Seo jun meets the spirit clan dragons.

Seo Jun sees two of the spirit clan scouts. Connecting with the smaller of the two he learns why they have come to the camp. 

"We can take you to our village but only dragons can enter." The scout tells Seo Jun. looking about he is confused about how everything is frozen in time. Yet he and the dragon king are not. 

"I am spirit walking to talk to you. What you see is a reflection of myself. When I touched you it gave you the ability to converse with me. I will need all of my companions to go with me. I have one of my guards as well as my father in law and his brother. They are nine tails so if anyone is infected by the parasite I will know. The other two are very special companions one of which you will be happy to meet. They will not harm your village in any way." Seo Jun tells the scout. Seeing his untrust Seo Jun smiles with a plan.