The Journey Begins

Chapter 20


Time passed quickly over the next few weeks. We practiced and trained from sunup to sundown. When we first started, I thought I would die from over exertion, but my body had long gotten used to the strenuous activity. Sometimes, when we would run in the morning, I was the first to make it back to our training grounds. Small successes were celebrated greatly in my head.

We had all become pretty proficient with our weapons, creating our own techniques. Geilas was constantly doting over how amazing she thought we all were. She would say we were naturals or so much like our birth parents. I was starting to believe her more. If you had asked me three months ago if I would be in great shape and ready to go to battle, I would have laughed timidly in your face. But now…now I felt so confident, fit, and unstoppable. I felt like I could accomplish anything. I knew the road ahead wouldn't be all sunshine and rainbows, but at least I knew I was brave enough to face whatever came my way…our way.

Geilas had spent time every night telling us stories of our parents, making us feel like we almost knew them. It was nice to have that connection. Part of me felt like they just couldn't be dead. I hoped for the best and disregarded the worst. To me, they were alive and well waiting for me to rescue them. I hadn't told any of my sisters yet how I was feeling, including Geilas. She was as much our sister now as any of us were to one another. I trusted them all immensely, I just couldn't bear being shot down for wanting to believe my parents were waiting for me. So, I hoped in silence and focused on protecting my sisters until the day I would find the people Geilas had made me fall in love with.

After almost two months spent at Geilas' cabin, which we learned was in my land, she advised us that the time for us to leave this place had come.

"We will leave in three days' time. In that time, I want you all to focus on what you have learned thus far, pack your backpacks, and get plenty of rest. We will only participate in light training for the next two days." She advised us. She looked nervous yet confident. It was as if she believed we were the solution to the problem, but we would break at any moment. I think we were all still in shock this was happening.

"We will be ready, Sister." Ember replied sheepishly. She and Geilas had become close over the last few weeks. They talked alone constantly. I wasn't jealous in the least bit. I loved Ember and I wanted her to be happy. Something told me that happiness would just never truly be with me, and I was ok with that. I would do anything for her, Wren, Meadow or Geilas.

"Um, what if we are already packed?" Wren asked as she turned from side to side pretending like she wasn't the one who had spoken up.

"Well, I would say you are ahead of the game." Geilas laughed.

"I think we are all eager to just get out of here and see the rest of the world. I think we are ready. I'm confident that we will prevail victoriously as long as we stick together." Meadow chimed in. She was so regal as of late. It was as if seeing her castle had switched that 'royalty' switch in her demeanor. I wasn't complaining. She was still our Meadow, just more sophisticated.

"Meadow is right, we are ready. We will save the people of Bavilan, and we will take back our true homes. I know we are on the right path; I feel it in my soul. I have since touched that turtle. As long as we are true to each other and our path, we will always find a way to win." I smiled sweetly as I looked around at the four of them. We were all so different. Meadow with her silver hair and matching eyes grinning back at me with so much respect. Wren with her raven black hair and green eyes gazing through my soul as if meeting a new friend or the first time. Ember, my sweet Ember, with her golden hair always falling perfectly into place. Her molten eyes forever holding the secrets of the sun within them.

Then there was Geilas, the most unlikely addition to our little gang of warriors. She had the most beautiful milk chocolate skin, and her eyes were so icy they looked white. She and her white tribal tattoos stood out in a crowd of normal people. There would be no way for us to hide her. As the last Amazonian, we thought she too would be in danger. Everyone believed her tribe was no more. I wondered how they would react when they see her traveling with us?

"Geilas, I know this is a sensitive topic, but I was curious. If the Amazonian tribe was demolished, how will the other Tribes react when they see you. We can't exactly hide your height and tattoos." I asked.

"Ha! I do not wish to hide! The prophecy foretold of one Amazon that would remain to guide the true rulers on their journey. I want the world to see me, for when they see me, they will know the time has come and the rightful heirs to the thrown will sit upon them again. War started here a long time ago. The people need something…someone…to believe in again. That someone is the five of us."

"What about our protection?" Wren asked curious as ever.

"You do not need protection now. It is you who must do the protecting. You only needed protection so you could learn who you truly are. Now that you know, the most important thing is waking the people to the fight that is about to happen, assembling our allies and finding the keepers. Without the keepers, we are doomed to fail. I have done all I can to prepare you for this next stage. It will be on all of us, and your keepers to prepare for taking out the Aspyre."

We listened intently to her. She was right, if she hadn't been preparing us to take care of ourselves, what had she been doing? With our weapons activated and our fighting skills up to par, we were ready. Maybe not for the real battle against the Aspyre, but we could hold our own until we found the Keepers. We were all prepared for this quest.

***Three Days Later***

We were all packed and ready to start this adventure. I was nervous, I'm sure we all were. I was stuck in my imagination as everyone was piling out of the cabin. Life ahead held so much mystery. Untold journeys waited for us to embark on them. Eager warriors of good anticipating joining our causes and creatures of myth actually coming to life before my eyes. I was thrilled we had so much to look forward to.

"Come girls, we must walk the back way, to cross the lake and enter into Earth territory. Are you all ready?" She looked between us and put on a face that I have never seen on her before. It was a face of a true warrior.

"We are." All of us answered her at once and started walking behind the cabin. We didn't know what to expect when leaving the safety we had found here. Unasked questions hung between us as we all remained silently, making up in our heads what we would experience. It wasn't until we reached the south side of the lake that we had to cross that someone spoke up.

"I hope you don't think I'm about to swim across this lake again. Once was enough for me." Ember said without skipping a beat. She always knew the right amount of attitude to bring to the party.

"Of course we will not swim. Alda, do you mind?" Geilas looked at me expectantly. I had no idea what she wanted. I didn't see the turtle swimming towards us.

She taught us to think on our feet when working with our weapons magic. A thought dawned on me on that moment. I took a hold of my trident and focused on the patch of water in front of me, I called on the energy of my sisters as I always do and casted my spell on the lake. The blue tip lit up, using the water to form a bridge of ice over the lake. The bridge was sturdy, but thin. It was just big enough for Geilas to cross snugly. We took turns following her over, I was the last to cross.

Once we were all on the other side, the bridge melted back into the lake as if it knew I was no longer in need of its assistance. At that moment, I felt invincible. The world was my oyster and I would work tirelessly to gain everything back for myself, my sisters and our people.

"That was EPIC!" Wren screamed, running up to me and gathering me in a huge hug. "I wish I had that ability! How cool was that guys?" She looked around at everyone. Geilas giggled at her excitement. Ember rolled her eyes but smiled proudly. Meadow looked as if she wanted to cry from joy. Everyone was happy. I couldn't remember the last time seeing us like this. I had a little skip in my step as I followed Geilas.

This was the moment I knew we would all be fine. We were together and we would fight until the very end. We had so much to learn in such a short time, but we weren't worried. We were exhilarated and liberated. We found our identity and our purpose.

This was the moment our journey began.

***Somewhere on the Earth Tribe border***

The Aarde Tribe was little to no help. Everyone I spoke to had no clue what I was going on about. I knew this journey was going to be a pain in my neck. I just never realized how much. If this wasn't so damn important, I would go back to Earth and wait for the end of this battle. But I had a job to do, one that I wasn't particularly fond of.

This was my husband's job after all. Then he went and died on me, now I have to carry out something I don't believe in. Oh well, I just need to get it done and be done with these little heathens. It is their fault my husband is not here, or rather their parent's fault. I blame them all. Every single tribe. My anger has been my saving grace for so many years. How can I let go of that? It has kept me going.

All I know is I must do what my husband asked of me. It was his dying wish. I must honor it. He meant too much to me not to honor his wishes, even if I didn't agree with them. So many years spent watching these girls, wishing I could end them while still protecting them. What a disaster. I'm just happy I never got too close. Those pesky royals know how to draw you in if you let them. I refuse to break for the likes of them.

I have hit every village from the portal to the Earth Castle to the border. I'm about to cross into the land of the Aura Tribe. The air villages may be more helpful in finding who I have come for. I'm sure these four have found trouble and I just hope that it's not too late for me to fulfill my husband's last wish. I know the answers are here. I just have to find them first.