Entering the Isle

Chapter 26


            The island we were headed towards didn't seem like anything special, yet I was being drawn to its rocky shores. There was something about the smog that sat over the land that brought me peace. From this distance, I could see a large geyser of flames shooting up from the ground, likely forming a reservoir in its wake. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I was lost for words, but hopeful that they would return when I set foot on my land for the first time.

            The land called out to me, whispering my name sweetly, begging me to claim her. I could feel her power and her pain. It angered me that such a beautiful place was suffering because of this war. I knew in that moment I would do anything in my power to bring peace back to this land. In all her glory, she deserved to be revered, not abused and misused. I would not stand by and let the Darkness destroy this sacred place. The closer we got, the more real this declaration became to me.

            The Supreme Grace glided us gently to the shore, allowing us to disembark. As soon as my feet touched land, a noise escaped me. I was taken back by the overwhelming feeling of belonging.  The land knew I was meant to be here, and it had let me know thoroughly as soon as I made first contact. As the rest of my sisters readied themselves for travel, I found myself watching the ship that carried us on a majestic journey in only 3 short days. The Supreme Grace was sinking back into the Endless Lake, no doubt returning from where it came until we were in need of her again. I briefly marveled at the things we had been experiencing.

            "Welcome to Ignis Isle, Sisters. This is the first island in the Fire Realm. Rumor is that when this island was established, they trained Fire Lords here. These men were warriors that were experts in the use of the flame. They all had abilities that would allow them to manipulate fire at their will. Before the war, the Fire Lords would enter a yearly dual, the winner taking is place amongst the suiters for the hand of the Princess, becoming the next in line for King. Even if the Royal family did not have a daughter, the winners every year were offered lands, titles and marriages to other families in the Fire court. Needless to say, as time went on, the chauvinistic ways of the Fire Lord died down. So, a city was built in place of the training grounds and the fighting pits." Geilas informed us of a bit of history as we walked further away from the water.

            "The city of Ignis is full of extreme believers in our cause. They have done everything they can to protect the way of the Anshul Family. This is the perfect place for us to start our search, for here, we should run into only those that support your return to your thrones."

            "Will they…" I trailed off not sure how to ask what had been weighing on my mind since we caught site of the Isle.

            "Yes, my dear they will." Geilas answered as if she knew what I was going to ask.  

            "How do you know what I was going to ask?"

            "It is only natural for you all to wonder if they will know you when they see you. These people, your people, fought alongside your parents. They would not easily forget, especially since it was prophesized that you would be returning soon. Fear not, they will not hurt any of you. Not on my watch! I may be the last Amazon, but we Amazonians strike fear in all beings of Bavilan. No one would dare harm you in my presence. No one but the darkness that is."

            Geilas kept walking and filling us in about Ignis. The more steps I took, the more grounded to this land I became. I couldn't imagine ever wanting to give up this feeling. For the first time in my life, I felt awake to my real feelings. I felt I could embrace Bavilan wholly with no regrets or second thoughts. I knew I belonged right here, and I would be damned if I let some dark wonder twins take my birthright.

            We were on a path of black stones heading towards the city limits. I was starting to hear the hustle and bustle of the city. Ahead of us was a sharp curve with hills of the same black stone on either side. It seemed as if the ground was made from Obsidian, probably from a volcano long forgotten. As we rounded the corner, Ignis came into view. I don't know what I was expecting, but this was definitely not it.

            The city entrance was built like a strong forge. There was a ginormous iron gate with flaming rods sticking from the top. Me sat about the gates, guarding and watching for intruders. What I can only imagine were soldiers, were stationed outside of the gates, two on each side. They stood at the ready and did not react until we were close to entering the gate.

            "State your business in Ignis, Amazonian." The shortest soldier said. He looked up at Geilas and held no fear in his eyes. A part of me perked up with pride.

            "We come with no ill will Fire Lord. We are merely in search of someone who may be able to help us on our journey. Please allow us to enter your city under protection and good will." Geilas replied to him with a smile. She stood there looking like the Queen she was, with the demeanor of a warrior hidden behind her white eyes.

            "We do not wish to delay your departure from this place, please enter and make your stay quick. You have three days' time, at which point, you will be removed from this land."

            "Hey jack ass, we will stay however long we want!" I couldn't help myself. First these men do not acknowledge that we exist, then they try to put limits on us! That was not going to fly, and I would make that very clear. As soon as I spoke, the four men turned their attention to me. I could see in their faces the moment the realization of who our party was, hit them. Instantly, they dropped to their knees before me.

            "Queen Ember Anshul, welcome home." They said in unison.

            "Your Grace, we apologize, we mean no disrespect. These are just the rules we have set in place to protect this land until your return. Please, stay as long as you wish. There is not a home or inn inside these walls that would not open their doors to you. Go go…everyone will be beyond pleased to know you have returned!" The first man spoke again hurriedly, trying to correct this disrespect he felt he had shown...as he should!

            "My Queens!" They added still on their knees acknowledging my sisters.

            "Oh stand up you silly man! Ember do not scare this with your hard exterior!" Alda walks over to the men to pull them up and whispers to them "She really is a softy on the inside." She smiled at them and they smiled joyfully back.

            "Hey! Don't give away all my secrets!" I laughed at Alda. She was too sweet for her own good, but I loved that about her. She was one person who had always got me. She understood me without even speaking. That is volumes to her character, in itself. I joined her in smiling at the soldiers, nodding to them that I approve of their security tactics. At least I know they were safe and not allowing intruders to waltz through the gates all willy nilly.

            "Great job guys seriously, I'm proud to know you have been protecting this sacred land with you life. I am grateful for each of you and I will do my best to make you just as proud." I spoke with an authority I did not know belonged to me, but it felt natural. I could tell my words had ignited something in the Fire Lords. They stood taller and with an air of pride that had been missing before. I grinned at them, patted on one their shoulder before walking through the gates.

            As soon as we crossed the threshold a bell began to rang from behind us. I turned around and the soldiers were standing in the same spot we had left them. However, the men standing at the top of the tower stared down at us while yanking a rope attached to a bell inside the city limits. Everything stopped as people crowded around us. Some were crying, some were cheering and others were silent, probably too young to realize what was actually happening. The entire city began to bow before us, showing their respect and homage to their Queen…Queens.

            "Your Majesties! Welcome to Ignis Isle. We are beyond honored to host you. I must say it is a surprise to meet you here of all places. My name is Fregus and I am the General of the Fire Lords. I suppose that puts me in charge temporarily in these parts. What brings you to our small fiery oasis?" He plastered on the fakest grin I had ever seen in my life. I don't know if he was being genuine with a creepy smile or if he was pretending to be glad to see us. Either way, the guy gave me the creeps and I was not a fan.

            "Thank you Fregus for the warm welcome, but our business is our own. I do not presume that you would require the Queens to reveal their intent behind a visit to their own lands. I would also presume that you will afford them the respect of allowing them access to whatever they may need while here on Ignis. Do we have an understanding kind sir?" Geilas wore her award-winning smile while addressing the general. He still wore his creepy smirk, even when his attention was removed from us.

            "Of course! Where are my manners. Your Graces, please follow me. I will ensure your lodging and such things are arranged immediately. Come, come, come, we must let you rest after your longer journey!" Fregus adjusted his armor, trying to gain the decorum of his position. He turned to head down a busy street to the left of where we had entered Ingris.

            As we walked down the street, people would stop and gape at us, whispering secrets, not meant for our ears. Some bowed to us, others cried out in praise, while other stared at us silently. It was unnerving to say the least. I took in everything around me, feeling immediate connection to the people and the life they had built for themselves. I could tell things had been hard for them, yet they fought to survive, waiting for me to return to lead them to victory.

            This realization hit me like a ton of bricks, making my breath catch in my throat.

            "Are you alright?" Alda looked at me with concern, the silver and blue in her dress, making her sapphire eyes pop with worry.

            "I'm fine…have you ever thought about the weight of the situation we are in? Look at these people staring at us with hope and we are suppose to free them from this life? I understand we are these almighty beings…what I don't understand is how. How am I supposed to provide for them when I have barely been able to take care of myself? They don't even know me, how can they put so much faith in me?"

            "We won't have all the answers right now, but we will! Everyday, we learn more and more about this world we now call home. I know it seems overwhelming, meeting your people for the first time. But they need you, they need you to step up for them. They have suffered long enough. We all have. I believe that we can do this, deep down, you know you can too. The only thing we can do is move forward and keep fighting for the life we finally deserve. Now wipe that frown off your face, chin up, and smile at them. Reassure them that though you do not know them, and they do not know you, none of that matters. You will fight for them regardless. You will make a way for them Ember, believe it more than you believe in anything else." Alda always knew the right things to say. She squeezed my hand and walked ahead of me, giggling with Wren while looking around Ingris.

            A strange sense of pride took over me as I lifted my chin, fixing my face to be more pleasant and turned my attention to the crowd. I saw a young child that was all red with green eyes. He only wore shorts and a necklace with a golden mountain on it. I watched as he weaved in and out of people, following our party. I couldn't tare my eyes from him. He finally noticed I was watching and dodged a group of what looked like teenagers, then made a beeline straight for me. When he reached my side, he looked up, grabbed my hand and pulled me to start walking again.

            I followed his lead as he directed us behind my sisters. Ember looked back at me and saw the predicament I had gotten into. She gave me a knowing smirk before turning around. I was frustrated, I didn't like people seeing my soft side, yet Ember always seemed to catch me in questionable situations. It was infuriating. I began to release the child's hand and he squeezed me tighter, a bit too tight.

            "You have a tough grip there, little one. What is your name?" I stopped and bent down, sweeping a piece of his golden hair away from his face.

            "My name is Kamb. You are so beautiful. Are you really the Queen? My mommy said you were, so I wanted to come and protect you. The Queen should always be protected!" Kamb looked around suspiciously. I found it beyond adorable. My heart melted.

            "Well, Kamb, I would be honored if you would escort me. I bet when you get bigger, you will make the best knight! I know I will surly need brave young men just like you to protect everyone in the kingdom. You think you are up for the job?" I looked at him with a mock serious expression.

            "Oh yes, my Queen! I would be so brave, and I would fight with honor! My daddy was a knight! He told me all about honor! I want to be just like him and protect the Queen!"

            "I think we can make that happen young one! I look forward to it!" I had a feeling that Kamb would be a wonderful addition to an army I didn't even have yet. Once he was older of course! I would have to remind myself to check in on him from time to time.

            "Kamb! What do you think you are doing?" A young woman with the same red skin and blond hair addressed my tiny protector before turning to me. "My Queen, I'm so sorry he has bothered you." She reached for Kamb who hid behind me.

            "Oh, he was not a bother at all! We were actually just discussing him being a great knight one day. I look forward to seeing him succeed in his dream. He for sure has the gumption for it!" I smiled at her sweetly, it felt weird and I didn't like it, but I knew I had to figure out how to bond with my people. I grabbed the lady's hand and introduced myself. "My name is Ember. I'm very glad to meet you."

            "My name is Ryelle, your Majesty. I must say, you look so much like King Nuriel. It is uncanny. I can see your mother Queen Enya in you, but your father is strong in you. They were wonderful people. I look forward to you taking after them. My husband was a trusted advisor of the Anshul family. He may be young, but it is in Kamb's blood to be of service to you one day. Thank you again for being so kind. I am glad you are home." She bowed before me, grabbed Kamb and rushed off.

            I smiled as I watched him pull away from her, scanning the crowd as if he was looking for danger. He really would make a great Knight to the kingdom. I continued to look around while catching up with my party, who had stopped a little ways away in front of a giant house. It was made of all wood that looked almost like sand. The windows were big and oval, giving the home a regal feel.

            "I see you found you a little friend?" Alda asked with a smirk.

            "Yes, it seems I have found my first little Knight! He was quite the brave one. I can only imagine what he will put his mother through the next few years." I chuckled to myself, placing an arm around her shoulders.

            "Welcome to Blazeport Inn, the finest establishment in the Isle. There are rooms already made up for the royal family. Please, get some rest and enjoy your stay. Let me know if I can help you with anything more!" General Fregus announced before scurrying off. He reminded me of a New York rat back on Earth. I wasn't sure how I felt about him in the short time, but I could say I would not be spending ample amounts of time getting to know him.

            "Let's go ladies, no need to continue standing here to get gawked at. Lets get settled and figure out where we want to start looking for the Anshul Keeper." Geilas headed through the front door, so the rest of us followed. Inside was just as extravagant as the outside. It had an upscale rustic feel, making it seem inviting and cozy. I could have probably stayed there peacefully for eons.

            Geilas went to the reception desk and began chatting with a young man there. He looked over at us and his eyes grew wide. It was obvious Geilas had name dropped us, surprising the guy at the counter. He hurried along, presumably getting our room in order. We took this opportunity to look around the room.

            The room was adorned with soft fiery colors that accented the white walls, giving off a serene mood. There was a chandelier that looked to be made of glass and some kind of black substance. It sparkled with yellow and orange, giving it a look of a bright spark. There were several seating areas, but surprisingly there were no people inside. I found it strange that not one soul graces these halls, but then I realized how tight the Isle was on security. They probably didn't have many visitors. I continued to look around the room, finding every nook and cranny interesting.  

            By the time the man came back after scampering away, I was positive that I had the entire room memorized. I felt comfortable here and for the second time in my life, I felt like I was home. I had always been someone who was uptight, snappy and quick to anger. It probably had everything to do with my "father" back on Earth. Not here though…

            Here I felt at peace and tranquil. It was definitely a feeling I would need to explore more.            

            "Follow me your Highnesses." The young man broke through my thoughts, reminding me we were in major need of some rest after the journey we had endured so far. We followed after him to the second floor of the grand Inn. He stopped at a door at the end of the hall before speaking again.

            "This is the Royal suite. There are four rooms inside as well as quarters for the Amazonian and Aspyre Leaders. Please make yourself at home. We are thrilled to have you. Dinner will be ready in approximately three hours. Will you be dining in the Hall or would you like someone to bring to your room?" He asked shyly.

            "We will take it in our room, if that is ok?" I replied to him. He was shocked when he heard me speak to him, as he had been addressing Geilas.

            "Of course, your Grace. We will be more than honored to serve you. Some one will be by in a few hours with your food. Please enjoy your stay!" He perked up before dipping in a low bow, then scurried away quickly. My guess was that not a lot of people knew how to react to our return. He was most assuredly one of those people.

            We turned to the door to finally get some rest. Geilas reached for the door.

            "Wait! Stop! Someone is in there." I could sense a being behind the door, but I couldn't tell if there was danger. Damned powers were pretty much good for nothing until our Aging Rite.

            "Are you sure? I don't sense anyone." Meadow spoke, looking at the door suspiciously.            

            "Of course she is sure, your majesty! Our little fire Queen can sense her people, though I didn't quite expect to be sensed so easily. I must be getting a little rusty!" A chuckle fell from the gorgeous man standing before us. He must have heard us talking because he threw open our room door from the inside and greeted us as if it were the most normal act in the universe.      

            "I also didn't expect you ladies to be such gorgeous creatures! Your parents were something…but you… you all have landed in a completely different category! Geilas! What a pleasure to see you again. It has been a long time. I remember the last time…" Geilas cut him off with more fury than I had ever seen her carry.

            "Last time…Corvinus, last we met I swore to have your tongue. The filth that flows from your mouth is matched by none. Are you still playing the loner while trying to swoon every female that crosses your path." Geilas wore an expression that displayed her aggravation at the character in front of us.

            "Oh, my love you do me a disservice." He replied mockingly. " I only chase after HALF the women that cross my path." He walked towards Wren. He reached for her hand and placed a kiss upon it.

            There was something familiar about this character and I couldn't quite place it. He looked like no one I had ever met. He had Jet black hair that was both neat and messy. He has two black horns, resembling demon horns protruding from his head. His milky skin was a beautiful contrast to the glowing lime green of his eyes. He was beyond beautiful, and I believe he knew it.

            "Hello, daughter of the Winds. What a beauty you have turned out to be. Your parents would be pleased, I'm sure." He looked her over, still holding her hand. When it looked like he was about to take a bite out of her, he switched his attention to Meadow.

            "Ah, the gorgeous daughter of the forests.  My my my…now that's a tree I wouldn't mind climbing" He ducked right before Geilas swung her giant hand in his direction. " Ok…ok! I was just messing around. Don't get your braids in a twist." He ducked back into the room, out of the reach of Geilas.

            "Corvinus, I do not have the time or patience for your shenanigans today. State your business and be gone. The Queens need their rest."

            "That is precisely why I have come. The Queens need me. I will fight by their side always." He jumped onto the couch that was sitting in the living space of our suite.

            "This is not the time for your silly games. The fate of Bavilan is at stake."   The air changed and green flames sparkled in Corvinus' eyes. He stalked towards the giant with a viciousness that he had not previously wore.

             "Do not presume to know more of the stakes than I, daughter of rod and iron! I may enjoy a good laugh and a good tumble in the sheets, but I will not take kindly to being cast aside in a war that involves us all. Know your place Amazon and leave me to mine." The sparks coming from his glowed as green as his eyes. His anger was showing and we all knew it. Geilas was fuming, her hand never leaving the weapon at her side. Corvinus was staring her down with just as much intensity. The room was tense, someone had to speak before things got really out of hand.

            Leave it to my saving grace to be the one to do so.

            "Let's calm down! There will be no war here today. Especially one that seems so personal. Now if you both down mind cooling it because you are suffocating the air around us. If you both can't get your shit together, then you can go discuss this elsewhere." Alda looked between both the giant and the glowing green beauty before us.

            "I apologize for my misconduct, daughter of the deep. You are right. Geilas and I go back a long way. A lot of great memories and some…not so great. What can I say." Corvinus nodded his head in respect toward Alda as his jade flames lost their brightness, dimming to practically nothing.

            "There would be more good memories if you were such a selfish, egotistical ass hat! Tell me, how has Darius been able to deal with you over the years! You are a right bastard that's for sure. I will not allow you to taint these young ladies with your childish choices." Geilas was still hot, though her hand had left her weapon.

            "Ha, Darius is a bigger ass hat than I, beauty. Why do you think I haven't brought him to meet the Queens yet? Jokes on you, my dear." He laughed as if he had told the most hilarious joke.

            "ENOUGH!" I yelled with a force I did not recognize as my own. "You heard what Alda said. Get out…both of you! NOW!" I could barely hold my anger in. I walked over to the door, yanking it open before pointing for them to leave. Heat was seeping from my pores; I was beginning to sweat but I held my ground until they both began moving towards the exit.

            "I will be back for you, daughter of the flame. For it is I who you seek." He whispered to me as he passed. I could tell he didn't want to reveal this piece of information to Geilas just yet. I nodded for him to continue moving. He winked and was out the door.

            "I'm sorry guys. Get some rest, I'll be back later. I need to blow off some steam." She smiled slightly before stomping angrily out of the room.

            "I don't know what that is all about, but I'm pretty sure Corvinus just hinted that he is who we are looking for. Could he be the keeper for the Anshul family? I sure hope not, clearly he and Geilas are not going to get on very well." I turned to my sisters. They all wore faces full of shock; this was going to be a long journey.