was most assuredly a showstopper, being half bird and half woman. She would take flight and all eyes would be on her, captivated by her very presence. It's something I will never forget experiencing. Not to mention her ability to summon forth a vicious storm wind! She was truly a site to behold! She would have been so proud to see you take after her so much!"

"Your father Zephyr was a Griffon. Like your mom, he could stop a crowd with his good looks and striking personality. He loved to study and share his knowledge, especially with the little ones. They encouraged their people to be free thinkers and explorers, always looking for the next big secret. Before you ask, yes, they did love you more than life itself. They were the hardest ones to take you away from. They refused to let the four of you go until they knew you were safely on Earth. They both flew ahead of us as we prepared for you and your wards to enter the portal that took you to the land you grew up in. Without their eyes, who knows if you would have ever made it to safety." She smiled back at me with a look of hope. Hope that maybe she would one day meet the people who gave her life.

I believe knowing more about their true families was breathing life into them. They all were at a place of acceptance, and I couldn't have been prouder. In just a month's time, they were stepping up in ways normal people would never have done. It was telling of the future they would lead as Rulers of this world. I did not want to shatter their hopes of wanting a family. But I also didn't want them to see just how bad things were here. We are living a good life, tucked away in my cabin. Life is so much different away from this safe shore…and their parents, no one has heard from them. I can't say if they are dead or alive. What I can say is this war isn't waiting on that discovery. I had to keep them focused.

"Now Alda, your family were some of the sweetest most sincere and humble individuals of all the Tribes. They didn't believe in charity, but they did believe in equality. All were treated as royalty in the Aalto Tribe. Suffering was always the first thing rectified in your lands. No one was left to wallow in their misery because everyone was united and equal to the likes of your parents." Alda stared at me with longing in her eyes. I could tell she wanted to know them, to feel the love they had to give. I smiled sadly back and continued to tell her about them.

"Jaleel was an Incubus. He fed off the chi of those around him, giving him stronger abilities. If his people were happy, the stronger he became. The only downfall to being an incubus is your survival depends on that very chi. Without it, you will become a wanderer with no soul. Your father was always good at keeping up with his intake, though I assume your mother had everything to do with that. For it is sexual chi that provides a strong lasting 'feed' to an incubus. I never saw them apart, so my only guess is she provided all he needed to remain healthy."

"Um, gross…" Ember called out with a disgusted look on her face. I let a small giggle slip, and the old Ember was looking at me as if she wanted to cut me from end to end. "No one wants to hear about our parents sex lives. Let's just skip that part, shall we?"

"Oh, come on, you had to have got here somehow." I replied laughing a little harder. I could see Meadow trying to stifle her laughter as Ember had her face contorted in a look I couldn't quite place. "As I was saying, your parents were inseparable. Your mother, Sirenna was awe inspiring. She not only had the softest demeanor, but she also had the kindest heart. You are so much like her my dear. Tender, timid but strong and wise. She was a mermaid."

"A mermaid! Like a real-life mermaid? ARE YOU SERIOUS! My mom was a mermaid." Alda jumped up from where she was sitting and was giggling awkwardly as she took in this newfound knowledge. "How is it possible that mermaids are real? Are they all women or are there mermen too? Do they lose their voice if they stay on land too long? What about Ariel, is she some real mermaid that Earth based their stories off? Are mermaids the same thing as sirens, luring ships to their demise?" She kept going with the questions. We were losing her to her excitement.

"Alda dear, calm down. I don't know of this Ariel you speak, but there are many legends in Bavilan that Earth has based their stories off. That is due to some members of the tribes going back and forth and telling their tales. As normal as they are to us, they are far-fetched on Earth. So, they created children's stories with our history. I'm assuming one of these stories is of what you are referring. There was a mermaid queen belonging to the Aalto tribe many generations before my time. She had fire hair, much like yours Alda. He family refused to let her enter the Endless Lake, right outside of the castle. It was forbidden as at that time, creatures of darkness dwelled there. But she fell in love with a merman and entered the lake, but her merman was nowhere to be found. She was tricked by an evil being and her voice was taken from her. She escaped back to land and ruled with no voice, but an iron fist. Her name was Queen Aria." I explained.

"Mermaids are also completely different from Sirens. Though they are both extremely beautiful women, Sirens are the doom bringers. They have perfectly harmonized tunes that lure sailors to the deepest of depths, making them commit suicide. The sailors have no choice, yet they are willing to dive to their deaths. Mermaids are more like protectors of the waters. They create life, vegetation and make sure the waters remain balanced. The darkness was able to survive so long in the Endless Lake because mermaids stopped protecting for fear of their lives. Now the darkness is everywhere, and we all must fear for our lives. The time has come to fight back!"

The girls looked ready to take the fight to the Darkness, but we weren't ready yet. They may know what the outcome must be, but they haven't a clue about what the future truly held. We had a couple more weeks of training before we could embark on our quest. A quest that was detrimental to the success of gaining their thrones. Their leadership was needed to right the wrongs of our world. The first quest was to find out who the keepers were and where they were hiding. For without their guidance, support, and the items they keep, the kingdom would forever remain in shambles.

It was a lot to put on them, but if they were anything like their parents, they would gladly accept the responsibility and fight to rule once more.

"Today has been a successful day. I'm proud of the progress you all have made this week. I suspect we will spend a week or two developing skills before we leave."

"Leave! Where are we going?" Wren inquired curiously.

"We will seek out the Keepers. There are five of them and we don't know who they are. So far, your presence here has gone unnoticed. That is good for the safety of your lives as you learn, but not so good because the people don't know have returned. We must be wise about our steps moving forward. The Aspyre have their spies everywhere, and we can't forget about the person inquired after you in the villages. It is time for us plan our next steps so that we can complete our quest." I explained diligently.

"Where will we head to first?" Ember asked.

"I'm glad you asked, my messengers have advised me that the small towns in Meadow's land are where they are getting reports of someone searching for you. We need to avoid this person because we do not yet know their intentions. Until I can find out more, we will do our best to avoid that area. So, we will first go to your land Ember. The Anshul Tribe is not particularly fond of outsiders now that the Darkness has taken over. They are a very closed off people and it will take a lot for us to find the Keeper of the Fire Tribe."

"Do you think we are ready?" Meadow spoke up, looking like the Queen she was meant to be.

"I know you are! I know we are. Bavilan has waited for you long enough. We must end their suffering and bring glory back to our home. For the people, for your parents and for us who have lost all of the family we have, to the Darkness and the Aspyre Tribe." I sighed "Come, it is getting late, and we all need rest. I will see you for training in the morning." I got up from my chair and made my way across the living area to enter my room. Before closing my door, I watched as they gathered themselves to prepare for bed.

"Goodnight my sisters." I whispered.

"Sleep well, sister." They whispered back. I didn't know they had heard me, but they all smiled and entered their room, ready to embark upon a new day.

***In a town of the Aarde Tribe***

I could feel myself getting closer to them. I knew they were close. If I could just get to them before someone says too much, I may be able to fix this. In no way am I going to let them ruin everything I have worked so hard for. I have spent so much time asking after them. No one seems to know who I'm inquiring about. GOOD! They don't need to know…not yet. It's not time…I'm not ready…they aren't ready. Now they are just going to get themselves killed. If I know anything about Wren, she is well on her way of making trouble for them. It comes easy to her, curious little shit.

I hate that they are all so much like them…their parents. Ugh, it makes me sick just thinking about them and about this place. I just want to go home…but wait I am home…I just want to return to Earth. Life was easier there. But I have to sludge through all this bullshit to find them before something terrible happens. They are the literal bane of my existence. I have lost everything because of them. Damn him for making me do this!

I'm leaving the Earth Tribe to search for them elsewhere. Hopefully they don't evade me much longer. If they do, they have a whole lot more to worry about than this dreadful place.