The journey to the spirit village

As the group leaves the camp Uktena places a barrier around it one that will keep those inside asleep until they return. 

Nieve leads them directly behind the camp. They go left and climb a steep uphill frozen ridge. 

Nieve watches those behind him carefully especially all the women. Not wanting anyone hurt as they start to climb a forty degree ice slope. 

" Do you really think a group of inexperienced women can climb this . Even if they do will they be able to pass what comes next. " Nieve asks Seo Jun his voice his becomes harsh as his anxiety rises.

" These are not ordinary women. They each possess gifts that will astound you later. " Seo Jun tells him as he reaches the top of the slope turning to help Aisling.

Aisling smiles sweetly at Seo Jun when he helps pull her up. 

"We will be fine that you need not worry. If one of us were to fall we have angels to catch us." Aisling tells Nieve winking at Seo Jun .