The Whispering Sanctum

Chapter 25


The night aboard Supreme Grace had been beyond anything we could have imagined. We marveled at the secrets the glowing ship revealed so easily to us. After sitting under the stars for a while, gazing upon the light dusted water, we had decided to explore more. We were hungry and thus our curious wondering led us to just the place we needed.

Once we entered the kitchen, we were taken back that there were mounds of food, but no staff that had prepared it. Everything we had ever desired to taste laid before us in a spread meant for kings…or in this case Queens. There was even a birthday cake for Meadow! We excitedly dug into the most scrumptious foods we had ever tasted, gasping as unknown sins doused our tastebuds.

There was an assortment of pasta dishes, Beef Wellington, Lobster, Cordon Bleu and dishes I had never even seen before. I saw seafood, veggie options, fruits that didn't exist on Earth and so much I could never begin to name. It was more than we could ever have asked for and we were beyond grateful that someone would go out of their way to feed us such delicacies. Yet, we had no one to thank.

Curious, we decided our next destination would be to find Geilas. We finished our birthday cake and sweets, cleaned up after ourselves and made a plate for our giant sister. We knew she had been a bit tense since discovering Everbloom Bay in the state we found it. She was quieter and more reserved. To me, it seemed as if she was fighting against old demons, Gods know we have had our fair share of that!

We found Geilas still at the helm of the ship, steering elegantly through shadowed waters, the only light coming from the glow of Supreme Grace herself.

            "Hey." I spoke as I walked up beside Geilas, looking out over the water. I was at peace here. I felt so drawn and connected to the water, even if I could barely see it. My soul felt as if it shared a spirit with the crystalline depths. It called to me, and I answered with a smile and a knowing acceptance in my heart.

            "Hello, my dear." She smiled down at me. Geilas towered over all of us, but I was the runt of this pack, so she felt extra tree like in compassion to me.

            "We brought you a plate. I know you haven't eaten. We must keep up our strength." Meadow set the plate on the rail near Geilas. She looked over at it and nodded thanks to Meadow.

            "I will eat, I promise, I'm just worried…" She trailed off for a moment then rambled on half to herself. "We are in open water now, away from land for a long while. I can see pretty well in the dark, and the vessel pretty much steers itself. It's just after today, I am on more alert. The Darkness knows you are here, Zora is actively searching for you, the traveler is still out there, and we don't know what they want, and to top it all off, we have no idea where to start looking for the Keepers."

            "Geilas, calm down! We will do this together. I have a feeling we will end up right where we need to be. You said the ship knows our desires, correct? If this is the case, Supreme Grace knows where we need to be. She will take us there. We can only take one day at a time. Letting everything build up on you at once is not going to help. Now EAT!" Ember added a bit of attitude at the end, sliding the plate closer to Geilas.

            "Oh, I'm sorry girls! I don't mean to lay all my worries on you. I just needed a kick in the arse. Come let's go sit." She gestured for us to follow her below deck. She turned to us when we reached the magical wooden wall. "Unfortunately, I do not have royal blood, so I can not make the door appear, would one of you mind?" she stepped aside.

            "Of course!" Wren stepped up and placed her hand on the door. An intricately designed iron door appeared, one we hadn't seen before. In the center, surrounded by the vined designs were five handprint indentions. Each hand had the emblem belonging to Each of our families and the center was a simple sword and shield. We inspected it, finding it interesting that this door would appear when we did not desire it to be so.

            Wren tried the handle, and the door would not budge. Meadow, who had been standing next to Wren tried. Ember pushed her way through and tried her luck. She yanked, she pulled, she kicked and screamed, but the door would not budge. I stayed in the back of the pack with Geilas, who devoured her whole plate in a matter of minutes. She winked at me, handed me the empty dish before heading to show that brawn would win against that doorknob. When she reached her hand towards the knob, some force stopped her in her tracks. Her eyes went completely white, matching her tattoos.

            "Venture forth with caution, for the shadows within hold both answers and mysteries intertwined. Only the brave and pure of heart can carry the weight of forgotten truths. Embrace the unknown together, for within these hallowed walls, the answers you seek are woven into the very fabric of existence." Geilas chants in a voice that does not belong fully to her.

            Suddenly, she bent over, gasping for air, before sitting up straight as if nothing had happened. Her hand was still stretched towards the door handle.  

            "What the hell just happened!?" Ember looked at Geilas as if she had grown seven heads.

            "What do you mean?" Geilas asked clearly confused.

            "She means that possession you just experienced there, sis." Wren chuckled to herself. Sometimes, I questioned her sanity.

            "Possession, what are you talking about. I just came to open the door."

            "No, you were full blown possessed there, sweetie. No ifs, ands or buts about it. I am thoroughly creeped out. Thanks for that! Wren what the hell kind of door did you create you weirdo?"  Ember was slowly coming back towards me seeking comfort. We always had that for each other.

            We explained to Geilas what had happened when she reached for the doorknob. Wren and Meadow inspected the door, unable to open it. We were all lost at why it wouldn't budge and why Geilas was suddenly put in a state she couldn't recall.

            "Has anyone considered this could be the work of the Gods? What do we really know about them? Maybe they built the Supreme Grace. Maybe this is just their way of testing us in some way." Wren spoke through the silence, brainstorming like she is forever doing.

            "You said we had to brace the unknown together, Geilas. Maybe that means we must hold hands, and someone tries to open the door then?" I chimed in.

            "I think you may be onto something, Alda. Except I don't think it is holding hands. Seeing these prints etched into the door, maybe we are all supposed to place our hands in them. Geilas, I would assume your hand would go where the sword and shield are. You are after all the leader of the 5th family. Royal blood or not, you are just as important to this cause and the rebuilding of Bavilan as we are. We cannot do any of this without you. You are bonded to us, as we are to you. Therefore, I hereby announce that on this day, my birthday, The Amazonian Tribe will take their place among royalty. Henceforth, Geilas is named Queen of the Amazons! Do you agree sisters?" Meadow's regality shone brightly as she turned to each of us.

            "I agree. Queen Geilas of the Amazons, our royal sister, bonded by fate. I accept thee." The words came to me before I had the chance to think of them. I dropped to my knees and bowed before Geilas, who was speechless before us.

            "I agree. Queen Geilas of the Amazons, our royal sister, warriors bound beyond death. I accept thee." Ember followed my stance, bowing with her head low in respect for Geilas' new position.

            "I agree. Queen Geilas of the Amazons, our royal sister, bonded by wisdom. I accept thee." Wren bowed with a smile plastered on her face.

            "With this, we name you our royal sister. The Amazons will from henceforward be considered a Royal family." Meadow dropped to her knees. Geilas stood silently in place as we all bowed before her, officially accepting her as our equal, how it always should have been. We did not move. It was as if a force beyond us was directing the entire scene.

            There we sat on a glorious vessel, a door jammed shut, bending a knee to the sister we never knew we needed. She may have been ages older than us, more experienced than us, and more educated on the world we were all born in, but she never once treated us less than her. She showed us grace, humility, protection and dare I say it…love. For the first time ever, someone loved us for us. She accepted us where we were at in life and pushed us to be great every single day, all while maintaining her own composure. Her patience with us was unyielding. She would make a magnificent Queen.

            "I accept. By the Gods will's, the spirits guidance and a warriors heart, I embrace the crown of the Amazonians. I claim the mantle of Queen, protector of all the Realms, guardian of our sacred lands and keeper of my people's legacy." As Geilas said these words, a bright white aura surrounded her body as she was lifted into the air. Her white braids blew as if touched by the wind.

            Her body was taking in some kinds of energy source, and she remained unmoving. She was frozen in this state for a few minutes before the light disappeared and she floated elegantly back to the floor of the ship. She lay there taking everything in before sitting up to meet our wondering eyes.

            "What just happened?" Meadow asked with a hint of awe.

            "My aging rite." Geilas replied simply, crying tears of joy. "This is what will happen to you when you accept your crowns. I suppose since the Amazons were never considered royalty, my rite was a bit different. It's so strange. I can feel my people. I feel connected to them, but they are all gone from this world. I don't know what it means. All I know is I can feel so many souls calling to me. I don't know how this is possible or what just happened but thank you. Thank you for trusting me enough and loving me enough to see me as your equal. I will never make you regret your decision, my beautiful sisters."

            She dried her eyes, but to no avail as the tears continued to shed rapidly, making her eyes glisten even brighter. She was overcome with joy, peace and other emotions I couldn't place. We were all feeling it.

            "I don't want to ruin a good moment, but um…it kinda creeps me out that my eyes are gonna bulge out like that and the floating…yeah that's a no for me. Not to mention all that weird light stuff that was entering your body from every which way! I think I'll pass." Ember joked as she hugged Geilas before quickly stepping back, not comfortable touching anyone who wasn't me.

            "Oh you! It's not so bad, its actually kind of peaceful. The light entering me was the energy from my Lands. The Amazonian Tribe had several camps all over Bavilan so we could be readily available for whichever tribe needed us. We have three main islands that housed all of our warriors and training grounds. One is to the west, close to the Water Realm. One is in the northeast, between the Earth and Air Realms and the third is in the southeast, near the fire realm and the last defense before entering the Land of the Gods. When I was in the trance like state, my spirit was connecting me to these lands and the women that of part of my Tribe. I just don't understand because I am the last of my people."

            "Maybe that means there are others that have been born that are waiting for you to take your rightful place. Maybe it is their souls that you connected to." Wren chimed in matter-of-factly.

            "Maybe…that is a task for another time. What do you say we try the door? Hopefully it will open." Geilas walked over to the door with the rest of us in tow. Meadow placed her hand first, followed by Meadow. Wren was quick to place her hand into the groove, clearly made for her hand. I smiled at her excitement and added my hand.

            "Here we go!" Geilas placed her hand in the center.

            Suddenly, the intricate designs on the door began to move. We didn't remove our hands, though in hindsight, I really wish we had because things turned scary. The designs acted like vines, coming out of the door and wrapping themselves around our wrists, holding our hands in place. A black smoke began emitting from the edge of the door, looking like shadows dancing around us. The black smoke surrounded us, distracting us from the next scary thing.

            All at once, the five of us cried out as something stabbed through the center of our hands, coming out the other side. It was a spike of shadows that caused us to bleed, but no hole was left. The pain was still the same as if the hole was there. I cried out in agony, choking on the smoke. I reached for each of my sisters, who were all experiencing the same as me.

            As if nothing had happened, the smoke dissipated instantly and the bindings securing our hands released us. Before we could even process what had happened, the handprints, decorated in our blood, sank into the door. The vicious captors formed vines again and began to move in directions all over the door. It was almost like they were running away from their permanent station to wreak havoc elsewhere. They disappeared behind the door before the structure started to fold in on itself. Square by square the door became an opening into the most glorious sight.

            Behind the door laid a library of epic proportions, this would put the Beast's library to shame! There was no way this library should be able to exist on the Supreme Grace, yet here we stood in front, gaping at the sight. Wren was the first to run in. She decided to move towards the right side of the room, inspecting the titles at arm's length. Meadow followed her, finding a window with an easel, a perfect spot for our secret painter.

            There were rows of books all over the place, but it had some rhythm to it. It didn't feel cluttered or claustrophobic. It was warm and inviting. The wood was a beautiful soft grey, looking very similar to birch wood. The accents were black and royal blue, giving the space a regal and sophisticated look. The chairs and tables were a bit more modern, giving us options between different types of seating. It was as if the library was adding all of our tastes into the space.

            Geilas decided to head to a table of scrolls to begin investigating their contents. Ember found a table full of maps with a bunch of information. I decided to go to the left side of the library to look at the books there. As far as I could see they were books on different aspects of Bavilan, from the creatures to the land, historical reads and even some books on the royal genealogy. I grabbed the ladder and headed to one of the many dimly lit tables to see if we were in this royal line.

            "Guys! I think I have found something!" Before I could even read the front page, Geilas was holding up a scroll. We hustled to her to hear what she had uncovered in the short stay. She let us all get comfortable at the table before she began to read.

            "When the five Queens of Bavilan grace these hallowed halls. The shadows of the past shall awaken, and the threads of fate shall be rewoven. In this place, the ancient tomes whisper of destines entwined and secrets unveiled, for their presence stirs the very foundations of knowledge and power. The echoes of their lineage will be intertwined with the ancients, blood bound by a shared legacy etched into their destinies. Their paths will converge not by chance, but by the hands of fate, weaving a tapestry of power that will transcend the realms of the ordinary. It is the five Queens blood that will awaken the Whispering Sanctum."

            Geilas stopped reading the scroll to gage our reaction. It was safe to say we were all flabbergasted. How would this scroll know we would accept Geilas as our equal, a Queen in her our rite. It was plane as day, yet it was hard for us to fathom how this was all possible. No one said anything as we tried to take in everything we could. We sat there for what felt like hours before Geilas continued reading.

            "By the light of the three moons, the Queens shall rise against the Darkness, spirits entwined in a dance of destiny. Amidst the whispers of the night, the ethereal voices of the ancients will beckon the Queens to embrace the power that flows through their veins. For united in harmony, they will unlock the secrets of the ancient power that will lead to reclaiming their rightful place amongst the stars. Though Darkness seeks to eclipse the Realms of old, the Queens will awaken the dormant power of their royal bloodlines to reclaim Bavilan, illuminating the path to safety for all their lost peoples."

            Geilas folded the scroll and plopped down into a chair with the rest of us. I could only imagine what she was dealing with. The four of us would rightfully be so out of tune with the going on's of Bavilan, after all we grew up on Earth. For Geilas though, she had seen the war, fought in it, watched her entire family and tribe be slaughtered. She was alone, the last of her kind and she spent 18 years awaiting our return, just for us to show up unprepared and uneducated. Now to top it all off, she is just as confused like the rest of us, creating a lot of doubt for her I'm sure. All I knew for certain was we clearly needed to stay together, work together and fight together. Everything we had done or learned so far, has pointed to this.

            "I think I need to shower. I can't think any more." Meadow finally broke the silence.

            "I second that sis!" I perked up at the sound of freshening up. It felt like ages and it hadn't been a whole day.

            "I'll go above deck and check where we are. Make sure we are headed in the right direction." Geilas dropped the scroll back with the others and stood up ad walked out of the library with a slight frown. She always did that when she was thinking deeply.

            "I wonder if we have to get stabbed in the hand with that black stuff every time we want to come back to the Whispering Sanctum?" Wren questioned, looking around the room. As she said that an dry erase board in the corner began to accumulate words on the surface.

            'No, you have accessed the library by blood my Queen and have unlocked it for your use. The five of you are free to come and go as you please. Before you ask, I am the spirit of the Library, the one who took control of Geilas earlier. Rest assured, the royal lines are safe within these walls'

            As the words appeared, they faded, leaving us with more questions than answered. Getting spooky ghost vibes, the four of us hustled out of there, reopening the door as one of our bedrooms with two beautifully decorated bathrooms for us to shower.

            Once we were freshened up and ready to explore some more, we left our quarters in search of Geilas. We found her again in her normal spot.

            "Something isn't quite right ladies." She stated without a care in the world.

            "What are you taking about, its been 20 minutes, how could anything had happened that fast?" Ember gave her an irritated look, clearly ready for some peace.

            "I mean something is off. When I came out of the Sanctum, it was daytime, but the wrong time of day. It was as if we had started the day over. You had brought me food before we went in, now it is morning again. Something is off." She said again.

            She was right, it did seem earlier in the morning. Had we really spent that much time in the library. We had no clue.

            "I am positive that we felt we had been in the library for a couple hours, but according to the Runes on the steering wheel, we have traveled two days' time. If this is correct, we will be arriving at the first islands of the Fire realm within the day."

            "Two days! You are joking right?" Wren's interest was piqued. I could see the wheels in her head already turning, itching to solve the mystery of the time jump. She had her hands full in Bavilan, too many mysteries, not enough time.

            "No jokes from me, my dear. Supreme Grace is fast and magical. She shortened our trip and made it seem as if no time had passed. We just have to hope that she knows which island of the Fire Realm to bring us." Geilas smiled at us.

            We spent the next few hours planning what we would do once we made it to land. There was no way for any of us to know who the keeper was, but we were determined to make their acquaintance. We packed our bags, ensured we had all the provisions we needed and spent a bit of time relaxing before the journey was in full force. We had no idea what we were walking into, especially after Everbloom Bay. Everything seemed calm until we saw it…or rather heard it.

            "Land! I see land!" Geilas yelled from the bow of the ship. There was no turning back, we all felt it in our very cores. The time had come and all we could do was hope and pray we were ready.

            "We will be ready." I whispered, the wind carrying my voice across the waves and hitting the ears of the very person we were looking for.

            "It's about damn time." The voice said to himself, before grinning and heading in the direction that was calling out to him. He was heading toward the Supreme Grace.