Bound by a Past

Chapter 27


Oh, that man could most definitely get me going. I have never been so mad in my life. Why is he here? I knew as soon as I saw his smug face that shit was going to hit the fan. That man has me so vexed I can barely see straight. I huff and dip off into an establishment that looks like a bar of sorts.

Crossing the threshold, the atmosphere was mild, bringing my sense of alertness to a calming halt. I made my way to the bar where a gorgeous barmaid was busily cleaning and attending to her patrons.

"Can I get a honey mead please?" I say taking my seat. She smiled and nodded to me before reaching behind her for the good stuff.

"Here ya are doll! Now don't you be trying to drown all your worries in that glass, no sense in creating more problems for yourself. This here mead is pretty potent if ya catch my meaning. Might be better to go easy on it now darlin'." The twang in her voice was not missed. I smiled thankfully up to her as I sipped from the glass she provided. I didn't come here for conversation; I came to get lost in my thoughts. I downed my glass and took some deep breaths like the girls had shown me. Surprisingly it had helped.

The bar maid, who I had learned was named Sybil from the other patrons, left the decanter of mead for me to pour from. Clearly, she was good enough at her job to know I needed it without having to ask. I would have to be sure to thank her properly before I left. For now though, I refilled my glass, moved from the bar with my drinks in my hand and found a quiet corner to be alone. The corner just so happened to have a window.

I gazed outside at the town of Ignis. It truly was a remarkable place. The flame geyser could be seen from everywhere on the island beyond the city limits. Its glow illuminated the entire isle. The houses were all made from some dark heat-resistant substance, giving the town a dark and intimidating feel. The people who lived here were anything but intimidating. They were smiling, laughing, playing and talking with one another, like there was not a care in the world. The Fire Lords did well to maintain the peace of this land.

Tiny fires could be spotted, littering the landscape of the village. I stared into the flames of a fire close to the bar and got lost in my thoughts.

***25 years ago***

We ran around the forest trying to find the perfect flowers for the perfect bride. This was a right of passage for all women in Bavilan, except for the Amazons who never married. We were a warrior tribe of only women, we gave up the right to children when we took our oaths. That of course didn't stop our bodily nature to seek comfort from our male counter parts.

Which brings us to this forest. My sister Milishka has decided to give up her oath to our people and join the love of her life in his realm. He was just suppose to be a fling. Someone she could get her aggravation out with. But Milishka fell in love with the scoundrel. She knew what she was giving up meant she would never see us again. The Amazonian tribe would shun her for her disrespect. I knew after this wedding I would never see her again. So, I came to help her do the one thing I could do before that could happen.

We spent all day amongst the trees, basking in the beauty of the forest while we happily sang songs and pranced around like a couple of fairies. I'm sure the Fae were having a field day watching our interactions. It was just she and I out here in the wild. Tonight, Milishka will denounce our tribe and forever break that bond with us. These were our last moments together.

I was worried because her and this man loved each other, but she did not tell him she was leaving her tribe to be with him. She convinced me that he would be overjoyed because that have talked about what life could look like if they could be together. They talked about kids and where they would raise them. She assured me that he wanted everything she wanted just as bad.

"I had a dream sister. When I denounce my oath and go for him, he will marry me right then. We will not waste a minute. Come I need one more flower to complete my bouquet." She giggled and ran further into the forest. I laugh and follow her, enjoying seeing my sister so happy. We came to the Amazonians around the same time and have been practically inseparable ever since. I was sad to see her go, but so overjoyed that she has found what she has needed in life.

We approached a stream, and she looked back at me smiling, saying something about the flower she needed should be right behind the waterfall. We followed the stream until we heard the crashing of the waves hit the pond from the falls above. We rounded the bend and were caught by the breathtaking sight. It always amazed me how beautiful the falls in Bavilan were, especially in the Water realm. Milishka placed her collected flowers on a nearby rock and began to climb to reach the cave behind the falls. I followed closely behind her, not ready for our adventure to end.

She made it to the top and disappeared behind the falls. I took a deep breath, content with the decision she has made and entered behind her. When I wiped the water from my eyes, I gasped at the sight before me. Milishka stood frozen watching two naked bodies in their intimate exchange. Green flames rose from their bodies. The female was screaming in a language I did not understand while the mane sprinkled her with his love and adoration, promising her a life full of dreams come true. Their passion could be felt with every thrust.

I coughed to let them know we were there, not meaning to interrupt their tumble, but needing to get past them to go retrieve the flowers. She man looked up with wide eyes before peeling himself from the leech of a woman below him.

"Why...?" I heard Milishka say softly as her eyes filled with tears. I didn't know what was happening, but I moved closer to her anyways. She looked at me with so much agony, like she was in physical pain. I reached for her, and she stepped away. "Don't Geilas." Was all she said before turning back to the couple, who were now standing and dressing. The man looked frightened.

"Mili…what are you doing here so far from your camp?" he asked her. Now I was thoroughly confused.

"What am I doing here…what are you doing here with that hussy! How could you? You said you loved me, you said we were meant to be together! I was going to give up my oath for you! You BASTARD!" She screams and charges them. She slams the female so hard into the walls of the cave, the lady is instantly unconscious, if not dead. I couldn't worry about that now. This was the man…the man my sister was supposed to be running away with and we just caught him telling another woman all the things I presume he has told Milishka.

"Mili, stop…" He screams as she turns of him in all her fury.

"Do not call me that! You lost the right to call me that. You are nothing to me. You hear me…NOTHING! I never want to see you again Corvinus. You are dead to me." She turns and walks out of the cave. I look at the man who is dumbstruck.

"So, you are him…the man my sister was about to give up everything she holds dear for. This is how you show your love and devotion to her. You are a coward and a pathetic excuse for a man. She is better off without you."

"I never thought…she is an Amazon, their oath is their bond. She should never have even thought to give that up. Our relationship was purely sexual, I thought she knew that. I wanted her to be able to dream of a life she would never have because of her status, even if it was just for a while. I never thought she would take it so seriously. I never would have pursued her otherwise." He stumbled over his words as I stalked closer to him. Ready to end him right then and there.

My hand traveled to my blade, and I watch him as if he were my prey. He didn't seem scared. On the contrary, he seemed almost amused.

"What will you do with that, tickle me. Do you know who I am Amazon…I am not to be fucked with."

"Oh, I'm not worried about who you are, for you will not be him long enough." He smirked at this and held up his hands like he was giving up. I watched as green smoke surrounded him. I was weary because I wasn't sure who he was or what he was capable of.

"You should be! You sister is in denial, she may even be a little dense to think I would want a life with her. I specifically choose Amazons and Fae because they do not want anything from me other than a good fuck. And a good fuck she was…but that is all. How is it my fault she misunderstood our relationship."

"I will rip that vile tongue out of your mouth. She is a Goddess in her own right and you would have been beyond lucky to have her on your arm you disgusting excuse for a man. Don't worry, I'll end your life quickly!" I rushed him, but when I reached him, he was gone. A laugh sounded behind me. I turned to see his smug face staring back at me while waving like some lunatic.

"I won't be that easy to get to lady! Gotta be quicker than that." He winks and disappears into green smoke again. Frustrated, I look around everywhere, but he is nowhere to be seen. I look back at the female on the ground, she is only unconscious, so I leave her and exit the cave after my sister.

Outside the cave, I see the pile of flowers on the ground, ripped up and destroyed. Milishka is no where to be seen. I'm sure she was heading back to the camp when I heard a loud scream. I quickly make my way towards the sound. On the far side of the falls was a cliff that led to rocky shores. In the rocks, the lifeless body of Milishka lay unmoving. There was blood everywhere and her eyes still had tears pouring out. Her face was on of pure agony.

I rushed to her right as green smoke appeared around her body.

"NO!" I yelled, but it was too late for her body was gone and so was the smoke. I didn't know if she was alive, but I knew she was hurt. She jumped from the cliff, so I knew she was not ok.

"She is gone Geilas, I am sorry. Truly I am. I never meant for this to happen. I just wanted a good time for a short time. I never wanted anything serious. I should have made that clear. I will never forgive myself. Her life will forever be on my hands. I do not carry that burden lightly." His voice whispers but his body never materialized. Which was probably smart on his part because I would kill him.

"You better hide from me for the rest of you days Corvinus! I will have you tongue for the lies you told her. I will spare your life so you will always live in the agony of her death on your hands. But once I see you again, you will never be able to spout your filthy lies and charm on another I care about. Run far away because there is not a land I will not hunt for you on. Enjoy the run, because once I catch you, life as you know it is over."

He laughed before replying.

"Deary, you are more likely to ride this tongue than you are to take it. Believe me, it is a ride you will enjoy. I would say ask Mili, but she has chose to expire. Again, I'm sorry for your loss, but look me up if you ever want to tumble." He laughed hysterically and then drifted off.

I was snatched out of my thought from some loud argument at the bar between Sybil and a rough looking gentleman. I sighed because my peace had come to an end. I didn't want to see Corvinus again, but something told me I would. My sister's death is on his hands, and I will never let him forget that. I will never trust him, and I will most definitely not let him sink his claws into my royal sisters now.

I may not be able to kill him just yet, but he will know the meaning on strength when this Amazonian gives him a taste of what he deserves.

His tongue will be mine!


Damn that beautiful giant for bringing up old memories. I never meant to hurt my Mili. If I'm being honest with myself, I did love her. More than life itself, but I could never be with her. How could I tell the woman I was destined for that we never stood a chance in life. She didn't know me…not the real me. She loved the me that I let her see. The side that allowed itself to fall deeper for her every time we met.

I started thinking about life with her, what that would look like. I dreamed right along side my Mili, of a life I knew we could never have. I never imagined she would think to give up her oath for me. Even if she had, my destiny was already written. I could never give her the life she deserved because my life was not even mine to give. It belonged to others and I would forever see that those others had every part of me to give. That wasn't a fair trade for my love.

When she jumped all those years ago, something left with her. I told Geilas that she died, but she was alive and well. She was in a place no one would ever find her. After the jump, Mili was in a coma for over a year. When she came to, she had reverted back to the girl she was before becoming an Amazonian warrior. She had no recollection of her life with her Tribe, nor of our time together. So I left her with her caretakers who ensured me she would be well cared for and protected. She will never be a part of this war that comes, ultimately, I did right by her even if I could never be with her.

The pain and guilt I have felt for years is easily cast aside with a little sexual relief but that is only temporary. I just need to fulfill my destiny, and I can go back to her, protect her for the rest of my natural day. Until then, I have to keep Geilas at bay. She can not know her sister lives or she will go to her and this war will be lost. We don't need that distraction right now. I will take her hatred and anger because I was doing what I know to be right.

I needed to get us to a place of understanding without revealing Mili's whereabouts. We had an important task ahead, one that was going to need us all. We just can't afford this drama right now.

I sulked around the city a bit more before heading back to the Inn to start my destiny…hopefully with my tongue still attached.