Parents were killed

The parents came to the frightened Charlie and asked him what had happened.

Charlie jumped up from the floor as if possessed by a demon. His eyes were full of horror. He walked back and forth inside and outside the house, repeatedly shouting in a trembling voice, "Someone wants to kill me, someone wants to kill me, hurry up and call the police."

Charlie ran to call the police but was stopped by his father. Father grabbed his shoulders to stabilize his trembling body.

"Look at me, son; calm down and tell me what's going on."

Charlie's fearful eyes gradually softened, and his breathing became slightly even, so he told his father what happened on the road. Later, his father called the police for him, sorted out the whole incident, and said the other end of the phone.

Mother gave Charlie a tight hug, took him to the sofa, and then handed him a blanket and a cup of hot coffee.

The coffee cup trembled slightly in Charlie's hands. He took a sip of hot coffee. The cold internal organs seemed to melt gradually. The warmth of the blanket made his body no longer stiff. This kind of peace of mind finally made him feel a little relaxed.

After putting down the phone, my father went to the window and closed the curtains one by one, then sat across from Charlie.

"The police will investigate this matter, and I stressed to them that if there is any news, let me know as soon as possible. I want to ask whether Charlie will have any misunderstanding or admit the wrong person or something; after all, no one will kill for a trivial matter. "Father leaned forward on the sofa, folded his arms on his thighs, and looked at Charlie gently.

"You just said someone rescued you? Did she say anything to you?" Mother reached out and put her hand on Charlie's knee.

"I can't remember; sorry, Mom, I don't want to say this anymore."

"Son, this is our home; we are all here; you are safe here, trust me." The father pointed to the long-barreled shotgun hanging on the wall, sat straight, took a deep breath, and said, "OK, Then let's have some music. Maybe, this will help us ease our mood." Father patted Charlie on the shoulder and stood up. "Have a little more coffee, son."

"Thank you" Charlie shook his father's hand on his shoulder.

Father walked to the record player, put a record into the machine, the paper turned, and soothing and romantic music came.

The father gently shook the dance steps to the music and smiled to signal for his wife to join in. After seeing the wife shaking her head several times and rejecting it, he came to the sofa and stretched out his hands to pull his wife. The two danced lightly, looking at each other with happiness in their eyes. Immediately, the two also pulled Charlie up. For a while, father and son danced together, and then the dance partner changed to the mother. Gradually, there was a chuckle, and the room seemed to warm up. Finally, the three embraced and swayed gently to the music. , immersed in the romance of theme and the heartfelt happiness of welcoming family members.

Just when the warmth of his family surrounded Charlie, his heart was warm. He regained a sense of security, a sudden burst of violent exhaustion hit from the depths of his brain; only his legs were sore and weak, the ground under his feet began to rise and fall, the faces of his parents were sometimes blurred, and the top of his head was obscured. The light bulb spins unstoppably.

Charlie slumped to the ground, his head so clear, but his mouth was foaming, his tongue was knotted, and he couldn't say a word.

Father crouched down, patted his face, snorted coldly, and stood up. He turned off the music and walked to the kitchen.

His mother dragged him and threw him onto the sofa. Charlie leaned against the couch, panting, wondering what the sudden change in his parents was, what they were doing.

The father dragged people who were exactly like himself and his wife from the kitchen and threw the man on the sofa .

"If the two people in front of me are my parents, who are the ones who fell on the ground and the sofa? Why are they the same as the parents in front of me? A terrible and heartbreaking thought arises in my heart. Maybe people are their birth parents? The difficulty they have been killed? No, it is impossible. They are such kind people; as far as they know, they have never had a grudge against anyone, which makes no sense. But the two people in front of them, Who is it? What are they going to do? Charlie's mind floods into his head like a huge wave crashing against a sea cliff, and every impact makes his brain roar."

"Go get ready, remember, make sure, blow this house to smithereens," the father said to his mother, standing by.

, Mother hummed and turned to leave when the doorbell rang.

Mother and father looked at each other simultaneously as if understanding. Mother took out a gun from the lower back and carried it behind her back to the door, looking out through the door mirror to see that there was no one outside the house. She turned and shook her head at her father. As she returned, it was like a cannonball burst through the door, like a firm hand gripping her throat tightly.

Charlie only vaguely saw that his mother seemed to be dragged out of the door by something like a chain around her neck in an instant.

The mother, who was constantly struggling on the ground, grabbed the steel whip strangling her neck with her left hand and kept shooting at the door with her right hand. After several shots, the steel whip suddenly retracted. Mother stood up quickly, raised her gun, and looked at the door. The door panel was tattered and useless. Through the broken doorway, there was no one outside the house, as if nothing had happened. Everything was just an illusion.

The air in the room was freezing, and the atmosphere was agitated. Father raised the oddly-shaped gun as early as the moment the door was smashed, ready to deal with it.

"Kill him." The mother returned to the room, turned her head, and said coldly to the father behind her. As soon as she finished speaking, a steel whip with blue light broke through the window and went straight through her chest. The whip was pulled out, and Charlie's mother fell to the ground, spitting blood and a bright red gushing out from under her body.

Father raised his gun and shot out the window, blue flames shot out, but at this moment, Jenny came into the hall from the door with the steel whip in her hand.

Father let out a low growl like a beast, showing sharp teeth, grabbed the sofa next to him, and threw it at Jenny. Jenny swung the whip, and the couch shattered in half from the middle. Father aimed at Jenny again and shot several times in a row, only to see Jenny dodging calmly, moving calmly, jumping left and right to wait for an opportunity. The blue light pierced through the wall and splintered wood but did not hurt Jenny in the slightest, and they kept approaching Charlie's father while dodging. Jenny appeared in front of the man like a ghost, and she held a long whip around the man's arm that aimed at her eyebrows. Jenny dodged blue flames flashing past her ears. As soon as the whip tightened, the man's arm broke instantly, and blood spurted out, revealing pale bones.

Before the man could scream in pain, the sharp spear at the tail of the long whip in Jenny's hand pierced his neck and heart like lightning until he fell heavily, blood all over the ground.

Charlie's mind is evident at the moment; he can see what is happening in front of him, and his heart is struggling, but his body doesn't obey, and he can't exert any strength. At first, he thought that the blond and glamorous woman in front of him was a good person who saved him from the sword. In any case, he could not imagine that this woman would kill his parents ten minutes later. Of course, he immediately remembered what his parents had done to him in front of him, and it was simply incomprehensible. The terrifying thought reappeared in my mind—the two who died at the hands of the woman were not their natural parents. Who died then? Who is she? Why did you come to my house and kill me? What the hell is going on here?

A large glass of cold water was thrown violently on Charlie's face. He woke up from a dream and recovered from his chaotic thoughts.

Jenny put the water glass on the coffee table and sat opposite him. "You can talk now, but I'm afraid you can't move so fast."

He tried to speak, but his mouth opened and closed several times before making the first sound, "who," and then, his mouth rubbed for a while "who are you."

The woman leaned forward, her face close to his. "I am your mother."

His eyes were wide open, and his face was flushed red as he couldn't say anything in his throat. He couldn't believe what he heard, though it was so ridiculous, and even thought that the woman in front of him might be a lunatic who had lost his child for some reason and deliriously mistook himself for her child.

"We should go; it's not safe here" Jenny walked over to him and helped him up.

"No, I'm not going anywhere." He shoved Jenny's hand weakly, "You're not my mother; you're a murderer; you killed them." Charlie, who didn't stand still, fell on the sofa and began to cry.

Jenny leaned over beside him and wiped his tears.

"I'll show you something." Jenny dragged the body in front of him.

"What are you going to do? Let him go!"

Jenny stepped on the door of the corpse.

"No!" He turned his head in pain, buried his face deep in his hands, and cried bitterly.

"I want you to watch!" Jenny shouted.

Seeing that he still covered his face and cried bitterly, Jenny threw his hands and turned to face his father, whose face was smashed. A flesh-colored humanoid monster appeared in his head.

There was a hint of doubt in his face of horror. I thought, "What the hell is this?"

Jenny showed several nearby corpses to Charlie in this way and then said,

"They're not your parents, not even humans."

Jenny came back to him and helped him up.

"Come on; we don't have time."

Not my parents, not human? This is impossible! Charlie's world seems to be falling apart and falling apart. He refuses to believe what he sees and feels that he is sick and it is nothing but an illusion. He pushed Jenny's hand away and staggered towards the door.

"Go away; I don't believe it! It's fake; it's all fake!"

Jenny slapped him on the back of the head, and he only felt black in front of him and instantly collapsed to the ground. Jenny crouched down, lifted him, and walked towards the door.