Entering the village

The passage to the summit narrows and Nieve stops at a covered crevasse. There is no opening just a depression in the snow and ice. Nieve and Angelous begin to make intricate motions in the air causing the wind to stir. With a small whoosh there where snow was is a large opening with a trail inside the glacier. 

" To humans it just looks like snow and ice. We use the energy between the air and the minerals of the glacier and mountain to hide the entrance. Come let's go meet my father." Nieve motions for them to follow them. The trail is a narrow opening carved out of the glacier. This glacier is not blue in color like the one in Iceland. It is more of a pearly white glittering about them. 

The air begins to warm as they go deeper into the mountain coming to a large enclosed area. There are ancient huts and large fire pits through out the village.