
Jenny pointed the watch-like instrument on her wrist at the car in front of her, and it could easily open the car door in the courtyard like a car key. Charlie was tucked into the car and lay in the back seat. Jenny started the car, and soon the black Chevrolet disappeared into the endless night.

The car drove toward the suburbs, galloping down the empty streets at midnight.

After passing through an intersection, the car slowed down and turned back into the corner on the right. After ten minutes, the car drove into an old neighborhood. Jenny looked around and stopped in front of an unremarkable house. There was no light in the house, and the street lights were dim. Jenny found that the weeds in the yard were about calf-high, and the fences around were mutilated and looked like they had not taken care of in years.

When Jenny knocked on the door twice and decided to turn around after a long wait, the room was dimly lit. The door lock rang, and a man in his fifties pushed open the door. The man's face was tired, but when he saw Jenny in front of him, he instantly glowed with infinite radiance, and his dead gray eyes rekindled a flash of light.

"Jenny," the man said tremblingly.

Jenny looked at him tenderly with a shallow smile on her lips.

This is a nearly 100-year-old house with a faint smell of wooden decay and leather. Dim-yellow wall lights reflected the swollen wallpapers in many places. An old brown sofa almost collapsed, and a rocking chair was in the corner of the living room. An old-fashioned shotgun hangs on the wall above the rocking chair.

The two put Charlie, who was still asleep, on the sofa. The man came to the wine cabinet and poured his last drop of whisky. Jenny looked around randomly in the room, reaching out and touching wherever she went as if feeling the room's temperature and talking to an older man who spanned time and space through the light touch of her fingertips.

"I didn't expect you to live in the old house that your parents left for you."

Jenny stood in front of the photo wall, looking at them one by one—it was apparent they were all pictures of the same boy. The photos ranged from teenagers to young people until the last shot of a confident image in a police uniform with his arms crossed on his chest.

"I remember telling you that there are all my childhood memories, the happiest memories, so I planned to come back here after retirement from the beginning. It did heal a lot of my pain in the future," the man handed the whiskey to him. To Jenny. Jenny glanced at the glass, took it, and rattled with the other party, "I think it's time to have a good drink with an old friend."

The two sat down on the sofa.

The man pulled back his messy hair and lit a cigarette.

"I didn't expect it. Do you still remember this place, the impression we only came here once when we were teenagers?"

"Yes, I did forget, but it feels like a magical thing. When I'm not sure, it finally guides me to find this place. Of course, it's also thanks to the unchanging plane tree in front of your door. The courage I had to get out of the car and knock on the door."

"OK, but I still find it hard to believe because no one can stay the same for 30 years, let alone show up at my house late at night with a fainted child after 30 years of disappearance?" The gun was pointed at Jenny. "Tell me, who are you? What are you doing here?"

Jenny stood up and walked to the window. "When I was five, you were sent to the Santa Maria Orphanage, and you fought some boys for me when I was six. From that day on, you were my only friend. When I was nine, you were adopted by a local couple; the night before you left, I took you to hide in a warehouse full of old mattresses, and that was our first kiss. On my eleventh birthday, you ran to my new home to deliver. Give me a drawing board and a few brushes, you say; I am very good at drawing."

Jenny turned around and leaned back against the wall. Jack stood up and slowly put down the gun in his hand.

Jenny looked at Jack and continued, "Remember the first time we had sex? I don't think anyone else in the world would know about this kind of thing. A woman will never forget her first time. I was ten years old that year: seven, you nineteen. We were terrified that day. Remember what you said to me afterward, lying on the floor of your sheriff's dad's cabin?"

The two said at the same time, "I will marry you," and then they smiled at each other and hugged each other.

"It's great to see you, Jane," Jack said. "However, can you tell me what happened to this child first?"

"She's my son, Jack."

"Son? Are you married? Well, if you were married, you should have such an old song, but why are you here with me?"

"It's hard for me to explain, but I did come for him, and I need your help. Listen, Jack, I know you've been a cop, you've always been a righteous man, and I'm in big trouble. Here, life and death, a huge organization is targeting me, and I have to get my son to Lake Carrie tonight. I need a car, and I need you too."

At this time, the black Chevrolet outside the house made a piercing siren until it rang through the street, accompanied by the barking of dogs. Some residents who were awakened turned on the wall lamps and looked out into the road through the windows to find the sound, trying to find the location of the sound and make sure that it was not a car thief.

At the same time, the siren also woke Charlie from his coma.

Gradually he regained consciousness, but he was still dizzy and thirsty, and a hangover hit his brain.

He narrowed his eyes and saw Jack's gun on the table for the first time. Then he looked around and found only two people in front of him in this unfamiliar house. He recognized the murderous woman in front of him, who saved him and brutally murdered his parents. The other was an older man with unkempt gray hair. The door of the house should be behind him. Although he didn't know why brought him here and what the two were talking about, the top priority was to escape from there as soon as possible.

Jenny turned her head and looked out the window. "It seems they have installed a positioning system on the car, and they should be here soon."

Seeing their attention drifting out of the window, Charlie got up, grabbed the gun on the table, and ran to the door. But he didn't expect that before he could touch the door handle, the long whip that Jenny flew down fell a few inches in front of him. The cabinet beside him was split in half, and the terrifying destructive power could not help shaking his heart. In a panic, he pointed the gun at Jenny.

Jenny got up and came to him with a smile. "I didn't expect that my son is still brilliant, and it's not bad."

"I'm not your son, and you look only a few years older than me; how could it be my mother!"

Jenny swung the whip in her hand, and before Charlie could see it clearly, the gun in her hand had been knocked to the ground.

"OK, son, sit here honestly for me." Jenny brought Charlie back to the sofa and handed the gun to Jack, who had completely given up resistance.

He had a high chance of winning and escaped by grabbing a gun, but the other party efficiently resolved it. He felt that it was impossible to run at present.

Jack looked at the shoe cabinet that was broken in half and looked at Jenny with a surprised expression. "What have you been through all these years?"

Jenny squeezed his hand on his lap. "Listen, Charlie, I'll repeat it, I'm your mother, Jenny. I promise you I won't hurt you, and neither will Jack. If I get the chance, I'll tell you one by one, but now, you must sit here quietly for me, and when you are not allowed to speak, don't say a word, OK?"

Charlie nodded. He also felt that from the beginning to the present, the woman in front of him did not seem to want his life.

But for this beautiful woman who always claimed to be her mother, it was unknown what medicine was sold in the gourd. However, looking at the powerful woman in front of her, there was an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

His eyes fell on the whip on Jenny's waist. This long whip with a silver metal texture, each section inlaid with sapphire, tore off the head of the man in black who was chasing him and smashed the cabinet at the door with one whip.

Jenny saw him staring at the long whip wrapped around her waist. "Like it?" He said and handed it to him.

Charlie was both surprised and somewhat surprised and felt a little pampered. He took over the observation and research of the long whip inside and out.

Jenny suddenly smiled softly and said to him, "In the future, Mom will give you one."

After lighting a cigarette, Jack coughed and asked, "Who is following you, is it related to your disappearance thirty years ago?"

"I don't know, and I'm unsure of their identities. I only know this huge organization, and many of its members are not human beings. They are mysterious and cruel."

"Inhuman? What is that?

"Dwarfs, a low-level alien that lives on Earth with a human body. They can imitate anyone." Jenny looked at him during the words. "There is another category. I'm not sure. Judging from their shape and energy, the level is not much different from the dwarfs, but they should not be the same kind of creature."

When she said these words, Jenny couldn't help looking at her son from the side; her eyes were complicated, as if the terms had something to do with him. Charlie also understood the meaning.

"Impossible. My parents were by no means aliens."

Jenny answered with silence instead.

Charlie doesn't doubt that there are aliens on an unknown planet in a galaxy in the vast universe, and even accepts that the two men in black who want to kill him are the aliens in the woman's mouth. Still, he can't take living with him. The parents of more than ten years are not humans but aliens. Then what are you, and where did you come from?

Jack put the cigarette butt in his hand, "God, I can't believe it. How do you know these things? What's their purpose, and when did they land on Earth?"

"They are among us and have lived with humans on earth for decades, but humans know almost nothing about them." Jenny paused as if the following words were difficult to speak.

"Jack, I don't have time to explain to you; they will be here soon, they are too strong, I can't escape alone, so I need your help; I need a car, get him a gun, but in fact, I need you more."

"No, no, I don't want that stuff" Hearing Gun, Charlie gets nervous, but apparently, no one paid him any attention.

"I need you to help me get my Charlie to Lake Carrie."

"My God, this is probably the most amazing thing I've ever heard." Jack stood up and paced back and forth by the sofa. Jack took out the car keys from the coat pocket hanging on the wall and placed them in front of Jenny. "OK, you can drive away. I'd love to help you too, but I..."

"Jack," Jenny interrupted half of Jack's refusal, her eyes full of requests.

"Jane, I'm retired, and I'm getting old. Also, I can't do that."

"Jack, if it's because of the past, I'd like to say I'm sorry to leave you when we were in love. After my adoptive father died, I not only lost financial resources but also faced a huge amount of money owed to him; you know that I was in my second year of college. I had to end my studies, which happened to be because of money, and I found myself kidnapped."

"It has nothing to do with this. Jenny, I was a police officer, and my principles do not allow me to do anything against the law."

During the conversation, several black Land Rovers drove from the depths of the night, and the two trains seemed to intersect slowly outside the courtyard like two black veils of mist surrounding the entire house.

Jack got up and turned off all the lights in the house.

"They're coming." Jenny stood by the window, looking out through the shutters. "I drag them; you take Charlie to wait for me in the car."

"No, I'm leaving here; I don't care what you want; it's none of my business. I'll go and make it clear to them now"

"Don't be a fool; as long as you walk out the door now, I guarantee you'll be shot on the first foot! They want to kill us all! All of us! Do you understand? Follow me to Lake Carrie; finish what I want you to do; I promise to let you go; now you have to follow me closely behind Jack, follow me every step of the way, do you understand!?"

He felt that what Jenny said was not unreasonable. He didn't know the identity of the person on the other side. If he went out hastily and was shot to death, he might as well follow behind them. They would have already died several times if they wanted to kill themselves. Naturally, they didn't have to spend a lot of time. Thinking of this, he kept his mouth shut and didn't say anything.

Jenny took off a necklace from her neck, and the chain was tied to a half-palm-sized golden disc that looked like a medal at first glance. She will hand it to Charlie, "Bring it, you will use it." Charlie took the necklace and touched it with his hand, feeling the delicate texture. With the help of the weak light, he could see that the artistry was very thin. Charlie didn't speak; he just put it on his body.

"Jack, take care of him for me," Jenny looked at Jack.

Jack looked into Jenny's eyes and nodded, his eyes firm. He took off the shotgun and loaded it with live ammunition, and gave Charlie the pistol he was carrying. He hesitated and took it. Jack, looking through the shutters, looked surprised - the number of people surrounded was no less than two special forces squads, and all of them were well equipped and bad, and now a team was approaching.

Charlie followed behind Jack, his heart in his throat, his head in a cold sweat, his legs weak.

Jenny pressed the round black metal buckle in front of her lower abdomen; the belt buckle was a device to eject a small blue bottle of liquid, and she drank it. After drinking, a golden light flashed in Jenny's eyes, the long whip in her hand jumped, and blue light flashed.

With a "bang," Jenny broke through the door.

She walked and jumped before the men in black outside before they could see their shadows. She was as sensitive as a black panther with golden eyes. She waved her whip, and a blue light swept across the calf of the man in black in the dark, and she saw flesh and blood flying apart in an instant.

Immediately, everyone's gunfire flew towards her. In the darkness, like beams of blue lasers followed closely behind her, mud splashed wherever they went.

Jenny flexibly dodged the whip and fell, and another man in a black slashed the arm holding the gun in the air and then let outbursts of wailing.

Seeing that this was a good time, Jack pulled Charlie and rushed out of the house.

After a few men in black found out, they were suppressed by violent gunfire behind the plane tree. Charlie held his head and kept muttering swear words. Jack tried to shoot back with a gun and found an opportunity to rush to the car, but the firepower of the other party was too strong.

Seeing this, Jenny stabbed the other side's black Land Rover with the long whip, slammed the whole car off the ground in an instant, and flew towards the man in black who opened fire on Jack's group. Several black-clothed figures flew far away in an instant with knocked-over bowling pins. The rolling car slammed to a stop behind other vehicles.

This also bought time for Jack and Charlie to get into the car. The car became a living target, and the electric light shot from the gun instantly made the car's body riddled with holes and shattered the glass. In a panic, the two were nestled under the vehicle, but the car couldn't catch fire.

At this time, two black Lincolns stopped not far from the scene. Five or six people got out of the car. The woman in front has delicate red hair, a tall figure, flaming red lips, and is cold and sexy. The man next to him in a T-shirt was tall and robust, with a mohawk haircut. Behind them was a guy with his head brushed back, his cheeks sunken, and an expressionless face. His tightly closed and thin lips made the whole person look even grimmer.

The men in black who ran in front of them soon joined them. Unlike the men in black before, each used a weapon that could shoot chains about a foot away. The gun was massive, and its shot chain was like an arrow at the end. Wherever it went, the door pierced and the stone shattered. From time to time, flying chains caught Jenny's hands, trying to control her attacks and movements.

"It seems quite difficult to deal with," said the Longyan woman.

The giant mohawk grabbed a car. The red stone inlaid on the golden wristlet glowed with a faint red light. With a roar, the raised car flew toward Jenny relentlessly.

Seeing the car slammed down on her, Jenny struggled to put her pulled hands above her head, and the man in black, holding the chains on both sides, was pulled up by Jenny's sudden colossal force. The smashed car was torn into two pieces by Jenny's long whip, and the glamorous woman behind the car came one after another. She held a short knife in each hand, with a red stone inlaid in each hilt. The woman jumped down from the air and stabbed Jenny with both blades. After Jenny fended off her fierce attack with the whip, the two fought for several more rounds.

Not far away, Jack in the car finally started the car. Immediately, Jack Gao called Jenny's name to get her in the car and used firepower to cover her.

Although it was difficult for Jenny to fight against the two, there was still hope for them to escape.

At this time, two men in black opened the door of the white truck and jumped into the compartment full of machines for a while. The indicator light of the device in the car instantly turned on, and the activated transmitter on the roof began to rotate, making bursts of buzzing sounds. . A man in black opened the silver suitcase in his hand in front of the man with his hair combed back. The man with his hair searched his back and put several operating fingercots on the fingers of his right hand. Touch your finger's tip, and the fingertip indicator lights up. Then, with the movement of his hand in the air, seven or eight black and red light-like flying saucers flew out of the box. Following the direction of the man's fingers, several aircraft flew toward the top of Jenny's head in an instant.

Flying saucer-shaped aircraft spread over Jenny's head, and the man nodded to the two people in the white van. Then, several aircraft shot thousands of red lines to the ground at the same time, instantly forming a net and covering Jenny in it.

Jenny wanted to escape from this shroud, but after dodging several times, the man in black holding a chain tied her hands and feet again. At this moment, Jenny, shrouded in this big red net, felt that she had utterly lost her extraordinary ability and ordinary people. No difference; at the moment, I also realized that I might not be able to break free.

Jenny yelled at Jack to let them go.

The two men in black clothes and the big man were already running toward Charlie and Jack. Seeing this, Jack knew that if he didn't leave, he might not be able to escape.

"Quick, shoot!" Jack shouted, pressing the accelerator hard; then the car started and reversed.

Charlie closed his eyes and shot randomly out of the car window, accompanied by Jack's shot at the cover; the car rammed the car blocking the way, left the group behind, and drove into the pre-dawn darkness in a fire of gunfire.